摘要 肉羊规模化养殖是未来肉羊养殖发展的必然趋势,适度规模养殖是肉羊规模化养殖发展的必然选择。本文基于山东省17个地市306户规模化养殖场(户)的调查数据,对肉羊养殖适度规模的影响因素进行了分析,从比较效益、肉羊养殖效率、生产资料获取与肉羊养殖积极性等不同角度对肉羊适度规模养殖进行了分析,对实际肉羊规模化养殖中的不同生产指标进行了比较,提出了加大政府对肉羊规模养殖场(户)的支持力度、加强养殖环境污染治理以及提高肉羊养殖场(户)自身的养殖技术、管理水平与组织化程度等措施,以期为进一步发展肉羊适度规模养殖、提高山东省肉羊规模化养殖水平提供参考。
关键词 适度规模养殖;比较分析;肉羊;山东省
中图分类号 F327 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1007-5739(2019)13-0193-03 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)
Analysis of Moderate Scale Breeding of Mutton Sheep in Shandong Province:Based on Survey Datas
of 17 Cities in Shandong Province
ZHANG Mao-lun
(School of Economics and Management,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai′an Shandong 271000)
Abstract Large-scale breeding of mutton sheep is an inevitable trend in the development of mutton sheep breeding in the future.Moderate scale farming is an inevitable choice for the development of large-scale breeding of mutton sheep.Based on the survey data of 306 large-scale farms(househ-olds)in 17 cities in Shandong Province,this paper analyzed the factors affecting the moderate scale breeding of mutton sheep,carried out the research on the moderate scale breeding of mutton sheep from different perspectives based on comparative benefits,mutton sheep breeding efficiency,production data acquisition and enthusiasm for mutton sheep breeding,compared the different production indicators in the actual large-scale breeding of mutton sheep,proposed measures including increase the government′s support for large-scale breeding farms(households),strengthen the management of aquaculture environmental pollution,and improve the breeding technology,management level and organization of the sheep farms(households),in order to provide reference for further development of moderate scale breeding of mutton sheep and improve the scale of large-scale breeding of mutton sheep in Shandong Province.
Key words moderate scale breeding;comparative analysis;mutton sheep;Shandong Province
近年來,山东省作为新兴农区的主要养羊大省,肉羊规模化养殖发展势头迅猛,已是继传统牧区新疆和内蒙古之后的全国第三大养羊省份。至2016年底,山东省肉羊年末存栏量已达2 197.7万只,占全国肉羊出栏总量的7.30%;其羊肉产量为38.4万t,占全国羊肉总产量的8.39%;2016年山东省肉羊规模化养殖程度已达17.93%,是2008年规模化程度的1.76倍。虽然肉羊规模化养殖发展迅速,规模化程度不断提高,但广大肉羊养殖场(户)受资源禀赋差异与养殖历史等因素的影响,养殖规模仍以农户的中小规模为主,养殖规模效益仍有待提高[1]。因此,应合理确定肉羊养殖适度规模的影响因素,完善山东省肉羊养殖场(户)的规模化养殖方式,通过发展肉羊适度规模养殖提高资源利用效率与肉羊生产效率,进而增加养殖经济效益。