Unit 8 STEP BY STEP 随堂通


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年5期

Section A


(    )1. —Why not              in the park near the neighborhood? Its quiet and clean.


A. take a shower B. have a swim

C. take a walk D. shop

(    )2. Red Street is a good place to go shopping. Its a              street.

A. boring B. busy

C. dirty D. bad

(    )3. —             there two stores near here?

—Yes. You are right.

A. Do    B. Does C. Is      D. Are

(    )4. There are lots of books in the             .

A. garden B. restaurant

C. library D. pay phone

(    )5. I hope you have a good              to Wuhan.

A. shower B. visit

C. swim D. walk


Jerry    1    near the sea. Their house is not very big, but it is beautiful. There    2    big trees and a small garden in front    3    their house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some are red, some are white    4    some are blue. Jerry and his family love    5    garden very much.

6    Jerry and his sister go to school    7    bus. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners in the bus. And it is a doubledecker (双层) bus. After school, they sometimes help their mum    8    some shopping at the Shopping Center, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos of the sea.     9    summer, they often go swimming     10    their parents.

(    )1. A. lives B. lived

C. living D. to live

(    )2. A. are B. is C. was D. be

(    )3. A. to B. for C. at D. of

(    )4. A. but B. or

C. at D. and

(    )5. A. they B. them

C. their D. theirs

(    )6. A. All B. Both C. Some D. Two

(    )7. A. on B. by C. take D. sit

(    )8. A. do B. doing C. does D. did

(    )9. A. In B. On C. At D. To

(    )10. A. and B. for

C. of D. with


Hello, everyone. My name is Qi Yue. Im 12 years old. Im from Qingdao, Shandong. I like reading books. My favourite color is white. Im in Grade 6, No. 1 Primary School. My school is new and big. Its very beautiful.

There is a big building in my school. Our classrooms are in the south of the building. Im on Floor 3. In the north, there are computer rooms, music rooms, labs, dancing rooms, art rooms...And there are many books in the library. I can read books in the reading room.

My school is very beautiful, isnt it? Welcome to my school. And lets make friends, OK?

(   )1. Qi Yue is 12 years old and she likes reading.

(   )2. She does not like the color white.

(   )3. Her school is big and beautiful, but old.

(   )4. In the north, you can find many rooms, computer rooms, art rooms and classrooms.

(   )5. Qi Yue can read books in the librarys reading room.

Section B


Dear Frank,

My birthday is coming. On    1    day of this week, I want to have a birthday party. I hope you can come. But it is    2    difficult to find my house. Here is a    3   , and it can help you find    4    my house is. You go out of your house, and go down West Street. Dont

5    left and just walk    6   . You can    7    a bus stop on your left. You can    8    the No. 7 bus and get off (下車) at the second stop. Then you are on Garden Street. Go down the street and you will    9    a supermarket. There is a bookstore down the street on your right. My house is    10    the bookstore.



(    )1. A. the first B. one C. a first D. first

(    )2. A. many B. a little

C. no D. lots of

(    )3. A. picture B. book C. map D. photo

(    )4. A. here B. there C. when D. where

(    )5. A. turn B. learn C. have D. meet

(    )6. A. straight B. left C. front D. right

(    )7. A. watch B. see C. look D. listen

(    )8. A. go B. ask C. take D. let

(    )9. A. run B. sell C. love D. pass

(    )10. A. behind B. in

C. under D. at


Lewis gave his son Toby a book without any pictures. Toby was disappointed. Lewis said, “Dear, there is a magic key in the book.” Toby liked everything about magic. He flicked through (草草翻阅) the book, but he didnt find the key. “You wont find it like that. You have to read it,” said Lewis.

Toby began reading the book but he stopped the next day. He thought, “Its so boring. There is no magic key. Dad just wants me to read more.”

Tobys younger sister Lucy began to read the book. After three days, she said, “I have found the magic key!With it, I visited many places and people. They were great!” Then Toby began to read it again. He felt bored at first because there were no pictures in it. But later, he found it interesting and he walked into the world in the story. He visited the wonderful places in the book himself.

“The book is the key!” he cried.

From then on, in every new book, Toby could see a magic key.

(    )1. Lewis gave his son Toby a book because             .

A. Toby likes reading                      B. Lewis loves his son very much

C. he wants his son to do more reading        D. there is a key in the book

(    )2. Toby flicked through the book


A. to find the magic key                    B. to enjoy the pictures in the book

C. to get the main idea of the story            D. to read more

(    )3. We can infer (推測) that             .

A. Lewis wanted Lucy to talk more

B. from then on, Toby enjoyed reading very much

C. Lewis daughter found the magic key in the book

D. Toby visited the wonderful places in the book

(    )4. The writer wants to tell us that


A. we should visit many places and people in our life

B. Toby began to enjoy reading books very much

C. reading books as much as we can is very important

D. there is no magic key in the book

(    )5. The best title (标题) of the passage could be             .

A. Places and People

B. The Magic Key

C. Father and His Children

D. Book and the World

