Bai Jingfeng, born in Lvliang of Shanxi province in 1971, is a calligrapher and curator. He now serves as the member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Political Consultative Conference, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, and Secretary-General of China Pictorial Calligraphy and Painting Academy.
Since 2007, Bai has organized more than 20 large-scale activities in many well-known venues, such as the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People of China, Vienna Palace of Austria, HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, and planed plenty of important activities as the Chief Director or Chief Curator.
2007年以来,白景峰围绕国家年度大事,先后在中国人民大会堂金色大厅、奥地利维也纳皇宫、台北孙中山纪念馆、香港会展中心、博鳌国际会议中心等地负责组织、策划了20多次大型活动;先后担任“庆祝香港回归20周年中华颂中国书法交响音乐会”“庆祝中国共产党成立90周年中国书法交响音乐会” “纪念辛亥革命100周年海峡两岸百位书法家同书百米书法长卷长城笔会”“海峡两岸120位书法家公祭甲午战争120周年”“庆祝中奥建交40周年2011维也纳皇宫中国书法音乐会”“庆祝博鳌亚洲论坛成立15周年书法笔会”“庆祝五台山申遗成功中国千名书家千卷写经书法开光仪式”等重大活动总导演或总策划、总指挥。