Concept of dushi visha (latent poison) a review in ayurveda
Dr.Deepti Patel,Dr.S.R.Inchulkar,Dr.YuvrajKaushik,Dr.N.S.Chauhan
1.Department of Agad Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyak,Govt.Ayurveda College,Raipur,India;
2.Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II Drug Testing Laboratory Avam Anusandhan Kendra,Raipur,India.
Key words: DushiVisha,Latent poison,Virudhahara,Cumulative toxicity
The word "Visha" has originated from two words i.e.,Vish+ka,that means to get spread quickly or to absorb.Visha rapidly gets spread in to Rasadi Dhatus and occupies in the body [1].Visha which means poison,originated from Vishada or Vishada means Dukha or depressed spirits.By seeing this,the world became hopeless or became Vishanna,it was termed Visha by Charaka [2].The word DushiVisha is derive from the root Dusha which means impure and the one which posses the property or nature to vitiate [3].Susruta and Vagbhata described DushiVisha as any kind of poison originating from inanimate (sthavara) or animate (jangama) sources or any artificial poison (kritrimVisha) retained in the body after partial expulsion or which has provisionally undergone detoxification,by the anti-poisonous drugs,forest fire,the wind or the sun is termed as latent poison (DushiVisha).Any poison that is devoid of the natural ten properties of Visha,incapable of producing acute symptoms of poisoning can also be designated as DushiVisha.Low potency of all the ten qualities is said to be responsible for the delayed action and cumulative toxicity on the body.Because of the low potency of the poison,it usually will not cause death.Similarly the enveloping (Avarana) action by Dosha Kapha,these low potency poisons are retained in the body for a long period without producing any severe or fatal symptoms [4,5].Poorvaroopa (Prodromal Signs) of Dushi Visha The prodromal symptoms of DushiVisha are narcolepsy,a feeling of heaviness of the body,yawning,laxity of joints,horripulation and body ache.One who suffers from Dushi Visha (latent poison) will have loose motion,his complexion will be altered,his mouth will emit foul smell,olfactory and gustatory senses will be impaired and he will suffer from unquenchable thirst.Slurring and broken speech,vomiting,sorrow,and sudden bouts of unconsciousness are also seen,and symptoms of ascites (Dushya-udara) can be seen.The above symptoms are followed by sense of intoxication after consuming food,indigestion,anorexia,appearance of red patches all over the body,edema of the face and extremities,urticaria,fainting,ascites,vomiting,diarrhoea,discoloration,epileptic attacks,intermittent fever and increased thirst [9].
Figure 1 Inanimate (Sthavar) Animate (Jangama) Artificial Poison (Kritrim Visha)
According to site When DushiVisha is retained in Amashaya (Stomach) it produces the diseases due to derangement of doshasKapha and Vatadoshas.For example unconsciousness,vomiting,diarrhoea,tympanitis,burning sensation,tremors,altered sensorium etc.When located in Pakvashaya (Intestine),it produces diseases of deranged Vata and Pitta doshas such as burning sensation all over the body,fainting,diarrhoea,tympanitis and anemia [10].
Symptoms According to Predominance of Dosha Vitiation of each doshaproduces specific clinical features and these are described in CharakaSamhita.The predominance of dosha in DushiVisha (latent poison) can be ascertained by the respective symptoms (Tab.1) [11]
Table 1 Symptoms Produce By Doshas
Factors that aggravate Dushi Visha
Dooshita desha (Polluted land),Kala (deranged seasons),Anna (toxic food) and Diwaswapna (daytime sleep) are factors that aggravate DushiVisha.Existing DushiVisha (latent poison) can aggravate in the presence of these factors.Commentator Dalhana has explained these symptoms in detail [12,13].
Polluted Land: Dushita Desha can be considered as wet,watery or Anupa Desha (humid land) where excess wind,cold weather and increased rainfalls are present.Such land (Anupa Desha) influences on humors Kapha and Vata,and leads to aggravation of poison (Visha) in the body as DushiVisha (latentpoison) is enfeebled by humor Kapha.
Deranged Atmosphere: Kala can be considered as Sheet Anila (cold wind) and Durdina (cloudy days),which may have relation with DushiVisha (latentpoison).Rain makes body moist (Klinna),cold air reduces the power of digestion (Pachakagni) i.e.metabolism or detoxification is deranged and may lead to aggravation of both Kapha and VataDosha.
Toxic Or Harmful Food: Anna can be considered as alcohol,sesame oil and horse gram,teekshna,VidahiDravyas and unwholesome food,which aggravate Pitta Dosha by their nature.And other aggravating factors like anger,indulgence in sex,exercise etc.affect both body and the mind are also equally capable to aggravate DushiVisha (latentpoison).Hence these factors can be further classified as Aharaja: the factors concerned to food like Sura (alcohol),Tila (sesame) etc.,Viharaja - the factors concerned to activities like exercise,over strain etc.and Kalaja (seasonal factors like wetland,cold weather,cloudy weather etc.).Based on the body and mind,they can be classified as somatic (Sharirika) factors that are concerned with the body and psychic (Manasika),factors that are concerned with the mind.These secondary causative factors can again be broadly classified as Exogenous (external factors) and Endogenous (internal factors).Endogenous comprises of Psychic (Manasika) and dietary (Aharaja) factors whereas Exogenous factors comprises Seasonal (Kalaja) and lifestyle dependent (Viharaja) factors.
