互学互鉴 打开世界一扇窗
Century-old Foxcombe Hall,located in a suburbof Oxford, enjoys a carpet of green grassland anda picturesque lake. Neighboring the world-renownedUniversity of Oxford, the English manor is nowhome to the Oxford Campus of the Peking UniversityHSBC Business School (PHBS).
Maybe it never crossed the mind of young YanFuwho studiedin the UK 140 years ago and thenbecame Peking University's first principal-thatPeking University could start a new journey in thenation where he studied. The Guardian describesthe establishment of the Oxford Campus of PHBSas“a bold step” and “an important milestone for thedevelopment of China's higher education”.
The internationalization of Chinese educationalinstitutions clearly lags behind, compared withChinese economic institutions, which have a proventrack record in integrating global resources. Currently,the Oxford Campus of PHBS has been established.It is not only the first achievement of a Chineseuniversity to establish, manage, and operate anoverseas campus on its own, but also a milestone ofChinese higher education “going global”.
Peking University has made a series of pioneeringmoves, including purchasing the campus site,ananging independent management and operation, andrecruiting students from all over the world. A11 thesedemonstrate the determination of Peking Universityto become an intemational seat of learning. Hai Wen,dean of PHBS, said, "The internationalization ofChinese education means both welconung overseasuniversities to establish branch campuses in China,and encouraging Chinese universities to set upoverseas campuses. The establishment of the OxfordCampus of PHBS will lay a comerstone for Chineseuniversities in that regard."
It is known that the UK carries the highest cachetin education, not only among the Belt and Roadcountries. but also all over the world. Therefore,establishing a campus in the UK will bring moreopportunities for mutual learning with world topuniversities.
When you step in the campus, a taupe tower witha breathtaking panorama of surrounding countrysidescenery and the University of Oxford at the distancewill strike the eye, where the crest of PekingUniversity takes pride of place. In the future, studentsfrom different countries and regions will study at thisquiet and scenic campus.
According to the Peking University,PHBS UKcampus will focus on "Chinese economy, financialmarket,and business administration" in curriculumplanning, and will adopt the training mode underwhich students will have opportunities to study inthe main campus in China so as to make them tofully learn about this country. In this way, PHBSUK campus can not only prepare the ground of professional theories and knowledge for students,butalso offer them close-up insights into China's practicesin reform and development.
There is no doubt that Peking University is justone of many Chinese universities “going global”over recent years. The Xiamen University MalaysiaCampus (XMU Malaysia) and Soochow University,Laos (SUL) are such examples. According torelevant statistics, by the end of the first half of 2018,80 Chinese higher education institutions from 20provinces have run overseas campuses with nearly130 educational institutions and programs.
Apart from “going global”, introducing qualityforeign educational resources from Belt and Roadcountries into China with greater effort is anotherhighlight of the openness of Chinese education inrecent years. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University(XJTLU), New York University Shanghai (NYUShanghai), University of Nottingham Ningbo China(UNNC), and Ecole Centrale de Pekin (ECPk) aresome of the successful examples of“brining in”.
According to Lin Jinhui, director of Branch forChinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools,China Association of Higher Education (BCFCRS,CAHE), and director of Center of Research onChinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools,Xiamen University (CRCFCRS), by August 2018,there has been around 2,340 educational institutionsor programs jointly run by Chinese and foreigneducational institutions in China, delivering educationto about 600,000 students now including high schoolstudents and about 500,000 college students andtraining l.6 million graduates in total by now.
In July 2016, the Ministry of Education of thePRC (MOE) issued the Education Action Plan forJointly Building the Belt and Road Initiative,in whichit proposed to jointly build a Belt and Road educationcommunity, so as to enhance people-to-people bondsamong Belt and Road countries. As the Belt and RoadInitiative keeps breaking new ground, educationalcooperation has helped build bridges between Chineseand foreign students.
On January 23, a group of foreign students fromall over the world were celebrating Spring Festivalin Changsha, Hunan, by writing couplets, makingdumplings, drawing New Year pictures, and makingChinese calligraphy, experiencing the Chinese NewYear festivity in the air. "My wish for the new yearis to study hard, and to witness a stronger friendshipbetween China and the Republic of Togo," saidAmoussou Ekoe, an overseas student from theRepublic of Togo, afier finishing his first-ever couplets.
Ekoe is familiar with "Spring Festival", ashe has celebrated the Chinese New Year in Chinafor four times. In 2012, he came to ChangshaUniversity of Science & Technology (CSUST) tostudy civil engineering, and went back to Togo in2017 after graduation. In 2018, he was admitted as apostgraduate student of CSUST. "The reason why Ichoose China again is partly because of my thirst formore knowledge in this field. But what matter to meeven more are the friends that I made in China andmy attachment to China over the past six years," saidEkoe sincerely. He also added that China is gainingmomentum. The more he knows about China,themore he likes traditional Chinese culture.
