Contrast Test Between Direct Seeding and Seedling Transplanting of Diwangcai
Ping LI Yan YANG Zhonggang CUI Zhonghua ZHANG
AbstractTo improve the yield of Diwangcai and explore its best cultivation way, direct seeding and seedling transplanting of Diwangcai were contrasted. The results showed that cumulative annual yield of Diwangcai by seedling transplanting was 16% higher than that by direct seeding.
Key wordsDiwangcai; Direct seeding; Seedling transplanting; Contrast
Received: October 19, 2018Accepted: December 5, 2018
Supported by Dazhou Bast Comprehensive Test Station Program of National Bast Fiber Industry Technical System(CARS16S17).
Ping LI (1976-), female, P. R. China, senior agronomist, devoted to research about ramie breeding.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Diwangcai belongs to Corchorus, Tiliaceae, is annual herbaceous shortday plant, and likes warm and humid climate. Via the test by Fujian Provincial Central Inspection Institute, 100 g (fresh weight) of Diwangcai contains 9.4 g of total dietary fiber, 7.2 g of protein, 3.7 mg of βcarotene, 1.35 mg of vitamin A, 82 mg of vitamin C, 5.29 mg of vitamin E, 797 mg of Ca, and 0.1 mg of Se, which is rich in vitamin E, Ca and Se. In Japan, it is called "nutritional and healthy vegetable" and "Ca king of vegetable". Diwangcai is a kind of nutritional and healthy vegetable supplementing human mineral elements and vitamins. Diwangcai could invigorate the spleen and stomach, moisten the intestine, relieve constipation and fatigue, lower blood pressure. Japanese prove that Diwangcai also has the functions of preventing diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis, anticold and beauty. In its growth process, there is no insect pest, and it is a kind of ecohealth vegetables. Its spear is crisp, and young leaves are soft and smooth, which could be directly fried, steamed, and used for hot pot, soup and cold dish[1-2].
To improve the yield of Diwangcai and explore its best cultivation manner, contrast test between direct seeding and seedling transplanting of Diwangcai was conducted in test base of Dazhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2018.
Materials and Methods
Test site
Test site was in Dazhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and test area was 256 m2, 4 districts in total. The area of each district was 64 m2, 4 m wide and 16 m long. There were two districts for direct seeding (128 m2) and two districts for seedling transplanting (128 m2).
Test variety
Diwangcai seed provided by Southeast Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences was used.
Direct seeding and seedling transplanting
Selection of test site
The loose and fertile sandy soil and sandy loam were selected, with convenient drainage and irrigation, and it was leeward and was exposed to the sun, with pH of 6-7. Moreover, ramie was not planted in two years.
Preparation before sowing
The selected plots were raked, and 3 000-6 000 kg/hm2 of organic fertilizer and 130 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer were used as base fertilizer before sowing.
It was sown on March 16, 2018. Directsowing plot was raked, and drill was conducted by 40 cm of row spacing. Seed usage by direct seeding was 150 g, and soil cover thickness after sowing was about 1 cm. Film was covered to guarantee an even emergence of seedlings. After even emergence, it should timely recover film to prevent seedling burning.
Diwangcai seed germinated after 3 d, and its growth was slow during seedling period. When there were four true leaves, its transplanting could be conducted. On May 3, 2018, its transplantation was conducted in 60 cm×50 cm. After transplantation, seedling should be timely supplemented, to guarantee seedlings completeness.
Tillage, weeding and timely topdressing
Diwangcai was very sensitive to herbicide. Herbicide before bud germination could be sprayed in 7-10 d before sowing, and it could not be sprayed after sowing. During growth period, tillage and weeding could be conducted by combining topdressing, to maintain soil loosening and promote plant growth.
Water and fertilizer management of direct seeding
Proper topdressing could be conducted in seedling period. During June-July, Diwangcai entered prosperous growth period, with faster growth speed. In this period, certain amount of nitrogen fertilizer could be used, coordinated with certain phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After removing the top, onetime harvest was conducted per 7-10 d. After harvest, 150-225 kg/hm2 of composite fertilizer and 75-150 kg/hm2 of urea could be used, to promote germination of lateral bud and growth of branch, and maintain soil wetting.
