World’s Top 10 Coffee Cities Every Coffee Lover Should Visit 世界十大咖啡之都


英语世界 2019年3期


When you love coffee, you love coffee. You have distinct opinions on where the best coffee is in your local area. When you travel, you have to know the scoop1 on where to get some quality brew. But if the entire city had a high chance of providing a tasty cup of Joe2… well, it could be your personal heaven.

Coffee lovers, your destination choices for your next vacation just narrowed down. Here are 10 of the best cities for coffee across the globe:

Rome, Italy

Italy is known for its love of quality food, and the same applies to the coffee. Rome is packed with caffès that keep the city running. Coffee brewers take their business very seriously, so that you rarely meet a watered-down3 cup. Italians often enjoy some black or very mildly sweetened coffee, so those who like a full-flavored4 no-frills5 brew will find themselves among friends.

Havana, Cuba

If you’re planning a trip to Cuba, you’ll find that this country offers a slew6 of strong and often sweet coffee drinks. Espresso is the popular drink component of choice, which you can get as a Café Cubano (espresso shot7 brewed with sugar) or a cortadito (espresso shot with milk). Cuban coffee is a bit of an acquired taste8, but those who drink it say you quickly learn to prefer it!

Reykjavik, Iceland

This might seem like an odd addition, but Icelanders have become much more interested in quality brews in the past couple of decades. Without much of a presence from big coffee chains, competition is strong for the country’s independent coffee shops, resulting in high quality coffee to impress and draw in customers. Even the commercial roasters there are small-scale, so you’re not getting big mass-produced roasts even if the shop doesn’t grind their own beans.

Vienna, Austria

When it comes to coffee, Vienna goes hard: the city had its coffee shops listed as “intangible heritage9” by UNESCO in 2011. Vienna cafes pride themselves on their atmosphere, taking the furnishings and decoration of shop interiors quite seriously. These spaces are great social or people-watching atmospheres. Viennese particular enjoy cappuccinos and espresso drinks, as well as the local Wiener Melange (“one espresso shot served in a large coffee cup topped with steamed milk and milk foam”).

Seattle, WA, USA

In Seattle you’ll find coffee shops both upscale industrial-chic and artsy hipster, and varieties in between. Seattlites have pretty strong opinions about who makes the best coffee—mostly because we have to, seeing as how “coffee” is permanently associated with Seattle in the public’s eye. Some of us might tell you that we don’t like or go to Starbuck’s but we’re totally lying. We have and will go there.  (Note: If it isn’t obvious yet, Seattle is my hometown. Represent.)

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne loves coffee so much that they host an annual coffee expo and have their own coffee-related publication, the Melbourne Coffee Review. What makes Melbourne coffee shops unique is the way the city is divided: the city is divided into several “villages”, each with its own specific culture. The most recommended drinks to get in Melbourne are typically lattes or other coffee drinks with milk.

Istanbul, Turkey

Turkey is known for its rich, dark coffee beans. They have a unique method for it as well. Turkish baristas grind beans into a fine meal10, and boil them both with or without sugar in a cezve, a specially made pot for Turkish coffee. They don’t use sifters, so the cups of coffee are given a moment to let the grounds11 settle to the bottom before being served. If you have a taste for thick, flavorful coffee and a desire for a whole new experience, Istanbul is the way to go.

Addis Abada, Ethiopia

Considered the “birthplace of coffee”, and one of the world’s top coffee bean producers today, it’s no surprise that coffee is an important part of Ethiopian culture. If you have friends or relatives there, expect to be invited to a coffee ceremony. You’ll enjoy roasting and grinding the beans, then brewing them in a clay pot before finally enjoying the final product with your hosts.

Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver is full of coffee micro-brewers and skilled baristas, and is a great urban destination for quality coffee. Cold brewing12 and the Clover13 coffee maker are two favorite brewing methods. Downtown reportedly has a large number of excellent coffee shops, but gems can be found in some of the city’s less-bustling neighborhoods too. Vancouver residents enjoy Americanos and espresso drinks in particular, but there’s certainly a wide variety of well-crafted14 cups.

Portland, OR, USA

Take the hippie-est parts of Seattle coffee culture, multiply it by at least fifty, and you get Portland. It’s not that there’s no sophistication, far from it. There’s simply a greater variety of quirk15 and homey coffee spots. Fair-trade16 and sustainable17 options abound, and you’ll find a lot of really fun shops with artsy or cozy interiors and rave reviews.






















把西雅图咖啡文化中最嬉皮的一部分放大至少50倍,就是波特兰咖啡文化。这并不是说波特兰不雅致,其实远非如此。只是这里有更多新奇而舒适的咖啡馆。这里的咖啡很多都经过公平贸易认证,并且符合可持续发展原则。你会发现很多非常有趣的咖啡店,店面有着或文艺或温馨的室内设计,好评如潮。                      □



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