(沈阳理工大学 机械工程学院,沈阳 110159)
建立单自由度工件-刀具振动系统动力学模型,定量研究进给量对钛合金Ti-6Al-4V切削力和振动加速度的影响规律。采用改变进给量的单因素试验,选用涂层硬质合金刀具车削钛合金Ti-6Al-4V,通过DYTRAN加速度传感器、YDCB-III05三向压电测力系统对试验过程中切削振动和切削力进行检测,运用MATLAB、Origin软件对采集的振动加速度和切削力信号进行处理和分析,采用120 mm位相光栅干涉粗糙度轮廓仪(Talysurf PGI840)测量其表面粗糙度。当进给量分别为0.1、0.15、0.2、0.24、0.3 mm/r时,振动加速度的均方根分别为0.2413、0.3299、0.3945、0.4468、0.5737;算数平均高度分别为0.5383、0.9391、1.4781、1.9849、3.0117 μm;平均谷深度分别为3.1846、4.6445、6.3059、8.3383、11.6506 μm,随进给量的增大,切削力、振动加速度和表面粗糙度均增大。当刀具进给量增大时,刀具与工件之间的接触面积增大,摩擦力增大,从而引起切削力稳态分量的增大,根据单自由度工件-刀具振动系统动力学模型可知,切削力稳态分量增大,切削振动加速度随之增大,会使刀尖位移增大,造成表面粗糙度值随着进给量的增大而增大。
近年来,国内外学者针对切削表面质量的研究主要集中在刀具和切削参数的选择方面[4-6]。学者们发现刀具的副后刀面磨损宽度对被加工材料的表面质量有明显影响[7];进给量的增大会使积屑瘤的高度增大,造成理论残留面积高度的增大,从而造成表面粗糙度值增大[8]。然而仅考虑刀具和切削参数本身的优化,难以满足精度高且加工稳定的工艺要求,尤其随着精密加工及检测设备的广泛应用和对动力学研究的深入,在提高切削表面质量的过程中,控制切削力和切削振动[9-12],考虑切削动力学的约束[13]十分有必要。A. DEVILLEZ等[14]通过试验研究发现,由于进给速度和切削深度的影响,切削力、切削振动将会导致刀具与工件之间产生位移,这对表面质量有很大的影响。YUE等[15]认为刀具偏心将极大地影响到切削刀具的实际切削半径,因此会导致切削刃上的切削力分布不均匀,使得切削力、振动信号的频率从刀齿通过频率转变为主轴旋转频率,进而影响加工过程稳定性;此外,学者们还发现,运用切削力建模的方法可以揭示切削机理和预测表面精度。张洁等[16]通过建立切削力模型,对工件的动态特性进行分析及仿真,得出刀尖半径的大小对强迫振动响应有很大的影响。LI等[17]利用软件Matlab与Visual Basic混合编程建立了动力学仿真模块,提出在不同切削条件下预测切削力、振动、表面光洁度及稳定性的算法。H. Paris等[18]在利用软件预测表面形貌时,发现加工振动系统的动力学特性会影响加工表面质量,这一发现从仿真的角度证明了加工过程中的振动会对表面质量产生影响。
1 试验方案
表1 Ti-6Al-4V的化学成分
Tab.1 Chemical composition of Ti-6Al-4V wt.%
表2 切削参数、振动加速度均方根及表面粗糙度值
Tab.2 Cutting parameters, mean square root of vibration acceleration and roughness value
表3 随进给量变化的稳态切削力分量(c=97 m/min,p=0.2 mm)
Tab.3 Stable cutting force Ff with different feed rates (Vc=97 m/min, ap=0.2 mm)
2 结果与讨论
2.1 表面粗糙度随进给量的变化特性
图1 不同进给量下Ti-6Al-4V表面粗糙度波形图
2.2 振动加速度随进给量的变化特性
利用Origin软件对采集的随进给量变化的振动加速度信号经去空转、平滑处理后,进行快速傅里叶变换,得到随进给量变化的振动加速度频谱图。切削振动加速度在频率为4~5 kHz范围内振动最为明显,三个坐标分别表示频率、进给量和振动加速度值,如图2所示。随着进给量的增大,振动加速度也随之增大,如图3所示。
图2 Ti-6Al-4V振动加速度随进给量变化频谱图
图3 Ti-6Al-4V振动加速度均方根随进给量的变化
2.3 进给量对切削过程动态系统的影响规律
其中,为刀具系统质量(1.036 kg),为阻尼(345 N/(m/s)),为刀具被压紧在工件上的刚度(281 333 529 N/m)[19]。
图4 切削振动的物理模型
Fig.4 Physical model of cutting vibration
图5 工件-刀具振动系统动力学模型
Fig.6 Function image of()
图7 振动加速度瞬时响应
3 结论
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Influence of Feed on Surface Quality in Titanium Alloy Cutting Process Based on Dynamic Mechanical Model Analysis
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China)
The work aims to establish the dynamic model of single-degree-of-freedom in workpiece-tool vibration system so as to quantitatively study the influence of feed on cutting force and vibration acceleration of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The single factor test of changing the feed rate was adopted. Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy was turned by coated hard alloy tool. The cutting vibration and cutting force in the cutting process were tested by DYTRAN acceleration sensor and YDCB-II105 three-dimensional piezoelectric force measuring system. The collected vibration acceleration and cutting force signals were processed and analyzed by MATLAB and Origin software. The surface roughness was measured by 120 mm Talysurf PGI840 roughness tester. When the feed rates was 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.24 and 0.3 mm/r, respectively, the mean square roots of the vibration acceleration were 0.2413, 0.3299, 0.3945, 0.4468and 0.5737, respectively, the average arithmetic heights ofwas 0.538, 0.9391, 1.4778, 1.984 and 3.0117 μm, respectively and the average valley depthwas 3.1846, 4.64445, 6.3059, 8.338 and 11.6506 μm, respectively. With the increase of the feed, all of the cutting force, vibration acceleration and the surface roughness increased. The contact area between the tool and the workpiece increases with the increase of feed rate, which leads to the increase of the friction force and the steady-state component of the cutting force. From the dynamic model of the workpiece-tool vibration system, the vibration acceleration increases with the increase of the steady-state component of the cutting force, thus causing bigger tip displacement and resulting in that the surface roughness increases with increase of the feed rate.
feed rate; surface quality; cutting force; cutting vibration; dynamical model
WANG Chen-yu (1994—), Female, Master, Research focus: cutting theory and advanced manufacturing technology.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51775357), Liaoning Natural Science Foundation (20170540785)
LI Jin-quan (1965—), Male, Doctor, Professor, Research focus: cutting theory and advanced manufacturing technology. E-mail: li_jinquan@163.com