Water and fertilizer management of seedling transplanting
After seedling transplanting, it should use nitrogen fertilizer or liquid dung. After field planting for 7 days, little liquid dung could be used. After vigorous growth period, topdressing could be conducted again. Onetime topdressing could be conducted per 10-15 d according to growth situation.
Pest control
Diwangcai had extremely strong resistance, and there was no disease occurrence in field period, which did not need pesticide.
Harvesting and preservation
When seedling was 60 cm high, top could be removed, and tender stem and leaf could be harvested. When branch was 20-30 cm, the second harvest could be conducted. After that, onetime harvest could be conducted per 7-10 d. It could be picked before 09:30 or after 16:30, to prevent excessive water evaporation and wilting of Diwangcai. The harvested Diwangcai should be maintained moisture by spraying water, and then packed for transportation. Under moisture condition, Diwangcai could be maintained for 2-3 d. In largearea production, the harvested Diwangcai could be sprinkled in site for package. If it was too late to deliver, it should be sent to cold storage for shortterm preservation, to maintain fresh status.
Results and Analyses
According to test investigation, Diwangcai yield by direct sowing in prior period was obviously higher than that by seedling transplanting, while the yield by seedling transplanting was obviously higher than that by direct seeding in latter period.
Yield contrast
Yield contrast between direct sowing and transplantation was shown as Table 1.
Table 1Yield contrast between direct sowing and transplantation of Diwangcai
Harvest time Cultivationmanner Yield persquare meter∥kg
05-31Direct sowing 0.23
06-07Transplantation 0.13
06-13Direct sowing 0.13
06-13Transplantation 0.11
06-21Direct sowing 0.16
06-21Transplantation 0.15
06-29Direct sowing 0.18
06-29Transplantation 0.29
07-06Direct sowing 0.23
07-06Transplantation 0.32
07-27Direct sowing 0.11
07-27Transplantation 0.21
Yield per plant on September 13∥gTransplantation 105
Yield per plant on September 13∥gDirect sowing 65
Character contrast
Investigation of economic traits in the field was conducted on September 13, and 15 cm long of stem tip was taken to measure stem diameter (Table 2).
Table 2Character contrast between direct sowing and transplantation of Diwangcai
Character Transplantation Direct sowingDifference between transplantation and direct sowing
The mean for sum of branch number of 30 plants38.428.010.4
The mean for total length of 30 leaves∥cm9.78.21.5
The mean for total width of 30 leaves∥cm4.44.30.1
Total stem diameter of 20 plants∥cm12.711.51.2
Conclusions and Discussions
Seen from Table 1, since root system of Diwangcai was developed by direct sowing, leaf area was large, and there was no slow growth stage of seedling, its yield was higher than that by transplantation in prior period. Since the branch was more and more by transplantation in latter period, and stem was more and more stout, the yield by transplantation was higher than that by direct sowing in latter period.
When investigating number of branch, length and width of leaf, 30 plants were respectively selected from direct sowing and transplanting. The results showed that branch number by transplantation was 10.4 more than that by direct sowing, and leaf by transplantation was 1.5 cm longer and 0.1 cm wider than that by direct sowing. The mean for total stem diameter of 20 plants by transplantation was 1.2 cm wider than that by direct sowing.
In direct sowing of Diwangcai, the links of seedling raising and planting were omitted. It only needed sowing seeds, which decreased labor volume and declined labor intensity. The shortage was that seed usage amount was large, and it should evenly distribute seedlings after the emergence was orderly. Seedling transplantation saved seed number, but there was certain slow growth stage of seedling. With temperature rose in latter period, root system was more and more developed, and it started to vigorously grow. It was growth peak period in summer, and branch was also more and more, while stem was getting thicker and thicker. The yield by transplantation in latter period was higher than that by direct sowing. Moreover, yield per plant was obviously higher than that by direct sowing in latter period, and cumulative annual yield by transplantation was 16% higher than that by direct sowing.
[1] XIA CX. Efficient cultivation technique of new Diwangcai[J]. Chinese Horticulture Abstracts,2016(4):180-181. (in Chinese).
