f22摄影艺术空间 中国香港


世界建筑导报 2019年4期

建设单位:f22 foto space





设计团队:LAAB Architects,

Carlow Architecture & Design

摄影:DCinematic; LAAB Architects; f22 foto space

Client: f22 foto space

Site Area: 326 m2

Building Area: 460 m2

Design year: 2015.7 - 2016.10

Completion year: 2016.4 - 2017.3

Design team: LAAB Architects in collaboration with Carlow Architecture & Design

Photographer: DCinematic; LAAB Architects; f22 foto space

f22 foto space 是一个位于香港的摄影艺术空间。在这里,大家可以看展览,逛书店,喝咖啡。设计师和工程师紧密的工作, 把相机的细节转化成空间的体验。入口的大镜头是一个旋转门, 设计师以不同年代的相机作为蓝本。头顶的快门,随着门的旋转控制入口的光暗。一条旋转楼梯, 默然伫立在门的另一边, 设计师参考了光圈的元素, 并用楼梯的结构来演译光, 影, 和速度的交错。为了让每一层梯级都有相同的扭曲度, 设计师用了3D 打印和铸造的方法来制造楼梯。

镜头门和光圈楼梯都是用铜制造的,上面涂上了黑色的油漆。上下楼梯时,油漆会被带走,铜的底色浮上面来。设计师希望来f22的人,可以带走一点什么,同时也留下一点什么。楼上不时传出咖啡香,那里是聊天喝咖啡的地方。咖啡机后有一面大镜子,无论大家坐在那里,都可以看到咖啡师的表演。墙上定期展出新晋摄影师的作品,大家可以围着木桌,边喝咖啡边分享摄影和设计的点滴。 展览空间黑白交错,在这个相对的空间里,时间似乎没那么急,设计师希望大家可以安心地和时间做朋友。

f22 的设计得到了八个国际设计奖项,包括《德国iF国际设计奖》、《美国建筑师协会国际区设计奖》、和《荷兰FRAMEAward 的最佳工艺奖》等, 并得到2019年Architizer A+ Awards Architecture + Stairs 的评审奖。

f22 foto space is a photo gallery in Hong Kong dedicated to contemporary photography art and design.The design team worked closely with engineers to meticulously translate camera elements into spatial experiences, immersing visitors in the world of craftsmanship and photography culture.

Two architecture features, the camera lens door and aperture stairs, de fine the exhibition space. The design team studied camera development and used design elements from various generations of camera lens to design the door. Paired with smart technology, the rotational camera lens door controls the amount of light at the entrance space. It also creates a pocket space for reception or a photo spot when rotates at 180 degrees. The same space also functions as a temporal waiting area during seminars for latecomers to watch relay without disturbing other audience.

Sitting across from the camera door, the aperture stairs form part of an ongoing spatial dialogue of photography and design. Inspired by the camera aperture, the circular stairs play with light, shadow, and speed. It connects the two black-and-white gallery space, offering a smooth spatial transition.

Constrained by the low ceiling height and loading limitation, the construction of this stairs was extremely difficult. The design team overcame these challenges by constructing an additional structural frame on the 7/F, which is also part of the owner's property, to hang the stairs from above and transferred the weight to the columns. To achieve precise twisting, 3-D printing and casting were used to fabricate the stairs.

Brass was used as the main material for the two design features. To capture the interaction between the photographer and their camera, both the camera lens door and aperture stairs were fabricated using brass and painted in black. Over time, the black paint will peel off, revealing the brass underneath, documenting f22's interaction with visitors.

f22 has received eight international awards so far, including the German iF Design Award, the AIA International Region Awards, and the Best Craftsmanship in the FRAME Awards. In 2019, f22 foto space also won the Jury Award in the Architecture+ Stairs category of Architizer A+ Awards.


2015pentawards 包装设计奖