Study on Colloidal Gold Immunochromatography Assay for Rapid Detection of Spectinomycin
Zhaoqin WANG Yuping WAN Xiaosheng WU Yu ZHANG Fangfang JIA Guangyao HAN Zhengxue PENG Fangyang HE
AbstractFenlong farming technology was introduced. It has characteristics of very deep tillage and evenly smashing soil, and can evenly smash soil without disturbing soil layers to complete the task of soil preparation. It can be widely used in cultivated land, salinealkali land, lime concretion black soil, degraded grassland, etc. After the application of the technology in 34 crops in 24 provinces, it can increase yield by 10%-50% and improve quality by above 5%. Fenlong technology can increase soil reservoir capacity, enhance the infiltration rate of rainwater in soil and make "surplus" effect obvious. If the country plans and promotes the technology in 160 million hm2 of land (including 67 million hm2 of cultivated land, 20 million hm2 of salinealkali land, 6.7 million hm2 of marginal land and 67 million hm2 of degraded grassland), the total volume of loosened soil in arable land will increase from 198.1 billion to 840.0 billion m3, and the capacity of a "underground reservoir" will increase by 675 million m3, while natural precipitation reserves will increase by 162 billion m3. It can effectively solve food security problems and water resource problems such as drought, floods, and industrial, agricultural and domestic water shortages, as well as serious disaster hazards caused by groundwater that has been evacuated in China.
Key wordsFenlong farming; Yield increase and quality improvement; Underground reservoir; Deep problems; China
Received: September 3, 2018Accepted: October 26, 2018
Supported by the Special Project for Innovation-driven Development of Guangxi (Guike AA17204037).
Benhui WEI (1954-), male, P. R. China, research fellow, devoted to research about Fenlong farming.
*Corresponding author. Email:
Fenlong farming technology (also known as Fenlong technology and smashing cultivation technology), which is Chinas newly invented method of farming[1], has characteristics of very deep tillage and evenly smashing soil, can be widely used in cultivated land, salinealkali land, lime concretion black soil, degraded grassland, etc. It can not only naturally increase the yield and quality of crops (grass), but also build a huge "underground reservoir" with noncost input if it can be promoted in a large area, which can effectively solve or ease food security problems and water resource problems such as drought, floods, and industrial, agricultural and domestic water shortages, as well as serious disaster hazards caused by groundwater that has been evacuated in Chinas development.
Nowadays, Fenlong technology is used as the carrier of Chinas "storing food in soil" to increase grain yield, and the carrier of "storing water in soil" to build a huge "underground reservoir", which provides strong technical support for solving the abovementioned deepseated problems.
Fenlong Technology Can Not Only "Increase Yield and Improve Quality" But Also Create a Very Rare "Underground Reservoir" with Huge Capacity
Fenlong technology can improve the physical fertility of cultivated land to "increase yield and improve quality"
Fenlong technology, a farming technology that has been successfully developed by Wei Benhui team of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences for 10 years, has five main functions of living soil, water retention, increasing yield, and improving quality and ecology. It uses the invented Fenlong farming tools, and the tillage is 1-3 times deeper than traditional tillage (Fenlong depth is 35-40 cm in dry land and about 30 cm in paddy fields). It can evenly smash soil without disturbing soil layers to complete the task of soil preparation. At the same time, it expands the reservoirs of soil nutrients, water, oxygen, microorganisms. It achieve an effective and balanced supply of water and nutrients, and promote deep growth of roots, make roots strong, and improve photosynthetic efficiency. After the application of the technology in 34 crops in 24 provinces, it can increase yield by 10%-50% and improve quality by more than 5%[2-3]. For instance, Fenlong technology could increase wheat yield by 29.9% and corn yield by 34% in Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, potato yield by 52% in Guyuan County, Hebei Province and by more than 80% at most in Dingxi City, Gansu Province, thirdcrop corn yield by 38% at most in Wuqiao County, Hefei Province, direct sowing rice yield by 26.5% in Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province, and sugarcane by above 30% in Longan and Bingyang counties of Guangxi[2-4].