[2] LIN JQ. Highyield cultivation technique of Fushu No.18 Diwangcai[J]. Seed Science & Technology, 2016(9):89, 91. (in Chinese).
Editor: Ping SONGProofreader: Xinxiu ZHU
Agricultural Biotechnology2019, 8(1): 49-51, 56
Plant Science
Agricultural Biotechnology2019
Breeding and Characteristics of a New Wheat Variety Jike 33
Siyou XU1, Kai DING1, Dahu SHANG1, Shansan NIU1, Shilong XIE2, Tongfu MA2*
1. Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd., Fuyang 236000, China; 2. Fuyang Normal University, Fuyang 236037, China
AbstractJike 33 is a new diseaseresistant highyield multiear wheat variety with strong gluten bred by Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. in 2001 with Yannong 19 as the female parent and the selfselected Jike 19 (variant of Lumai 14) as the male parent. In 2011-2012, the variety participated in the semiwinter wheat regional test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province, and exhibited a yield of 519.5 kg/667 m2, which was 7.83% higher than that of Wanmai 50 as the CK. In the semiwinter wheat regional test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province in 2012-2013, it showed an average yield of 522.1 kg/667m2, which was 14.5% higher than that of Wanmai 50 as the CK. and in 2013-2014, the variety participated in the semiwinter wheat production test in Anhui Province, and showed an average yield of 589.30 kg/667 m2, which was 7.30% higher than that of Wanmai 52 as the CK. Jike 33 was approved by the Anhui Crop Variety Approval Committee in July, 2015.
Key wordsJike 33; Wheat; Breeding; Characteristics; Variety
Received: August 26, 2018Accepted: October 19, 2018
Supported by Fuyang Municipal Government——Fuyang Normal University Horizontal Cooperation Project (XDHX2016014); 2018 Anhui Provincial Key Research and Development Plan (1804h07020146); 2017 Postgraduate Innovation Research Project of Fuyang Normal University (2017CXJH01).
Siyou XU (1970-), male, P. R. China, agronomist, devoted to research about wheat genetic breeding and highquality highyield cultivation technology.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Jike 33 is a new diseaseresistant highyield multiear wheat variety with strong gluten selected by Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. It was approved by the Anhui Crop Variety Approval Committee (Wanmai 2015005) in July, 2015. Based on the test results of Jike 33 in Anhui Province and combining with the breeding process, the characteristics of Jike 33 were studied and analyzed, aiming at providing a basis for the development of the cultivation technical system of Jike 33.
Breeding Process
Jike 19 is a new wheat line systematically selected by Anhui New Century Agriculture Co., Ltd. in segregated progenies of Lumai 14. The line has good performance in lodging resistance, drought resistance and cold resistance, and suffers from lighter rust and powdery mildew in field. However, it has less average number of grains per ear, higher requirements for fertilizer and water, fewer tillers in the case of late sowing, slower filling at late growth stages, and flatter grains in case of dry hot air. In 2001, Yannong 19, which has strong tillering ability, strong growth, wide adaptability and excellent quality, was used as a female parent for sexual crossbreeding, obtaining 23 seeds, with the combination code 01026. In autumn, the 23 seeds were all sown in the test station of New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. in Anhui. The combination showed excellent cold resistance, narrow uprushing leaves, stable regreening, and obvious heterosis. Therefore, as a key combination, planting of F2 was carried out, in order to expand the selection of the segregation population of F2, and singleseed and conventional density planting were carried out. In the segregation population of F2, a total of 372 single ears were selected and tested indoor, and 183 single ears were selected.
