The New Rental Economy租赁经济步入新阶段


英语世界 2019年6期

布赖恩·皮尔森 杨光

Welcome to retail 2019, when no sale is ever final.

From monthly rentals to circular product swapping, more retailers are catering the whims1 of shoppers who are inclined to2 invest in what they fantasize their homes and lives to be for occasions, but not forever.

Rent The Runway3 spotlighted this purchasing proclivity4 with its recent expansion into reusable home furnishings through a partnership with West Elm5. Rent the Runway follows Fernish6, whose Seattle and Los Angeles subscribers can rent, trade and buy individual furnishings or curated collections. And companies such as Joymode7 sell rental subscriptions for items ranging from martini kits to pizza ovens.

Big brands are eyeing the concept as well: Ikea is planning a furniture leasing program in Switzerland.

Furniture is just an indicator, however. Borrowing is not low-rent; it’s high style, regardless of the items changing hands. It’s swapping—a term very palatable8 in the widely accepted sharing economy. Temporary purchasing in fact shares many characteristics of the sharing economy, which indicates more product categories will be absorbed into this model of consumerism.

By extending from apparel to the home and beyond, retailers suggest the prognosis for the borrowing economy’s longevity is better than that of the products involved.

That it seeks to extend the lifecycle of the products traded is fitting, considering its origins exist, in part, in the fast-fashion craze made possible by low-priced, uber-trendy chains such as Forever 21. Twenty years later, conscientious9 shoppers are less comfortable contributing to10 the world’s growing waste problem. Merchants spotted the opportunity and rentals became vogue—a feel-good, feasible alternative for a post-recession population.

Psychologically, temporary ownership appeals because it feels as if we are investing in experiences, not ownership.

And it’s lucrative11. The resale market alone is expected to generate $41 billion by 2020, while the sharing economy is projected to reach $335 billion by 2025.

Those projections borrow from the belief that sharing, renting and swapping will extend into a variety of categories, such as the large home furnishings sector.

Rent The Runway’s partnership with West Elm enables shoppers to rent “bundles” of pillows, throws and other decorative items for the bedroom and living room, and then return or purchase them after 30 days. And Ikea’s Swiss-based leasing test, which will begin with office furniture, is motivated by12 a strategy that can easily jump borders: It just wants to prolong the life of its furnishings.

Among merchants that are taking the leap outside of furniture and apparel:

Green Piñata13

This educational toy club ships boxes of playthings selected from a catalog organized by curriculum. For $25 a month, parents can select four toys by age group (six months to five years) as well as play skill, such as cognitive or social. The child can play with the toys for as long as he wants before returning for a new box (shipping is free), and parents have the option to buy the toys.


This free membership service links drivers to a range of cars, from Toyotas to Teslas, that they share with nearby renters for as little as $5 an hour. All rentals include insurance and roadside assistance. Those who rent out their cars through Getaround get dedicated parking spots and $50 monthly driving credits toward their own rentals.


Designed for creative people who might not be able or willing to invest in expensive camera gear, Parachut rents out high-end equipment from individuals, manufacturers and brands. Subscribers can use the gear as long as necessary, paying daily rates. A Mavic Pro drone, for example, rents for $7 a day. Parachut “pros” are available to help users.


Movie stars borrow diamonds for the red carpet, so why shouldn’t everyday people sport temporary baubles at a party? For $21 a month, subscribers build wish lists of items from a catalog of thousands of designer and exclusive pieces. A personal stylist then selects three pieces for the member to rent as long as she desires. If the member falls in love with a piece, she can apply the $21 fee to its purchase.


An actual peer-to-pier18 marketplace, Antlos enables those who want yacht vacations to take them, without spending millions. Its yacht “Skippers” operate from the Caribbean to Croatia, and every boat comes equipped with an on-board captain (or skipper). The renter does not even have to know how to sail. Not all boats are yachts—one recent search turned up a catamaran, available in Greece, for $403 a day per guest.

What is consistent across all of these services is users have the option to own what they rent. But even then, shoppers should think about their product’s next life. Because somewhere, there will likely be a service or merchant prepared to re-enter these items into the economy, to be refurbished, rented or shared without the commitment of ownership. No sale, or experience, will be final.



Rent The Runway(RTR)公司最近与West Elm公司合作,将业务扩张到了重复使用家居用品,此举令这一消费趋势备受关注。早在RTR之前,Fernish公司就已开展这类业务,该公司在西雅图和洛杉矶的用户可以租赁、交换、购买自用家具或各类收藏品。Joymode等公司还为用户提供包括马丁尼鸡尾酒套装、比萨饼烤箱等各类物品的租赁服务。




考虑到这一业务模式部分源自快时尚的热潮,带来这股潮流的是Forever 21这类超时髦的低价连锁店,所以追求延长所交易产品的生命周期倒也合情合理。20年后,关注环保的购物者不忍再加剧世界日益严重的浪费问题。商家抓住了这个机会,租赁也成了时尚——对刚刚走出经济衰退的人群来说,这是一种感觉良好而切实可行的替代方法。




RTR与West Elm合作后,购物者可以为自己的卧室和客厅“成捆打包”租用枕头、床罩及其他装饰性物品,30天后可以选择还回或买下。宜家在瑞士尝试开展的家具租赁项目将从办公家具租赁开始,该项目的动因是一个很容易跨界实施的营销策略:就是希望延长其家具产品的使用寿命。


Green Piñata





许多富有创意的人可能无力或不愿购买昂贵的摄影器材,Parachut专为这一人群提供高端设备出租服务,设备来自个人、制造商和品牌商。用户可以根据所需时间使用设备,按日付费。例如,Mavic Pro无人机的租金为每天7美元。Parachut还安排“专业人士”向用户提供支持服务。







