

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2019年8期

Deciding where to place a Wi-Fi router at home to minimise signal black spots is a fine art. But a physicist has attempted to tacklelo the problem by mathematically working out the optimumii position for a router. He studied how walls and reflections affected signal strength and concluded that, as common sense might suggest, theres just no beating the centre of a house for router location.


The “complex” research was carried out by Jason Cole, a PhD physics student at the John Adams Institute at Imperial College London. Frustrated at finding numerous Wi-Fi black spots around his flat, Mr Cole turned to mathematics to find out how he could improve his internet connection. He found that, the waves were hindered not only by walls and closed doors but also when they went around corners. This, he says, is because the signal loses strength when it bounces off objects.


“I found an equation which approximates the be haviour of high-frequency electromagnetic waves such as Wi-Fi, and tried to solve it by placing a virtual router in the floor plan of my flat. After crunching numbers for a few minutes I was able to generate maps of Wi-Fi signal strength inside the flat, showing poor signal near my computer.”


By showing how weakened the signal can be when it moves across the flat, Mr Cole found that no matter where his router was placed at one side of the flat, there would always be blackspots else where. Instead, he suggests that the only solution to ensure as few black spots aspossible is to place the router in the middle of the flat.


“There is also some reflection of the signal around corners, but engineers tell me reflection sare bad too. In my case, the best position was as central as possible, preferably near opendoor ways. He says he hasnt tried any physical tests of the simulation yet, but has been given suggestions by commenters on his website. There have been many other helpful comments which will no doubt improve the methodology in the future, and a surprising number of people asking for an app to test their own houses or offices, so theres plenty of work to do.”


