摘 要:随着现代信息技术在农业领域的广泛应用,以智慧农业为表现形态的农业智能革命已经到来。智慧农业是农业信息化发展从数字化到网络化再到智能化的高级阶段,对农业发展具有里程碑意义,已成为世界现代农业发展的趋势。分析了日本、欧盟、英国、加拿大、美国等国家和地区政府针对智慧农业发展相继出台的政策、措施和发展规划,并分析了中国农业1.0到4.0的发展历程和近年来智慧农业的发展现状。围绕发展过程中存在的各种问题和需求,阐述了突破智慧农业核心技术、实现农业“机器替代人力”、“电脑替代人脑”、“自主技术替代进口”的三大转变,提高农业生产智能化和经营网络化水平,加快信息化服务普及,降低应用成本,为农民提供用得上、用得起、用得好的个性化精准信息服务,大幅度提高农业生产效率、效能、效益,引领现代农业发展的战略目标。最后并提出了8个重点任务建议和推动智慧农业发展的5项政策建议。
中图分类号:S-1 文獻标志码:A 文章编号:201812-SA005
赵春江. 智慧农业发展现状及战略目标研究[J]. 智慧农业, 2019, 1(1): 1-7.
Zhao C. State-of-the-art and recommended developmental strategic objectives of smart agriculture[J]. Smart
Agriculture, 2019, 1(1): 1-7. (in Chinese with English abstract)
1 引言
人类社会经历了农业革命、工业革命,正在经历智能革命[1]。具体到农业领域,农业自身发展经历了以矮杆品种为代表的第一次绿色革命[2]、以动植物转基因为核心的二次绿色革命[3],随着现代信息技术在农业领域的广泛应用,农业的第三次革命——农业智能革命已经到来。农业智能革命的核心要素是信息、装备和智能,其表现形态就是智慧农业(Smart Agriculture/Farming)。
2 全球智慧农业发展现状
智慧农业已成为当今世界现代农业发展的大趋势,世界多个发达国家和地区的政府和组织相继推出了智慧农业发展计划。2014年,日本启动实施“战略性创新/创造计划(Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, SIP)”,并于2015年启动了基于“智能机械+现代信息”技术的“下一代农林水产业创造技术”[4]。2017年10月12日,欧洲农业机械协会(European Agricultural Machinery Association, CEMA)召开峰会[5],提出在信息化背景下,农业数字技术革命正在到来,未来欧洲农业的发展方向是以现代信息技术与先进农机装备应用为特征的农业4.0(Farming 4.0)——智慧农业;英国国家精准农业研究中心(The National Centre for Precision Farming, NCPF)在欧盟FP7计划支持下,正实施未来农场(Future Farm)智慧农业项目,研发除草机器人进行除草作业,替代使用化学农药,目前已经在100亩的田块上实现了从播种到收获全过程的机器人化农业[6]。加拿大联邦政府预测与策划组织(Policy Horizons Canada)[7]在其发布的《元扫描 3:新兴技术与相关信息图(MetaScan 3: Emerging technologies)》报告中指出,土壤与作物传感器、家畜生物识别技术、变速收割控制、农业机器人、机械化农场网络、封闭式生态系统、垂直(工厂化)农业等技术将在未来5~10年进入到生产应用,改变传统农业[8]。美国在经历了机械化、杂交种化、化学化、生物技术化后,正走向智慧农业(Smart Agriculture),到2020年,美国平均每个农场将拥有50台连接物联网的设备[9]。
据国际咨询机构研究与市场(Research and Market)预测[10],到2025年,全球智慧农业市值将达到300.1亿美元,发展最快的是亚太地区(中国和印度),2017-2025年复合增长率(Compound Annual Growth Rate, CAGR)达到11.5%,主要内容包括大田精准农业、智慧畜牧业、智慧渔业、智能温室,主要技术包括遥感与传感器技术、农业大数据与云计算服务技术、智能化农业装备(如无人机、机器人)等。
3 中国智慧农业发展现状与存在问题
4 我国智慧农业发展的目标任务
4.1 国家战略需求分析
4.2 智慧农业战略目标
4.3 重点任务
(3)研制智能拖拉机。目前我国大马力高端智能拖拉机主要依靠进口。研制农机传感器高性能芯片,智能终端,基于国际标准的控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network,CAN)总线技术控制模块,攻克拖拉机自动驾驶技术,包括农机导航陀螺加速度传感器、全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System,GNSS)板卡、ARM(Advanced RISC Machines)芯片、角度传感器、电动方向盘电机和基增强技术等。
5 未来发展政策建议
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State-of-the-art and recommended developmental strategic
objectivs of smart agriculture
Chunjiang Zhao
(National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China)
Abstract: With the wide applications of modern information technology in agriculture, agricultural intelligent technology revolution with manifestation of smart agriculture is coming. Smart agriculture is an advanced stage in the development of agricultural informatization from digitalization to networking to intelligence, it forms a new way of agricultural production, i.e., taking information and knowledge as the core elements, and integrating modern information technology such as internet, internet of things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, intelligent equipment, and so on, to realize agricultural information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise input, and personalized service. Smart agriculture is a milestone in the development of agriculture and has become the development trend of modern agriculture in the world. In this article, the policies, measures, and programs for encouraging the development of smart agriculture issued by Japan, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and other countries and regions were summarized, the development history from 1.0 version to 4.0 version of agriculture and development status of smart agriculture in China were also analyzed: remarkable results has achieved, at the end of 2017, the proportion of internet access in administrative villages reached 96%, 204,000 villages established the AgroSciences Information Agency, the retail sales of rural networks reached RMB 1.25 trillion Yuan, 426 cost-effective agricultural IoT products and technologies have been formed by the implementation of IoT pilot project. Behind the rapid development, smart agriculture in China still faces the problems of lack of basic research and technology accumulation, technologies such as sensors for agriculture, animal and plant models with intelligent decision-making, intelligent and precise operation equipment are the main short-boards. The pilot construction projects for the application of smart agriculture have been carried out all over the country, however, the role of display was greater than the actual effect. In order to solving the problems and achieving development demand, the strategic objectives of breaking through the core technologies, realizing the three major changes of "machine replacing manpower", "computer replacing human brain", and "independent technology replacing imports", improving the agricultural production level of intelligence and management network, accelerating the popularization of information services, and reducing application cost, providing farmers with personalized and precise information services that are affordable, and well-used, greatly improving agricultural production efficiency, and guiding the development of modern agriculture were proposed. Based on the analysis above, finally, eight key tasks including developing agricultural sensors, large-load agricultural UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) protection systems, smart tractors, agricultural robots, agricultural big data, agricultural artificial intelligence, integrated applications and smart agricultural industry, and five policy recommendations including strengthening government support, formulating relevant subsidy policies, strengthening technical standards, and opening data sharing for the future development of smart agriculture in China were proposed.
Key words: smart agriculture; digitalization; networking; intelligent production; precise information service; agricultural 4.0; agricultural internet of things; agricultural artificial intelligence