Complications of Dushi Visha and Their Treatment
Complications like pyrexia,burning sensation,hiccough,distension of abdomen,impotence,edema,diarrhoea,fainting,cardiac disorders,abdominal enlargement,insanity,tremors,and similar other complications should be treated with the respective remedial measures for the aforesaid diseases by the use of anti-poisonous drugs [14].
Prognosis of Dushi Visha
Dushivisha is curable for the person who is having good will power and patience.It is controllable with treatment for the person who is suffering from DushiVisha.It is incurable for emaciated or debilitated person and one who consume unwholesome diet [15].
Explanation on Dushi Visha (Latent Poison)
Partially metabolized: it has got two aspects: 1.When Visha,which is capable of producing acute ill effects,is kept for long time,some of them may lose its original properties,ultimately gets converted to low potential Visha,which is Dushi Visha (latent poison).2.Poison (Visha) whether inanimate (Sthavara),animate (Jangama) or artificial (Kritrima) which is not completely eliminated from the body or partially detoxified and being retained or accumulated in the body and localized at various sites of tissues producing cumulative effect is latent poison (DushiVisha).It can also be called chronic poisoning or latentpoisoning.In the chronic poisoning symptoms develop insidiously and more gradually.There is exacerbation of symptoms after the suspected food,medicine and exposure to environment factors like cloudy weather,rain etc.there is remission or even complete disappearance of symptoms on the removal of the patient from his usual surroundings.
Incompletely inactivated by antitoxic drugs: it means partial detoxification by antidotes on in-complete metabolism of poison,which also retains some properties.Detoxification is a chemical process that occurs in the body to convert toxic substances in to non-toxic substances for eliminated from body through excretion.
Burnt by forest fire: Exposure to heat flame or fire etc.converts Visha in to DushiVisha (latentpoison).This is because,certain properties of Poison (Visha) are altered by exposure to heat and fire and this,in turn results in reduced potency of Visha whereby,its properties are altered,leading to Dushi Visha (latent poison).
Dried up in wind: Cold wind (Sheetalavata) dries up the water content of poison (Visha) reducing its properties such as Teekshna,Ushna etc.thus transforming potent Visha into less potent DushiVisha (latentpoison).
Dried in the sun: Sunrays,which contain ultraviolet rays,infra-red and x-radiations has got influence on the earth as solar terrestrial effects.Among those,UV rays are important because of its effect on the biological phenomenon.It disinfects air,water and other substances including even poisonous substances if kept on sun exposure more detoxification takes place,which in turn reduces the potency of poison.
Lacking in the classical ten properties of poison: Naturally all Visha whether it is inanimate (sthavara),animate (jangama) or artificial (kritrima) have all the classical ten properties (Gunas) like Teekshna,hot (ushna),dry (ruksha) etc.Presence of these Gunas can cause acute or sub-acute poisoning.But if any one or more of these properties (Gunas) are absent in a particular Visha,it can become DushiVisha that is of low potency by nature.In DushiVisha,presence of Teekshna,hot (ushna) etc,Gunas are not potent enough to produce acute or sub-acute poisoning.At the same time consumption of these will produce symptoms ofDushiVisha.It flares up in the presence of aggravating factors.This may be due to the absence of quick spreading (Vyavaayi),Vikasi and fast acting (Ashukari) Gunas,which are more potent in acute poisoning.Some substances are naturally less potent and may produce symptoms oflatentpoison (DushiVisha) as Charaka has classified worms & insects (Keetas) into Pranaharakeeta and DushiVishakeeta and commentator Chakrapani has commented on DushiVishakeeta as mild (AlpaVisha) keeta.
Management of Dushi Visha
Can be treated with the help of applying Ayurvedic principle [16,17],it includes: 1.Nidana-Parivarjana find out factors which are responsible for Latent poison and eliminate it.2.Dushi visha Detoxification through Panchakarma therapy- The detoxification (Panchakarma) process contains three steps-(1) Purva karma-Preparations before the detoxification.(2) Pradhana karma-The main detoxification process.It includes Vamana and Virechana Karma.(3) Pashchat karma-After detoxification of Dushi visha Agni and strength of the body becomes weak.So to restore the strength of Agni and body Rehabilitation and special dietetic regimen is advised.3.Supplementary Medication-Dushi Vishari Agada,medication in form of Agada as mention in our classical text can be used in Latent poison (Dushi Visha).
