Tan Longjian is an outstanding Chinese contemporary oil painter, whose works feature Hainan landscapes and customs with unique local and minority characteristics. His creative works have been displayed at significant large-scale national exhibitions for many times, revealing particular artistic charms.— Wu Changjiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice Chairman of Chinese Artists Association
Tan Longjian, born in Hainan Island, completed his arts education in Guangzhou city, continued studying at Central Academy of Fine Arts, and later devoted himself to painting in his hometown. The works of Tan are themed on tropical landscape with Hainan features in rich colors and themes, such as rainforest, giant banyans, fishing boats, coconut palms, etc.
— Tang Jixiang, well-known Chinese painter and former Deputy Dean of Guangdong Painting Academy
Tan Longjian graduated from Guangdong Arts and Crafts School in 1982 and then further studied at Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. As a member of Chinese Artists Association, Tan now serves as Executive Vice Chairman of Hainan Oil Paintings Society, Executive Dean of Hainan Oil Paintings Academy, and painter at Hainan Calligraphy and Paintings Institute.
Tans works have won several awards at national and provincial levels, such as the Excellence Award of the 3rd National Minorities Fine Arts Exhibition in 2014, the Excellence Award of the Fine Arts Exhibition of Olympics in 2012, and Silver Awards of provincial fine arts exhibitions for five times. His works have also been selected and displayed at international and national large-scale exhibitions, such as the National Fine Arts Exhibition for Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Foundation of PLA, the 3rd Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition hosted by National Art Museum of China (NAMOC), the 2nd National Paintings Academy Biennale held by the Ministry of Culture, the Painting Exhibition of Three Isles (Taiwan, Hainan and Chongming), Jeju of South Korea and Hainan of China Fine Arts Exhibition and so forth. Tan held solo exhibitions twice in China in 2013 and 2017 respectively.
1987年文化部、总政治部、中国美协“庆祝建军60周年全国美展”(中国美术馆);1999年文化部“第八届全国群星奖美展”(中国美术馆); 2000年中国美协“第十四次新人新作展”(中国美术馆);2003年文化部、中国美协“第三届中国油画展”(中国美术馆),文化部“第二届全国画院双年展”(广州),中国美协“全国首届小幅水彩画展”(福州);2007年中国美协“时代精神——全国肖像油画展”(北京),“海南当代油画名家邀请展”(海口);2008年“台湾海南崇明三岛画展”(上海美术馆);2009年“韩国济州·中国海南美术作品展”(海口);2010年“北京·海南当代水彩画名家学术邀请展”(海口);2012年“巴黎秋季艺术沙龙中国展”。
《美术》(2002年第3期、2004年第1期 )《中国收藏》《艺术收藏与投资》《中国书画博览》《中国艺术品投资》《新海岸》等。
2013年由海南省美术家协会主办“行吟海南——谭龙建绘画艺术展”;2017年在海口举办“海上丝路——谭龙建油画展”。2014年参加中国美协美术家代表团赴西藏采风活动;2015年参加中国油画名家四川写生活动;2016年参加琼、鲁油画家婺源写生活动;2017年参加“南海风”江苏无锡凤凰美术馆画展并写生活动,参加中国油画名家海南陵水寫生活动。(责编 宁文英)