You Are the Best
小熊和他的好朋友住在森林里,他们在一起举办了才艺展示。唱歌的唱歌,跳舞的跳舞,讲笑话的讲笑话,好热闹啊!谁是最棒的?Who’s the best? Let’s read the story.
Little Bear lives in the forest.
He often plays with his friends.
“Let’s make a talent show,” suggests(建議) Bear.
“Great! I can dance,” says Giraffe.
“I can play the violin,” says Bear.
“And I can tell jokes,” says Monkey.
“What can I do?” asks Lion.
“You can sing a song,” suggests Bear.
“That’s a good idea,” says Lion.
Squirrel is unhappy.
He sighs(叹息) .
“I can’t sing ,” says Squirrel.
“I can’t dance or tell jokes.
And I can’t play an instrument(乐器) .
I guess you won’t want me in the show.”
“Of course we want you,” says Bear.
“You are the most important part of the show.”
Everybody helps build a stage(舞台) for the show.
The stage is cool!
Little Bear is the first to perform(表演).
He plays his violin.
Squirrel claps and claps.
“Bear, you are the best violinist,” says Squirrel.
Lion is singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ...”
Squirrel shouts, “Great! Great!
Lion, you are the best singer.”
Little Giraffe is dancing.
Squirrel cheers, “How beautiful!
Giraffe, you are the best dancer.”
Little Monkey tells a joke.
Squirrel laughs so hard
that he gets the hiccups(打嗝).
“Monkey, you are the
best joker, ” says Squirrel.
The show is over now.
Bear says, “Thanks for being part of the show, Squirrel.”
“Me?” says Squirrel. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You are the best audience(观众)!” say the animals.