2018年3月10日,英國驻重庆总领事馆联合英国“Be Yourself 做妳自己”和“志奋领讲堂”两大品牌活动,携手重庆女性人才研究会,举办了“做妳自己,绽放自我—志奋领讲堂女性职业发展专场”活动。
On March 10, 2018, the British Consulate General in Chongqing banded the two major brand activities “Be Yourself” and “Chevening Talks” and joined hands with the Chongqing Women Talent Research Association to organize talks featuring “Be Yourself-Women Career Development”.
The winners of the British Chevening Scholarship and the local outstanding female entrepreneurs in Chongqing shared their insights and experiences on such topics as improving women's professional competitiveness and overcoming women's employment barriers through lectures and audience interactions, and provided suggestions for their career development &planning.
At the event, Ms.Cecille Elbelebidl, Consul General of the United Kingdom in Chongqing, also granted certificates to 10 volunteers from the southwestern region of China who studiead abroad and returned to China in 2017 as a way to encourage more aspiring young people, including ambitious, hard-working talents and outstanding female leaders to become a member of the “Chevening family”.
Editor/Xiong Yi Translator/He Jing