What is more valuable is that Fenlong technology can increase the basic fertility (physical fertility) of cultivated land by 15%-30%, that is, yield increase by zero fertilization can reach 10%-30%. For example, according to the fixedpoint observation conducted by the Research Center of Agricultural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Luancheng of Hebei Province, Fenlong technology (with tillage depth was 35-40 cm) could increase the yield of three successive crops of wheat and corn by 17.2%-38.2%[5]. Through Fenlong technology (with tillage depth was 30 cm) in Longan, the yield of two crops of rice increased by 15.8% on average, and the third crop of rice rose by 15.5% in yield, while its quality was also improved. It can be seen that Fenlong technology can increase yield by improving the physical fertility of cultivated land instead of applying fertilizer and pesticides.
Fenlong technology can create a "underground reservoir" with huge capacity
Increasing soil reservoir capacity
When Fenlong technology is applied in current cultivated land and Fenlong depth is 1-3 times deeper than traditional tillage, soil reservoir capacity increases by 1-3 times[3-4,6-7].
Enhancing the infiltration rate of rainwater in soil
Because Fenlong soil is in a suspended state and has large porosity and water storage capacity, the infiltration rate of rainwater on the ground increases by 30%-50% compared with traditional tillage. Moreover, it is not easy to form runoff, and natural precipitation can be quickly stored in the soil[1,4,8].
Making "surplus" effect obvious
Fenlong soil is deep, and granular structure is smooth. Moreover, capillaries are easily cut off, so the stored water in the soil is not easily evaporated during the day. Meanwhile, the soil has a large surface area, contacts much air and absorbs more water in the air at night. The "surplus" effect of water in "soil reservoir" is significantly better than traditional farming[3].
Broadening salinealkali land and degraded grassland to form a larger "underground reservoir"
Fenlong technology can reduce the salt content of salinealkali land by 20%-40% and increase yield by 20%-40%, thereby solving the problem of physical transformation of salinealkali land[2,10-11]. The technology can not only utilize the plow pan and the following soil resources that have not been utilized in the existing cultivated land, but also expands the capacity of the "underground reservoir". At present, the soil has not become salinealkali land and degraded grassland. It can become a huge "underground reservoir" after Fenlong tillage is conducted.
The Capacity of an "Underground Reservoir" That Can Be Built in China is Huge, and It Is a Major Carrier for Solving Deepseated Problems in Development
Farming land is an important carrier of natural precipitation storage
Water is the source of life. Water plays an extremely important role in the ecosystem. It can bring benefits to human beings but can also cause disasters to humans and ecology like beasts. However, the biggest way for humans to tame water is to "store water in soil", so that natural precipitation is distributed and stored in the vast topsoil of the earth.
Natural precipitation reserves are limited under current farming methods in China
The artificial way of "storing water in soil" in Chinese land is land farming. For Chinas about 120 million hm2, average arable layer is only 16.5 cm in depth (10 cm sometimes), and the total volume of the loosened soil is 198.1 billion m3 (the soil feeds 1.3 billion people). The loosened soil has been carrying the storage and utilization of most natural precipitation in Chinas land[12].
Fenlong farming can increase Chinas natural precipitation reserves
The invention of Fenlong technology makes it possible to build a huge "underground reservoir" and realize "water storage in soil" and disaster reduction in China. If the country plans and promotes the technology in 160 million hm2 of land (including 67 million hm2 of cultivated land, 20 million hm2 of salinealkali land, 6.7 million hm2 of marginal land and 67 million hm2 of degraded grassland), and invests 240-360 billion yuan (1 500-2 250 yuan/hm2)[1,13], the achievements are as follow.
The total volume of loosened soil in arable land will increase by 3.4 times
The total volume of loosened soil in arable land will increase from 198.1 billion m3 to 840.0 billion m3, rising by 675.0 billion m3 or 3.4 times. Meanwhile, agricultural resources available to China can increase by 50% at least, which provides a basis for safeguarding Chinas food security.