Unlike Ekoe, postgraduate student Abby'sbiggest wish is to promote Chinese martial art in herhomeland Norway after she graduates from BeijingSport University (BSU). "Because most Norwegianpeople know little about Chinese martial art, I hope Ican do my bit in promoting this traditional art in myhomeland. That is why I am doing a postgraduateprog/am in China," She said.
Maybe Chinese people don't know much aboutthe Republic of Moldova, an inland country inSoutheast Europe, but Yao Meiling chose to study inthis distant nation through the scholarship exchangeprogram with Commonwealth of Independent States.Yao said,the reason why she chose to study in theRepublic of Moldova is that she hopes to help enhancemutual understanding between the two peoples.
Recent years have witnessed a growing numberof both foreign students who regard China as the firstchoice for overseas study and Chinese students whochoose to study in other Belt and Road countries.According to statistics from the MOE. in 2017,the number of students from other Belt and Roadcountries studying in China reached 317,200,accounting for 64.85% of Chinese total foreignstudents; the number of Chinese students studying inother Belt and Road countries recorded 66,100, up15.7% over the past year, a percentage higher than theoverall growth rate of Chinese overseas students.
Dr. Miao Lyu, vice president and secretarygeneral of Center for China and Globalization (CCG) held that, these trends can be attributed to two factors.First, China has offered a series of policies-relatedand institutional incentives. MOE and other Chineseeducation authorities at all levels have produced abatch of guiding documents to promote educationalcooperation with other Belt and Road countries.Second, China has offered scholarship and improvedaccess to learning about Chinese language andculture. With China's rise in both economic strengthand intemational influence, Mandarin is sweeping theworld. Many people from worldwide countries andregions want to expand individual development spaceand business cooperation potential through learningChinese language and culture.
Lately, the lOOth batch of Saudi Arabianpetroleum students from different colleges oruniversities in Saudi Arabia joined the No. I drillingcrew of Sinopec Zhongyuan Petroleum EngineeringCo., Ltd. as the first stop of their internship. Asthe internship site for university students for SaudiArabian Oil Company, the No. I drilling crew haschanneled more than l,000 qualified drilling talents toSaudi Arabia over the past ten years.
"Mr. Zuo, without you, I wouldn't have gottenwhere I am now," said Mollanmed Dau from Sudanwhen he encountered Zuo Junwei. his former mentorand now manager of drilling platform for No. 757drilling crew of African Projects Department ofSinopec Zhongyuan Peb01emn Engineering Co., Ltd.at the well site.
Back then, Dau worked in Zuo's team, aftergraduating in petroleum engineering from theUniversity of Khartoum in Sudan. As a green hand,inexperienced Dau was not competent in many aspectsof work. However, thanks to Zuo's patient teaching ofonsite operation techniques, Dau became a team leaderwitlrin just half a year. Now, he is a manager of drillingplatform of a Sudanese drilling crew.
As the old saying goes, practice is the best teacher.Positions at the production line always can fastestshow what kind of talents are needed by enterprises.As the Belt and Road Initiative gains momentum,there is an increasmg need for teclrnician personnel,so more universities have made new moves. Withrespective strengths in nuncL Jiangsu University, ChinaUniversity of Geosciences. University of IntemationalBusiness and Economics and other universities havemade targeted efforts by establishing Silk RoadInstitute, running colleges based on the needs ofjobs, and launching cooperation between universitiesand enterprises, in a bid to produce intemationalizedtalents for the Belt and Road Initiative.
This is also the reason why the Kenyan studentCariou chose to study in the Beijing JiaotongUniversity. Cariou's hometown is along the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, one of the flagship projects under theBelt and Road Initiative. According to the agreementbetween the project builder,China Road and BridgeCorporation (CRBC), and Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing Jiaotong University shall train talents forlocalized construction, operation and management forthe Mombasa-Nairobi Railway. Cariou is one of the35 students who stood out among the second batch of500 applicants.
"Kenya has been on good terms with China,and China is always willing to help Kenya. Aftergraduation, we will come back to Kenya, to improvethe transport condition of our motherland with theknowledge we have acquired in China. This willcertainly contribute greatly to the development ofKenya, " said Cariou.
Liu Yanqing, director of Center for IntemationalEducation and Exchange Center of Beijing JiaotongUniversity, said that “Our students not only knowthe conditions of China, but also speak Mandarin.Therefore. they will play their roles in China-Kenyaexchanges. For example, after graduation, Mongolianstudent Artur has participated in all China-Mongoliacooperation transportation projects. In 2012, hebecame the youngest section chief in the railwaysector of Mongolia. As more and more high speedtrain projects are launched in the future, I believemore students may choose the majors related to therailway sector.”
China has joined hands with other Belt and Roadcountries in many innovative moves, including high-level negotiation, jointly-run schools, talent trainingfor specific sectors, and establishing top-level thinktanks. These efforts have enhanced educationalcooperation and exchange among countries,continuously provided high-quality talents, andadvanced the economic and social development ofBelt and Road countries. In addition, China has alsomade education as the most significant project in thepublic interest, under the Belt and Road Initiative.