Among the segregation population of the F3 generation, 98 single plants were selected among the rows having better performance, and 72 single plants were selected in the indoor test taking fullness, commerciality and grain uniformity of grains into consideration. In the F4 generation, 38 excellent single plants were selected. In 2006-2007, eight excellent lines were selected among the 38 lines; in 2007-2008, the eight excellent lines were subjected to a yield identification test, among which the performance of No. 010733 was the most prominent; in 2008-2009, No. 010733 performed better in the identification test and variety test, and was selected and designated Jike 33; and in 2011-2014, it was recommended to participate in the semiwinter wheat preregional test and production test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province. Jike 33 was approved by Anhui Crop Variety Approval Committeein in 2015, and its pedigree is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1Pedigree chart of Jike 33
Biological Characteristics
The variety is a semiwinter midmaturing variety. The seedlings are semicreeping with medium green leaves. The plants are luxuriant with narrower leaves, and the growth is stable at early stages, and accelerated after jointing. This variety has stronger tillering ability, higher percentage of ear bearing tiller and more effective ears per unit area. The flag leaf is short, upwards, and the stalk is thinner with better elasticity. The plants have relatively higher resistance to lodging. The average plant height is 82-85 cm. The ear is in spindle type, and has long awn, white shell, white grain, and vitreous kernel. The plant type is compact and the ear layer is thick. The whole growth period is about 227 d, and the maturing phase is better at maturation stage.
Yield Performance
In 2007-2008, the variety participated in the yield identification test of Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd., and showed a calculated yield of 587.6 kg/667 m2, which increased by 11.03% compared with Wanmai 50 as the control (CK). In 2008-2009, it participated in the variety test of Anhui New Century Agriculture Co., Ltd., and showed a calculated yield of 566.3 kg/667 m2, which was 11.29% higher than that of Wanmai 50 as the CK, and was 7.8% higher than that of Jimai 22 as the CK. In 2010-2011, it participated in group A of the semiwinter wheat regional test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province, and showed an average yield of 557.3 kg/667m2, which increased by 6.73% compared with Wanmai 50 as the CK, and ranked as the 4th among all the tested varieties, and therefore, the variety was promoted to participate in the next years regional test. In 2011-2012, the variety participated in group A of the semiwinter wheat regional test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province, and exhibited a yield of 519.5 kg/667 m2, which was 7.83% higher than that of Wanmai 50 as the CK, showing an extremely significant difference from the CK, ranking the 1st in group A. And the yields in all eight points all increased, and the rate of sites with increased yield was 100%. The variety participated in group C of the semiwinter wheat regional test in Huaibei area of Anhui Province in 2012-2013, and showed an average yield of 517.6 kg/667m2, which was 10.7% higher than that of the CK, and ranked the 1st in group C. And the yields in all seven points increased, and the rate of sites with increased yield was 100%. In 2013-2014, the variety participated in the semiwinter wheat production test in Anhui Province, and showed an average yield of 589.30 kg/667 m2, which was 7.30% higher than that of Wanmai 52 as the CK.
Table 1Summary of yield results of Jike 33
YearTest nameYield∥kg/667m2Control varietyYield increase comparedwith the CK∥%
2007-2008Line identification587.6Wanmai 5011.03
2008-2009Variety test566.3Wanmai 5011.29
2008-2009Variety test566.3Jimai 227.80
2010-2011Semiwinter wheat pretest in Anhui Province557.3Wanmai 506.73
2011-2012Group A of semiwinter wheat preregional test in Anhui Province519.5Wanmai 507.83
2012-2013group C of semiwinter wheat preregional test in Anhui Province517.6Wanmai 5010.70
2013-2014Semiwinter wheat production test in Anhui Province589.3Wanmai 527.30
Tiller Dynamic
It could be seen from Table 2 that Jike 33 had a strong tillering ability and a high percentage of ear bearing tiller. The total number of tillers before the New Year was about 1 million, and the percentage of ear bearing tiller was above 40%, so the average number of ears per unit area was over 420 000 ears. The variety is thus a multiear variety. The plant height was 78-86 cm, the number of grains per ear was 28.3-35.4, and the 1 000grain weight was 36.5-40.3 g. The number of grains per ear and the 1 000grain weight were relatively stable between years. The three yield components are more coordinated, which is the basis for highyield stable production of Jike 33.
Table 2Summary of tiller dynamic of Jike 33
YearBasic seedlings104/667 m2Maximum numberof tillers∥104/667 m2Number of effectiveears∥104/667 m2Effective tillerpercentage∥%Number ofgrains per ear1 000grainweight ∥gPlantheight∥cm
The table shows the average data of the twoyear regional tests in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
Quality traits
According to quality analysis results in 2012 by Inspection and Testing Center for Quality of Cereals and Their Products (Harbin), Ministry of Agriculture, the bulk density, crude protein content (dry basis) and wet gluten content were 840 g/L, 14.91% and 32.2%, respectively, and the obtained dough showed a stability time of 10.0 min, a water absorption capacity of 60.3 ml/100 g flour and a hardness index of 65.5. According to the quality analysis results in 2013, the bulk density, crude protein content (dry basis) and wet gluten content were 800 g/L, 13.66% and 30.5%, respectively, and the stability time, water absorption capacity and hardness index of the dough were 9.4 min, 58.5 ml/100 g flour and 69.0, respectively.
