徐彩艳 张嫣然
中图分类号:P49 文献标识码:A
DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2019.09.038 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):
Abstract: The background data of "Shandong weather" is analyzed and compared with the top ten graphic messages in order to better play the role of WeChat in meteorological services. The general situation of "Shandong weather" was expounded and it was summarized that "Shandong weather" has the advantages of authority, timeliness, wide audience, high degree of participation and flexible form in meteorological service. The current situation of transmission is the overall increase in reading volume, the decline and then the upward trend. There is room for improvement in reading rates. The effect of weather process pushing is better than meteorological science pushing. Spread effect affected by multiple factors. The push of pictures and texts has led to the increase in the number of fans. Therefore the operators should be plan reasonably, grasp the good delivery time, enhance attractiveness of cover and the title, follow the current event hot spot, increase the secondary transmission, innovate in pushing form, avoid aesthetic fatigue, change position. The operators should edit graphic message according to user's property, strengthen interaction and promote the secondary transmission to increase the rate of reading and provide?better meteorological service for the audience.
Key words: meteorological information; WeChat; graphic message; transmission
1 “山东天气”总体概况
微信公众号分为订阅号和服务号两种:订阅号每天可推送一条消息,每次推送后不响铃振动提醒,且只能和其他订阅号的推送一起隐藏在订阅号列表中;服务号每月推送四条消息,每次推送后响铃振动提醒,直接显示在用户的聊天列表中[1]。服务号提醒及时的特点非常适合用于灾害性天气和重大社会活动气象服务[2]。“山东天气”属于服务号,认证主体为山东省气象服务中心,2015年1月开通至2018年7月共推送图文消息76条,截至2018年7月31日,共有关注用户40 166人。在所有关注用户中,从性别来看,男性占68.07%;从地域来看,山东省用户占91.94%,体现出“山东天气”的地域定位。从图1可以看出,“山东天气”2015年1月开通以后关注人数(即粉丝数量)呈波动上升趋势,其中2016年10月13日至2017年1月13日增长量最少,2018年4—7月增长量最大。净增人数受季节影响较大,每年的夏季增长较多,冬季较少。这与山东省的气候特征有密切的关系,山东省属于暖温带季风气候,夏季盛行偏南风,炎热多雨,重要天气过程较多;而冬季寒冷干燥,天气变化相对平稳。因此,受众对夏季天气的关注度要高于冬季。在新增人数中,通过“搜一搜”这种方式关注“山东天气”的数量最多。