

文化交流 2019年7期











































北京时间2019年7月6日14时29分,良渚古城遗址5330页申遗文本中的重要信息在现场大屏幕上一一呈现,3分钟的陈述后, ICOMOS宣布: “良渚古城遗址证明了它的完整性、真实性,边界合适,符合世界遗产第3和第4条标准,我们建议将它列入世界遗产名录,建议所有的遗产组成部分全部列入保护单位。”随后,全票通过!



A Journey of 25 Years: Liangzhus Inclusion onto World Heritage List

An initiative in 1994 started preparations for getting Liangzhu archaeological site onto the UNESCOs World Heritage List. The preparations progressed step by step as more and more archaeological finds came to light.


The China National Heritage Administration recommended the Liangzhu Site Complex onto UNESCOs world heritage preliminary list. It was in that year that the Mojiaoshan Palace area was academically established and confirmed. It was a mind-blowing discovery.


Excavations first in 1987 and then from 1992 to 1993 enabled scholars to understand that the huge earthen tableland, which measures 300,000 square meters in area and 10 meters tall, is the manmade foundation of a large-scale palatial complex. Scholars considered the palace area together with the large quantity of fine jade artifacts unearthed in previous archaeological excavations at Fanshan, Yaoshan and Huiguanshan sites and realized that this region must have been the center of the Liangzhu Culture. From the late 1980s to the 1990s, archaeological projects in Liangzhu proceeded nonstop. From 1998 to 2002, archaeologists of Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology combed an area of 50 square kilometers in Liangzhu and confirmed more than 130 sites.


The State Council designated Liangzhu Site as an important heritage site under state protection.


Hangzhou Liangzhu Archaeological Site Administration District took shape officially in September 2001.


In 2000, Chen Tongbin from the Institute of Architectural History under the China Architecture Design & Research Group was commissioned to formulate a master plan for the conservancy of Liangzhu Archaeological Site. The biggest challenge she faced at that time was the boundary issue of the site. She did not expect the boundary of the whole zone to be demarcated clean and clear at one stroke, but the master plan must cover all the sites, even though some of them were yet to be discovered. Archaeologists were summoned to a meeting and studied the situation. Accompanied and briefed on the spot by archaeologists, Chens assistants visited all the 135 sites. Chen and a vice director of Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted field studies of all the terrains around the 135 sites. With GPS data and the data collected through all the field studies, a map was made. In 2002, the demarcation lines of a protection zone for Liangzhu Archaeological Site were determined. In 2003, the clearly defined zone passed evaluation at the national level. In 2007, the ancient Liangzhu City was discovered. The city site lies exactly in the core of the protection zone mapped before the discovery of the city site. The map owes its success to a set of theory and techniques adopted by Chen and her colleagues before the mapping work started. The successful mapping of the zone was a breakthrough in the application for the inclusion onto the world heritage list and in the protection of the Liangzhu Archaeological Site.


The China National Cultural Heritage Administration placed Liangzhu Archaeological Site onto Chinas preliminary list of candidates for the World Heritage List inscription.

In 2006, an insignificant archaeological excavation at Putaofan revealed the whole of Liangzhu City site. Putaofan is a low terrain about 200 meters west of the Mojiaoshan Site. By the terrain is a pond bordered on the east by a north-south high-land. Some rocks at the bottom of the pond caught the attention of archaeologists. From March to April 2007, archaeologists discovered a rock foundation about 1,000 meters long and 40-60 meters wide. Obviously the ruins suggested a gigantic engineering project.

It was announced on November 29, 2007 that the ancient city of Liangzhu was discovered, marking the beginning of urban archaeological studies of the Liangzhu Culture.

Archaeological evidences accumulated from 2009 to 2012 and studies conducted during the same period uncovered the existence of the Outer City. The old and new discoveries combined to establish that the ancient Liangzhu City is composed of the Palace Area, the Inner City and the Outer City. The triple urban structure is the prototype of capital cities in subsequent dynasties of ancient China.


The China National Cultural Heritage Administration listed Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City on Chinas preliminary list for World Heritage Site inclusion again and the application procedure commenced substantially.

In 2010, the Liangzhu Archaeological Park was inscribed onto a national list of archaeological parks. More funds from the central government were assigned for further archaeological excavations across Liangzhu sites, leading to important new discoveries. Meanwhile approved and supported by the China National Cultural Heritage Administration, Zhejiang Provincial Government and Hangzhou Municipal Government, experts began to draft documents for the application for the inclusion of Liangzhu Archaeological Site onto the World Heritage List, study and determine the outstanding universal value of Liangzhu, publicize the site protection, and carry out environmental improvement projects.

In 2012, the formulation of the nomination file for Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City started. Chen Tongbin was appointed to head the project and work in collaboration with Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Heritage and Hangzhou Liangzhu Archaeological Site Zone Administrative Committee.

Located and determined on the evidence unearthed from 2009 to 2016, the peripheral water conservancy system was included into the nomination file in 2017.



On January 26, 2018, China officially recommended Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City to UNESCOs World Heritage Center as Chinas only candidate for World Heritage Committees deliberation in 2019. On January 29, 2018, the nomination file was submitted to the center by a delegation from the management committee of Hangzhou Liangzhu Archaeological Site Administrative District. Madam Rima Hooja, an Indian scholar and archaeologist, conducted an evaluation tour in Liangzhu in September 2018, on behalf of ICOMOS. She fully acknowledged the value of the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu City and Liangzhus safeguarding and administration operation. During the same time, ICOMOS organized a panel evaluation of the nomination file for nominated property of Liangzhu.

In late November 2018, ICOMOS held an evaluation work meeting to evaluate all the candidates for 2019 deliberation. Song Xinchao, vice director of China National Cultural Heritage Administration, attended the meeting with a delegation he headed. The Chinese delegation spoke at a Q & A session with ICOMOS experts.

In early January 2019, ICOMOS asked China to submit supplemental material to amend the nomination file and to submit a plan for better safeguarding measures for the archaeological ruins, a plan to be prepared in response to a list of eight questions from ICOMOS. The China National Cultural Heritage Administration soon submitted necessary documents on the basis of professional studies.

In March 2019, ICOMOS called another evaluation session and Liangzhu was recommended to be inscribed. The secretariat of the World Heritage Committee drafted a decision to be submitted for deliberation of the 43rd annual session of the World Heritage Committee.


On July 6, 2019, it took the UNESCOs World Heritage Committee 14 minutes to reach a unanimous decision to inscribe the Archaeological Sites of Liangzhu Culture onto the UNESCOs World Heritage List.


The 43rd session of the UNESCOs World Heritage Committee took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. The examination and decision-making procedure lasted from 14:29 to 14:43 on July 6, 2019 Beijing Time.

The historical moment was witnessed by a Chinese delegation. After the inclusion decision was announced, the Chinese at the meeting unfolded a long streamer bearing a statement in Chinese: “Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City is the sacred place that materially evidences the five millennia of Chinese Civilization”. The brief statement tells a big story: the archaeological projects started in 1936 by Shi Xingeng, carried on by archaeologists of four generations and support of experts all over the country and the government, the dedication, and the selfless and dedicated work of 25 years as of 1994 when the Liangzhu Culture was first put on a preliminary list for the inclusion of the World Heritage List. The Chinese delegation stood up, waving small Chinese national flags and applauding quietly and smiling from ear to ear.


Significance of Belgian Legislation on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage as a Reference to the Amendment of China's Pertinent Regulations