Disease Resistance and Stress Resistance
It could be seen from Table 3 and Table 4 that Jike 33 has good cold resistance (basically no cold damage in winter and spring), good wintering performance, good resistance to cold in spring and relatively stronger resistance to lodging. It has medium resistance to powdery mildew, stripe rust and leaf rust, certain extensibility in resistance to wheat scab and good resistance to dry hot air.
Siyou XU et al. Breeding and Characteristics of New Wheat Variety Jike 33
Table 3Summary of stress resistance in Jike 33
YearCold damageWintering percentage∥%
DegreeAreaEarly aging
Table 4Summary of disease resistance in Jike 33
Brown leaf rust
Reaction typeSeverity∥%Incidence∥%Powderymildew
Wheat scab
Percentage of diseaseears∥%Percentage of diseasegrains∥%Severity
Breeding Summary
Environmental conditions are the basis and conditions for breeding new wheat lines
Breeding under certain environmental conditions is conducive to the selection of varieties with corresponding characteristics; and it is also possible to select varieties that adapt to different ecological environments under certain cultivation conditions[1]. Lumai 14, which was planted in Shandong and HuangHuai wheat areas in large area in the 1990s with high and stable yield, was introduced by Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. from Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was tested in Anhui New Century Agriculture Co., Ltd. to have slow filling, poor lodging resistance, heavier scab, poor seed setting at the top, dead ripeness, but good tillering ability, more effective ears per unit area and better resistance to powdery mildew. Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. used Lumai 14 to combine with existing materials, but the effect was very limited, and there was no ideal offspring material. However, during planting of Lumai 14 in field, an earlymaturing segregated individual with full grains and better maturing phase but slightly smaller 1 000grain weight was found. Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. systematically cultivated and observed the segregated individual, and found that the segregated individual had tiller ability slightly poorer than Lumai 14, a growth period earlier than Lumai 14, but comprehensive lodging resistance and disease resistance better than Lumai 14. This individual might be a variant produced under new environment conditions due to environment stress. The material was designated Jike 19, which was subjected to parent combination according to its characteristics. Yannong 19 bred by Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which has strong tillering ability, wide applicability, good yielding ability and outstanding cold resistance and yield stability, was selected as the female parent. The two materials are complementary in lodging, disease resistance and yielding ability. In the selection of offsprings, a variety was bred targeting at good grain quality, good disease resistance, good commodity, good plant type and coordinated components.
Increasing the number of individuals segregated in the early generation is conducive to the selection of target traits
The traits of the F1 generation are affected by gene recessiveness and epistasis, and their advantages and disadvantages are not very high[2]. Therefore, for the F1 generation, those combinations with serious shortcomings and those with insignificant heterosis should be eliminated. The segregation of characters among the single plants of the F2 generation is very complicated. If there are requirements for all traits including maturation period, disease resistance, stress tolerance and high yield, the population should be larger[3-8]. When selecting the offsprings of Jike 33, Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. appropriately increased the number of F2 ears. There is a wider selection surface for F3, which is conducive to the emergence and selection of target traits. Anhui New Century Agricultural Co., Ltd. had carried out sparse bunch planting and dense planting tests, the former of which is beneficial to the selection of good single plants, while the latter is conductive to the identification of resistance in combinations and can also allow single ear selection according to population. The two methods are complementary, and have a good effect in breeding of Jike 33.
[1] JIN SB. Chinese wheat science: Dialectical relationship between environmental conditions of cultivation and selection of hybrid offsprings[M]. (in Chinese)
[2] XI ZY. Crop breeding: Selection of hybrid offsprings[M]. (in Chinese)
[3] HU YJ. Plant breeding[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2003. (in Chinese)
(Continued on page 56)
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