Treatment of Dushi Visha
A patient afflicted with the effect of DushiVisha inherent in the system should be first done Swedana and follow the Vamana and Virechana Karma (detoxifying procedures) according to Dosha predominance.After Kaya Shodhana (purificatory therapies),daily Agadapana (anti-toxic drugs) should be done with
Table 2 Ingredients of DushiVishaRiagada
By taking all this 12 drugs in the same amount and coverted into,fine powder.It should be taken in dose of 1-2 masha with the unequal part of ghrith and madhu.This drug is excellent for the treatment DushiVisha and also for othervishavikara[18].
According to CharakaDushiVisha (latentpoison) vitiates Raktadhatu and causes skin diseases such as Kitibha and Kota.DushiVisha vitiates the Doshas one by one and at last causing death.Chakrapani's comment on this verse as,the poison,which gets aggravated after a long time is DushiVisha.Even DushiVishaKeetas are also considered as HeenaVisha (low potency poison).Vagbhata has also explained the same view as Susruta as mentioned earlier.Madhava Nidana has given same explanation as that of Sushruta.But in Madhukosha commentary on Madhava Nidana author has given some clarifications regarding DushiVisha (latent poison).Sheetanila (cold wind),Durdina (cloudy days) are considered as aggravating factors of DushiVisha they aggravate Kaphadosha,and DushiVisha is Avritta (covered) by Kapha.Laxity of joints (Vishlesha) and Romaharsha (horripilation) are Vata-kaphaLakshanas,Annamada is considered as improperly metabolized tissue rasa (Rasaajeerna) by author Gadadhara.Avipaka is clarified as improper digestion (Annasyaapaka).It is also stated that,latentpoison (DushiVisha) can cause impotence.Author Bhavamisra,in his work Bhavaprakasha has also established to the same explanation as of Susruta.The commentator has explained some of the points like ‘Kaphavrittam' by saying that the potency of ushna (hot),Sukshma (minute),Ruksha (dry) etc.Gunas are reduced by Kapha.Because of KaphaDosha,AvaranaAgnimandya (defective digestion) and Dhatwagnimandya (defective metabolism) occurs which in turn leads to Apakataof DushiVisha (latentpoison) and stays for long time in the body without producing any signs and symptoms.According to Yogaratnakara,KritrimVisha (artificial poison) is of two types,one is DushiVisha formed by mixing Savishadravyas (toxic components) another is GaraVisha formed by Nirvishadravyas (non-toxic components).According to Kriyakoumudi,the author agrees with the explanation of Susrutha but added that,even external application of medicated paste (Pralepadi) may transform to DushiVisha after the initial absorption.Bacterial toxins and drugs like antibiotics,steroids etc,Adhyshana (frequent food),Viruddhahara (incompatible food),intake of food prior to digestion of food last taken (Ajeernaavastha) also come under DushiVisha (latentpoison).He adds that Mala (feces),Mutra (urine),Artava (menstrual blood),not properly discharged from the body may also become DushiVisha (latentpoison).Some secondary aggravating factors mentioned are Bhaya (fear),Trishna (thirst),Dourbalya (weakness),Vyasana (sorrow),Kshuda (hunger),Vyayam (exercise),Atisara (diarrhoea),and an increase in Vata and Pitta,thunder,sexual intercourse,and VishaSankata.In GaraVisha condition also same features of DushiVisha are seen but death supervenes only in and not in DushiVisha.He also has mentioned some of DushiVishakeeta,Luta (spider) and Mushika (rat) Lakshanas (Features).In Dushi Vishaasad hyalakshana (symptoms),bleeding and fever are extra symptoms mentioned.In classics it is very well mentioned that any type of poison irrespective of Sthavara (inanimate),Jangama (animate) and KritrimVisha (artificial poison) will reach a stage called Dushi Visha after they getrid their potency to some extent or if they are improperly expelled or partially detoxified in the body.And some things are basically less toxic can be considered as DushiVisha.Present food habits,life style and mental attitudes etc.are entirely different from that of the past.The basic essentials of life air,food and water are all polluted and the hazards paint a gloomy picture for the coming generation.So by considering factors such as Viruddhahara andAhitahara,Fast foods and drinks like colas,alcohol,tobacco,drugs like quinine,NSAIDs,steroids,pesticides,metals,minerals,pollutants etc.can be considered under DushiVisha.
In present era people should have clear cut knowledge regarding DushiVisha.This article will be the channel to understand this concept clearly.Present life style like taking junk food,soft drinks,baked foods,using cosmetics,working in chemical industries are the root causes for Dushi Visha.This review article focussed on all these points like - causative factor,prodromal symptoms and line of treatment.The one who understand this concept thoroughly will get rid of from all these worries.Ayurvedic literatures mainly focussed on these aspects many decades ago.Now we the people should take care on these life style problems like consuming fast food,carbonated food material,over polluted environment etc.and also prevention factor for all these causes.
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