Natural precipitation reserves will increase by 162 billion m3
More importantly, a "underground reservoir" with the capacity of 840 billion m3 is built, and the capacity increases by 675 million m3. Through Fenlong farming, natural precipitation reserves can increase by 750 m3/hm2 in arable land and 1 200 m3/hm2 in physically modified salinealkali land and degraded grassland, so natural precipitation reserves can increase by 162 billion m3 in total. Chinas land receives such a huge amount of natural precipitation every year, and it is partly converted into available water resources, so the benefits will be enormous.
Its roles and significance are even greater in northern China
The construction of a huge "underground reservoir" in North China, Northwest China and Northeast China has an extraordinary effect. It can not only fundamentally solve the "big funnel" problem caused by the shortage of groundwater resources in these three regions, but also reduce floods and drought and improve the contradiction between local industry, agriculture and urban domestic water.
According to Chinas National Conditions, a Huge "Underground Reservoir" Is Needed and Should Be Built
The situation of Chinas land currently undertaking and storing natural precipitation is not optimistic
At present, the situation of Chinas land currently undertaking and storing natural precipitation is not optimistic. Firstly, the plow pan of cultivated land has seriously moved upwards, and fertilizer and pesticides have been applied excessively for decades. The amount of loosened soil on the ground reduces, and the plow pan is severely hardened. As a result, the water storage capacity of cultivated land decreases. Secondly, greenhouses have been built on cultivated land in some regions, so cultivated land cannot undertake natural precipitation. Thirdly, China is accelerating urbanization construction in an allround way, so the hardened area of cement on the ground expands, and the amount of rainwater that can be stored locally reduces significantly. Fourthly, the land that can store rainwater becomes national construction land, such as roads and railways, and the space of cultivated land used for water storage shrinks seriously.
Disasters are frequent, and soil, water and air pollution are serious
Disasters are frequent, and soil, water and air pollution are serious, so that floods and disasters happen frequently in some areas of China. For instance, a large hailstorm flood debrisflow disaster occurred in Minxian County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province in 2012. As a result, 358 000 people were affected, and 47 people were killed. 12 people were missing, and 114 people were injured, while 29 000 people were resettled. 110 000 houses were damaged, and direct economic loss was up to 3.9 billion yuan. Floods in the North China Plain are frequent. Recently, floods are serious in Shandong, especially in Shouguang County where agricultural greenhouses are known throughout the country.
It is worth noting that due to the current shallow farming mode, soil layer is shallow, and water content in soil is small. Meanwhile, the utilization rate of fertilizer is low, which also exacerbates the excessive application of fertilizer in agriculture and causes soil, water and air pollution .
The Construction of a Huge "Underground Reservoir" in China Can Also Stimulate the Utilization of River Water Resources and Bring Huge Ecological and Economic Benefits
Utilizing river water resources
As mentioned above, Fenlong technology can increase the capacity of "underground reservoir" by 675 billion m3, which can make the water in the "soil reservoir" continuously flow into rivers. Due to the decrease in the application of fertilizer and pesticides, fishes in rivers will live and multiply normally, produce a large number of highquality aquatic products to enrich residents protein sources. The activity of fishes can improve the ecology of rivers. Due to the reduction of soil and water loss and sufficient water sources, the water of the Yellow River is expected to become clean.
Improving ecological environment to build a beautiful China
Fenlong technology can increase the capacity of "underground reservoir" greatly and is beneficial to the increase of air humidity (it can be increased by more than 10% in Dingxi City, Gansu Province), thereby improving ecological environment to build a beautiful China.
In summary, in China, under the background of obvious "ceiling effect" of yield increase in agriculture, scarce water resources, frequent floods, increase in the disaster risk of groundwater pumping in the North China Plain, and deterioration of ecological environment, it is necessary to make Fenlong technology enter the national toplevel design as soon as possible, give full play to its advantages of activating various land resources and building a huge "underground reservoir", which is related to national food security, water resource security, ecological environmental security and national health, so it deserves great attention.
Agricultural Biotechnology2019
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