Arrive in Edinburgh on any given day and there are certain things you can guarantee. The fairy-tale Gothic of the royal castle, built on an extinct volcanic plug. The medieval riddle of alleys and lanes. The majesty of the churchyards and macabre spires set against a barb of basalt crags, all as if created by a mad god.
Yet there is one other given in the Scottish capital, and it is the hallmark of Princes Street, the citys main road that runs east to west joining Leith to the West End. The time on the turret clock atop The Balmoral Hotel in the east is always wrong. By three minutes, to be exact.
While the clock towers story is legendary in Edinburgh, it remains a riddle for many first-timers. To the untrained eye, the 58m-high landmark is simply part of the grand finale when surveyed from Calton Hill, Edinburghs go-to city-center viewpoint. There it sits to the left of the Dugald Stewart Monument, like a giant exclamation mark above the glazed roof of Waverley Train Station.
Likewise, the sandstone baronial tower looks equally glorious when eyed from the commanding northern ramparts of Edinburgh Castle while peering out over the battlements. It is placed at the citys very center, between the Old Town and the New Town, at the confluence of all business and life. Except, of course, that the dials big hand and little hand are out of sync with Greenwich Mean Time.
This bold irregularity is, in fact, a historical quirk first introduced in 1902 when the Edwardian-era building opened as the North British Station Hotel. Then, as now, it overlooked the platforms and signal boxes of Waverley Train Station, and just as porters in red jackets met guests off the train, whisking them from the station booking hall to the interconnected reception desk in the hotels basement, the North British Railway Company owners wanted to make sure their passengers—and Edinburghs hurrying public—wouldnt miss their trains.
Given an extra three minutes, they reasoned, these travellers would have more time on the clock to collect their tickets, to reach their carriages and to unload their luggage before the stationmasters whistle blew. Still today, it is a calculated miscalculation that helps keep the city on time.
That the clock is wrong every day of the year is not technically true, either. Its time is stretched to accommodate an annual event. On New Years Eve, or Hogmanay as Scots call it, the tower welcomes a special one-off house call, when an engineer is dispatched to remedy the timekeeping error. Plain and simple, the clock needs to be right for the traditional countdown to the midnight bells. Beyond that, everyone relies on it being wrong.
Today, the wrong time is taken for granted in Edinburgh, not because of retrospective sentimentality, but because familiarity breeds affection. Thered be a public outcry if it was ever on time. Remember, this is Scotland. People wouldnt put up with it.
In this city of meticulous town planning, dependable tourist crowds and annual festivals, thats something you could set your watch by. Those extra three minutes reveal everything about living here, right now.
Word Study
spire /'spa??(r)/ n. (教堂等顶部的)尖塔,尖顶
quirk /kw?:k/ n. (尤指偶发的)怪事,奇事
whisk /w?sk/ v. 匆匆带走;迅速送走
Jamie whisked her off to Paris for the weekend.
remedy /'rem?di/ v. 改正;纠正;改进
retrospective /'retr?'spekt?v/ adj. 回顾的;涉及以往的