Italy needs to intensify in-depth cooperation with Chinain various fields, including notonly the economic and trade,but also people-to-peopleexchanges. To this end, wemust be an active participant inthe Belt and Road Initiative.——Vito Rosario Petrocelli,
President of the Foreign
Affairs Committee of the
Senate of Italy
Cyprus supports China’sfuture strategies and especiallythe Belt and Road Initiativeproposed by Chinese leaderswhich boasts strong prospectsfor cooperation. Cyprs is eagerto maximize its cooperationwith China and ultimatelybecome a viable partner withmutual benefit——Demetris Syllours,
President of the House of
Representatives of Cyprus
Among the first countriesto join the Belt and RoadInitiative. Maldives feels happyfor the progress China hasmade in the past few years andis looking forward to makingmore efforts in promoting theInitiative——Mohamed Faisal,
Maldivian Ambassador to
The Belt and RoadInitiative has expanded itsinfluence from regions to allover the globe, opening itsarms to Latin America andthe Caribbean area. Argentinashould seize the opportunity topromote its trade with Chinaand inject new vigor to itseconomy.——Eduardo Daniel Oviedo,
Professor at the National
Universitv of Rosario,