The Three Billy Goats Gruff


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2019年8期

许红丽 夏引 陆雪梅 于海燕


华思力 刘思含 卞捷翔 陈徐璐

Billy Goat 1:Ba-a-a! It’s a sunny day. I am the smallest billy goat. I am just a kid.

Billy Goat 2:Ba-a-a! I am not small. I am medium(中等的).

Billy Goat 3:Ba-a-a! Well,I am big. I am strong. Can you see my big horns(角)?

Billy Goat 1:Oh,I am so hungry.

Billy Goat 2:Me too.

Billy Goat 3:Look,grass!

Billy Goat 3:Let’s have a big meal today!

Billy Goat 1&2&3:Ah,here comes a troll(巨怪)!

Troll:I’m a troll. I’m mean(卑劣的). I’m strong. I feel so hungry. I can eat a big horse.

Billy Goat 1:I want to eat the grass. The best grass is over there.

Billy Goat 2:But the troll is over there,too.

Billy Goat 1:I am not afraid. I want to have a try. Just wait and see!

Billy Goat 2&3:Be careful!


Billy Goat 1:It is me,the smallest billy goat.

Troll:What a nice meal! I am going to eat you.

Billy Goat 1:Oh,my friend. I am too small. The next one is bigger than me.

Troll:Bigger? Fine,you can go now. I am waiting for the next one.

Billy Goat 2:Wow,it’s time for me to cross the bridge.

Billy Goat 3:Be careful!

Troll:Who is there?

Billy Goat 2:It is me,a medium billy goat.

Troll:Oh,great! You are heavy and juicy(多汁的) enough. I can hardly wait to eat you up.

Billy Goat 2:Oh,no. I am too slim. I have no fat. The next one must be juicier than me. I know he will come across the bridge soon.

Troll:I am very,very hungry. I can eat a very large goat. OK,the best thing comes last. Thanks for your information. Now you can go.

Billy Goat 2:Really?

Troll:Yes,you need to eat more grass and get fatter. I will eat you up later.

Billy Goat 2:(whisper) What a silly(愚蠢的) troll!

Billy Goat 1:Ba-a-a!

Billy Goat 2:Ba-a-a!

Troll:My biggest billy goat,come on!

Billy Goat 3:They both made it. I am the smartest and the strongest one among us. I can walk across that bridge too!

Troll:I will eat you,Billy Goat!

Billy Goat 3:No,Troll. I am not very big. There are many other big billy goats behind.

Troll:Don’t fool me! You are the biggest one. My biggest billy goat,you look so yummy.

Billy Goat 3:Well,I am the biggest. But I am also the smartest one.

Troll:Really? I will catch you first.

Billy Goat 3:You are too stupid! You cannot catch me.

Troll:Why not? I am a troll. I am fast. I am strong. I am coming!

Billy Goat 3:Oh,you cannot win! My friends,come on!

Troll:What’s going on?

Billy Goat 1&2&3:Troll,you missed the best chance to eat us. Union is strength(團结就是力量)! Now,we are full,but you are still hungry. We are strong enough to defeat you. Ba-a-a!

Troll:Oh my god! Please let me go. I won’t be in the way(挡道) again,and I will get along well with you,I promise!

Billy Goat 1&2&3:You are so mean. We must give you a lesson anyway!

Troll:Help! Help!

(The End)



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