

疯狂英语·新阅版 2019年1期





He stood on the corner looking a lot like Santa Claus, a smile on his face and a cup outstretched in his hands. I smiled back and asked if he was hungry, “Would you like to go somewhere and share a sandwich?” He responded with a bigger smile and a resounding(夸张的) YES.

His name is Aed. We went together to a corner bakery and then over the next hour, he very slowly ate his sandwich, pausing with deep delight on each bite as he shared his life story with me.

He was one of the few hand pruners (修枝剪刀) still trying to work. He spoke lovingly and with deep passion about all sorts of plants and trees and how to properly care for them. Much like humans, each one requiring kindness and attention.

He spoke of his time serving in Vietnam and how that forever affected him. He spoke about a pathway diverged(分開) but then regained. He spoke about his philosophy on life; that we all have gifts to offer and we all have the choice to be happy even without a place to call home. His blue eyes shone brighter and brighter.

I asked if I could hug him. Another resounding YES. And then we hugged a second and third time, each one a bit longer and a bit more joyful.

Aed gave me a gift that day. It was the gift of his story. We stay in touch now and

again via email; he is a brilliant man. So, the next time you see someone on a corner with an outstretched hand, reach out and gently take it. You may receive the bigger gift.

1.What can we learn about Aed according to the passage?

A.He was a little shy.

B.He was very optimistic.

C.He was very old and pessimistic.

D.He didnt serve in Vietnam.

2.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Well begun is half done.

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine.

D.He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.

Difficult sentence

1.He spoke of his time (serve) in Vietnam and how that forever affected him.



2.The next time you see someone on a corner with an outstretched hand, reach out and gently take it.


【点石成金】The next time 名词短语用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.properly adv.适当地; 正确地

2.kindness n.仁慈;善良;友好的举动

3.share with sb 和某人分享 for 照料;非常喜欢

5.stay in touch 保持联系

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.

1.It is your heart that helps you family and friends in need.

2.Many young Chinese use the messages

their friends.

3.Most of all we must them our hope for the future, their future.

4.We have been treated with such by everybody.

5.Youre too thin. Youre not eating .


Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者