树景 中国香港
占地面积:1500 平方米
设计团队:LAAB Architects
结构:ARUP, EFT Craft, NWFE
景观设计:James Corner Field Operation, Urbis
营造厂:NWCON, NWFE, Realfit
摄影:LAAB Architects
Client: Highway Department, HKSARG
Site Area: 1500 m2
Design year: 2016.5 - 2018.8
Completion year: 2018.8 - 2019.1
Design team: LAAB Architects
Landscape Architects: James Corner Field Operation, Urbis
Lighting Designer: Lightswitch
M&E Engineer: AECOM
Transport Engineer: HWSPB
Design Structural Engineers: ARUP, EFT Craft, NWFE
Registered Structural Engineer: ARUP
Contractors: NWCON, NWFE, Real fit
Photographer: LAAB Architects
这组以树作景的公共设施,是香港建筑团队LAAB的作品。梳士巴利道上种了几颗树头菜 (Spider Tree), 是马路旁难得的一道绿色风景。新世界中心的重建计划保留了这些树,而它们也成为了树景的设计灵感。从尖沙咀的J2 出口一直到Victoria Dockside 外的巴士站,树景和树头菜互相呼应,仿佛是彼此的延续。白天,阳光翻越树景的枝节,散落在地;晚上,泛黄的街灯把整条通道染成金黄。树景高高低低,像森林里的树。六边形的树冠遵守了大自然的礼仪,它们共同成长却不遮挡。雨量高的日子,高低不一的树冠也能帮忙排走过多的雨水。树景的骨干用钢铁做成,它们的设计经过精密的计算,坚固的建筑足以抵挡台风的季节。
Located along the hustle and bustle Salisbury Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, one of the hottest tourist spots in Hong Kong, Salisbury Treescape is a series of the tree-like canopy that pays tribute to the urban nature along the harbourfront. Stretches from the J2 exit of Tsim Sha Tsui east MTR station to the bus stops at Victoria Dockside,Salisbury Treescape extends the tree canopy along Salisbury Road to form an enchanting streetscape immersed in nature.
Built with varying heights to frame a dynamic vista from the escalator, the forest-like structure outside the J2 exit comprises clusters of hexagonal nesting sealed with fritted temper glass cover and timber- fin like screen.The steel branches are carefully computed to support the canopy and are constructed to withstand the typhoon season in Hong Kong. The hexagonal canopy echoes with the spider trees along Salisbury Road while shielding users from heavy rain, blinding sunlight, and scorching summer heat. The stepping roof also drains excessive rainwater in the summer.
As people ride up the escalator, they are greeted by the tender light and shadow that shined through the shaded canopy. At night, the dim streetlights re flect on the canopy to create a romantic golden-yellow passage.
Often known as one of the densest cities in the world, urban nature is a much-cherished treasure in Hong Kong.Carefully merging architecture with nature, Salisbury Treescape provides an alternative imagination to the future of public infrastructure.