文/Lyuba Atanasova 译/谢惠君
The cultural differences between China and the West can also be divided into separate fields–everyday life, beliefs, ethical views, eating, and so on. I, of course, will choose the field in which I am an expert–family education and institutional education.
The Chinese continue to live under the sign of family and family values. For them, these connections (and even dependencies) are extremely strong. It is often the case that I talk to my students who give up their choices and plans because they do not match their parents' plans.
Such a thing is almost unthinkable in Western civilization.The liberal idea and egocentricity have reached such a level that even in the most fragile childhood, children are being stimulated to dictate what will happen not only to them but also to adults.
As far as the behavior of Chinese students at university is concerned, this is the biggest difference (compared to European students). Here is a list of these differences (made during my six-year practice in BFSU):
Chinese students are shy. They do not like to emphasize their advantages. Collectivism is important to them. European students think of themselves as unique and inimitable. That's why they love to show themselves, to explicate their opinion and their personality.
During a lecture or exercise, even when they do not understand,Chinese students would never interrupt the teacher. Moreover –because I think this is important and this is a part of my teaching methods, I warn them early on that: I want when they do not understand, right away to interrupt me and ask. This is only happening in the third year since they know me (and sporadically,besides only some of the students.) European students have the courage to interrupt the professor on all occasions.
Chinese students prefer not to express their own opinion.Even when it comes to issues that are not controversial. On the contrary, European students are happy to do so – even when they are not asked to do that, they explicate and even try to impose on others their opinion.
阿塔那索娃(Lyuba Atanasova),保加利亚籍,1973年生,毕业于保加利亚西南大学,专业方向为保加利亚语文学,于2012年获文化研究和人类学博士学位。曾在保加利亚、匈牙利、塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩等多地教授保加利亚语言、文学和文化相关课程。2012年,通过保加利亚教育部选拔,被派往中国担任北京外国语大学外籍专家,教授保加利亚语言与文学课程。主要研究方向为欧洲文学现代主义和后现代主义。
关于最后这一点,我需要强调的是,在去河南的访问中,我看到了北京大学的安乐哲教授(Prof. Roger T.Ames)和北京外国语大学的田辰山教授(Prof. Chenshan Tian)之间融洽的合作关系。我指的不仅仅是他们杰出的科研成果。访问期间,两位教授为我们这些北京外国语大学的教授组织了一个特别棒的会议,地点就安排在了他们的酒店套房,我一直观察他们交谈时的反应。令人震撼的一致性!我感觉自己正在参加一个已经预演过的会议,好像他们提前准备了所有的对话。而他们当然没有提前准备。我想说的是,我并不是第一次见到这种团队,但是我第一次见到了团队成员之间独特的同步性和理解力。这让我印象十分深刻。
Chinese students deeply respect the institution Teacher. They treat him/her with respect, and if they personally likes him/her – with love, adoration and worship. To my great regret,probably because of the dominance of the liberal direction of education in Europe, confidence and respect for the teacher is not particularly great. Not to mention growing up lately skepticism about education.
Chinese students prefer to repeat, copy patterns. They dislike tasks related to resolving critical situations. European students are excellent in critical thinking and generally do not like to repeat someone else's (either standard or classic) models.
Lastly, I will leave a characteristic of Chinese students (and young people in general) that I can not explain to myself even today (five and a half years living with Chinese students and having a deep connection with them). Despite the marked collectivism and lack of self-centeredness and willingness to show off their face, Chinese students are not particularly good at team working. When solving tasks that require roles to be assigned to a particular group, they are far more helpless (and often unproductive) than European ones. In a large number of cases, the task is borne by one of them (usually that one who they perceive as the leader only because he/she have the most excellent learning marks).
In connection with the last point, I want to emphasize that the thing that most impressed me during our journey to Henan is the amazing collective/team work of professor Roger T. Ames and Prof. Chenshan Tian. And I mean not only their fantastic scientific results. During the magical meeting with the lecturers of BFSU they organized for us at their hotel suite, I watched their reactions very carefully during the conversation. Stunning synchrony! I had the feeling that I was attending a pre-directed meeting where they had pre-distributed their words in the dialogue. Which, of course, can not be the case. I want to say that I do not meet teammates for the first time, but I see this unique synchronicity and understanding for the first time. I'm really impressed.
It is possible, not knowing the specifics of their thinking and behavior, we to confuse from the bases – with the assignment of the task in the group/team work. And I would like to end like this: it is possible that the Eastern and civilizations are not that"clashed" when a perfect team of Chinese and Western scholars is possible!