The Notre Dame fire:We share France's terrible loss


疯狂英语·新读写 2019年8期

湖南岳阳市华容县第二中学 张明波

海 词 积 累

1.viciously adv.恶毒地;恶意地

2.course v.快速移动;奔流

3.stab n.刺痛

4.ferocity n.猛烈

5.spire n.尖塔

6.vulnerable adj.易受伤害的

7.embodiment n.化身;体现

8.iconic adj.偶像的

原 文 复 现

It feels as though the very heart of France and the soul of Europe have been suddenly and viciously ripped out. The fire that coursed through large sections of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday evening was an act of blind and terrible destruction that causes a great stab of emotional pain to us all.

The fire struck quickly and seemingly uncontrollably. It gathered force with large amounts of power and ferocity,covering much of the roof and the central spire as it caught hold.After only an hour or so,the Paris firefighters were able to begin to get part of the fire under some degree of control and to protect the parts of the cathedral that may survive.As night fell,the great west towers still stood against the sky,proud but vulnerable.

Dame is the embodiment of the French capital and of France itself.It has been in its place since the 12th century.It was here that the liberation of Paris in 1944 was marked in a service of thanksgiving.

It is world-famous not simply as an iconic Parisian building but through the writing of Victor Hugo,who in his novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame made the building itself come alive.

The cathedral will rise again in time.This terrible fire is not an event that should be easily forgotten.We stand with France in its hour of heartbreak.We will never,ever,turn away.

——From The Washington Post

1.What can we know about the fire in the text?

A.It destroyed the Notre Dame completely.

B.It was controlled by firefighters quickly.

C.It was put out by firefighters as night fell.

D.It burnt down the central spire by accident.

2.What can we infer about the Dame?

A.It was too old and burned easily.

B.It was built in 1944 for Thanksgiving Day.

C.It stands there for about nine centuries.

D.It shows the symbol and capital of Europe.

3.What's the author's attitude toward the accident?

A.He feels grateful.

B.He feels indifferent.

C.He feels it his duty.

D.He feels it himself.

文 本 探 究





Structure Paragraph(s) Main idea(s)Introduction Para.1 L ev a er g ne i n g s.e ctions of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire on Monday●Event 1.The fire covered much of the roof and the central spire quickly.Body Para.2~42 3..T T h h e e P gr a er ai s t w fir e e sf ti g t o h wt e er rs s m l u a cn ka ig l y e d e st o c ac po en dt r to hl e t h f i e r ef.i re.●History Dame is important to France and also famous in the world.Opinions Para.5 ●●T Ah l l e t h ca e t h we od rr l d al fw el i tl l h b ee a rr t e bp r o a ki r ee nd. at last.



3.After only an hour or so,the Paris firefighters were able to begin to get part of the fire(处于一定程度的控制)and to protect the parts of the cathedral that may survive.

5.It is world-famous not simply as an iconic Parisian buildingthrough the writing of Victor Hugo,who in his novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame made the building itself(活跃起来).


词缀举例 功能 词汇拓展viciously 恶毒地;beautifully 美丽地;obviously 显然地;differently 不同地;-ly adj.→adv.briefly 简 要 地;honestly 诚 实 地;frankly 坦 白 地;greatly 很 大 程 度 上 地;widely 广泛地;carefully 认真地;wisely 聪明地emotional 情感的;central 中心的;agricultural 农业的;electrical 电的;facial-al n.→adj.面部的;fundamental 基本的;global 全球的;personal 个人的;racial 种族的;theoretical 理论上的;typical 典型的;mental 智力的




As night fell,the Great West Towers still stood against the sky,proud but vulnerable.夜幕降临,大西塔依然耸立在那里,映衬着天空,骄傲的样子有点弱不禁风。




巴黎圣母院大教堂(Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris)是一座位于法国巴黎市中心、西堤岛上的教堂建筑,也是天主教巴黎总教区的主教座堂。圣母院建造于1163年到1345年,是法兰西岛地区的哥特式教堂群里面非常具有关键代表意义的一座。它始建于1163年,是巴黎大主教莫里斯·德·苏利决定兴建的,整座教堂在1345年全部建成,历时180多年。

