How does VR work 如何操作VR


疯狂英语·读写版 2019年10期



The basis of a really good VR experience comes with a headset.

A VR headset is a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) that blocks out the outside world and displays a 3D world or stitched images to create a simulation for the user. VR headsets block out the outside world and present a whole new view for the user. In many cases the screen is set to focus to fill our entire peripheral vision and to block out the outside world. When you put on a professional series VR headset, you should feel like you are in the scene and interacting with it.

The process of starting up a VR simulation begins with putting on this headset. Users will usually start up the application or have someone get the game or application going on a PC or console. The VR headset is then plugged in and users can switch their view over to the headset to immerse themselves in the experience. Once the headset is placed on users' heads and adjusted to fill their peripheral vision, they can use the motion controls to control the experience on screen or their own body movement to move around the scene. As the user looks around, motion controls in the headset will control the scene as it pans across the screen. As long as the user keeps the headset on, the scene will continue to move and interact with him as he moves his head or uses the controller to look around and interact.

VR technology continues to improve with immersion as well. New headsets, such as the Oculus Rift and Samsung Gear VR are available for use in almost anyone's home. The Oculus Rift is heralded as one of the premier systems for home use and the Samsung Gear VR works with the latest Samsung Galaxy smartphones to turn any smartphone screen into a VR experience. As more competitors continue to develop products, it will be interesting to see just how the market develops and the types of products that are available to users in the near future.

Reading Check

1. What is the basis of using VR?

A. A computer. B. A console. C. A headset. D. A screen.

2. What's the main purpose of the VR headset?

A. To play a TV series for the user.

B. To create a simulation for the user.

C. To block out the outside world for the user.

D. To present some surrounding views for the user.

Language Study

Ⅰ. Important phrases

1. block  _________   阻挡(光线或声音)

2. put    _________   穿上;戴上

3. interact   _________  和……互动;交流

4. look    _________ 环顾四周

Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1. VR headsets block out the outside world and  _________  (present) a whole new view for the user.

2. The process of starting up a VR simulation   _________  (begin) with putting on this headset.091C32E4-7D3F-4D5D-ACA8-6D16344252DE


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