Pegasus Bridge飞马桥


英语世界 2019年6期

聂雅真 袁兵

We are wrapping up1 a week-long visit to Normandy, having visited the landing beaches and many of the battlefields from the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944. Now, near the end of our visit to Normandy, we’re finally getting to where the D-Day invasion began, several hours before the landings.

While the U.S. forces were landing well to the west, British and Canadian forces were landing on the three beaches to the east: Gold, Juno, and Sword. Overnight on June 5th/6th, British and Canadian airborne infantry parachuted and landed gliders in this area forming the eastern flank of the Allies’ vast landing operation.

Elements of British 6th Airborne Division2 and the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion3 were tasked with capturing that pair of bridges across the Orne and its canal, destroying five bridges across the Dives River, and destroying a German artillery battery at Merville. The British unit’s insignia4 was a winged horse, leading to the bridge being known ever since as Pegasus5 Bridge. The other bridge is now known as Horsa Bridge, named for the Horsa gliders in which the men arrived.

Intelligence had reported that the Germans had heavily defended the bridges, and also installed explosive charges to destroy them if they seemed to be in danger of capture. If the Germans held the bridges, or if the bridges were destroyed, the 6th Airborne Division would be stranded between the two rivers and cut off from the main Allied forces. British planners concluded that a glider-borne assault would be the only means of capturing the bridges intact.

Six Horsa gliders were towed from RAF Tarrant Rushton in southern England to deliver a reinforced company6 of six infantry platoons7 and an attached platoon of Royal Engineers to handle the demolition charges; one infantry platoon plus five Royal Engineers in each glider. This glider operation has commonly been described as one of “the most outstanding flying achievements of the war.”

Fifty men of the German 736th Grenadier Regiment8, 716th Infantry Division defended the bridge. The Division’s eight battalions were deployed along 34 kilometers of Germany’s defensive Atlantic Wall. The regiment at the bridges was a static one, deployed to Normandy for two years at that point. The regiment was poorly equipped and poorly manned. The men were conscripts9 from Poland, Russia and France, armed with a mix of foreign weapons and commanded by a German officer and senior non-commissioned officers.

At 22:56 on the 5th the six Horsa gliders carrying the assault force of 181 men, crossed the Channel at 7,000 feet, crossing the Normandy coast and releasing the gliders at 00:07 on the 6th. One of the gliders struck an earthen bank, throwing the pilot and co-pilot through the windscreen and stunning the passengers. All of the landings were really barely-controlled crashes, with a parachute deployed from the rear of the glider shortly before landing to slow its speed. The other gliders arrived at one-minute intervals. The second swerved at the last moment to avoid hitting the first and broke in two as a result. The third skidded into a pond.

The narrow strip between the river and the canal is largely marshland, the gliders were crashing into water and soft soil. But the implausibility10 of gliders being landed with such precision in darkness led the defenders to assume that the sounds were from a bomber crash in the distance. They were surprised when the British formed up and attacked. Pathfinders11 from the 22nd Independent Parachute Company landed between the canal and the river at 00:19. There was a firefight, but by 00:21 German resistance on the west bank of the canal had ended.

The commander of the German 716th Infantry Division was informed at 01:20 that the Allied had captured both bridges intact. He ordered that tanks of the 21st Panzer Division attack the landing areas, but all German Panzer formations could only be moved on the direct orders of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was sleeping and his staff refused to wake him.

The landings at Sword Beach began at 07:00. The men who had arrived by glider and parachute and seized the bridges managed to hold on until larger units made their way inland from the British and Canadian landings. The airborne troops heard bagpipes12 approaching at 13:30.

The British Army’s 1st Special Service Brigade13, renamed later that year as the 1st Commando Brigade, had arrived from the landing beaches, followed by some tanks. They reinforced the Allied positions around the bridges and moved into Bénouville and surrounding areas. The men who had flown and jumped in to seize the bridges turned them over to larger units around midnight on the 6th.

That’s what happened 75 years ago at Pegasus Bridge and its surrounding area in June 1944.













