Professors Research on General Wei Wen
By Shi Chunbo
The 53-year-old Pan Guoping, a professor of international law with Southwest University of Political Science & Law, has been engaged over the past ten years in the studies of General Wei Wen and his voyage to reach Taiwan 1789 years ago. His latest effort was an event in Beijing on February 24, 2019 to issue a postal stamp in commemoration of the generals voyage to Yizhou (present-day Taiwan) in 230 DC. The general stayed in Taiwan for about a year. This historical voyage and stay is widely recognized as Chinas sovereignty over Taiwan.
At the invitation of Professor Pan, government officials, military officers, scholars attended the event, exploring the practical significance and relevance of the historical event in history, politics and jurisprudence. Many of them are friends and acquaintances. They were surprised to see the professor so thin. He was very sick. He weighed no more than 40 kilograms. He coughed badly as his left lung had stopped functioning properly. And they were touched by Pans total dedication to the undertaking. His friends said they would join him in his cause.
At the event, Pan talked about his ten-year undertaking and called for more efforts to promote the study.
Pan hadnt expected that his life would have been so intimately involved with General Wei Wen of the Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period in Chinas history.
The only connection between them is Taizhou. Pan Guoping is a native of Taizhou. General Weis fleet left Taizhou for Taiwan 1,789 years ago. Pan was fascinated by the historical sailings departure point ten years ago when he was reading about the general in the in the written by Chen Shou (233-297). Back then, the professor was engaged in a research project about Chinas sovereignty over Taiwan. As soon as he learned about the expedition in 230AD, he went back to Taizhou and visited Professor Ye Zheming, an expert on General Wei Wens journey to Yizhou, at the History Department of Taizhou College. This visit started his own voyage following General Wei Wen.
In the second half of 2009, Pan Guoping set up a research organization with a focus on General Weis direct sailing between Taizhou and Taiwan. Three years later, the Research Institute for Studies of Wei Wen Fleets Voyage to Taiwan was founded in Taizhou. On February 24, 2013, he proposed that the historical sailing apply for a world heritage status and held a forum at Peking University to explore the feasibilities of this proposal. Then he held a forum in Taipei in commemoration of General Weis voyage across the Taiwan Strait.
On May 19, 2016, a foundation was set up in Hangzhou with the approval of the provincial government of Zhejiang. Pan is the president of the foundation, which functions with one million yuan from the government of Jiaojing District of Taizhou and one million out of his own pocket.
Professor Pan Guoping thinks the most difficult part of his studies is that archaeological finds are hardly available for detailed information on this voyage. After all, it occurred more than 1700 years ago. In search of historical clues, he has visited museums in Japan and Taiwan. He has visited the Strait of Malacca. He got little, he revealed at the event in February 2019. His friends promised to pay attention when anything in this field may pop up in this field.
The next big thing Pan Guoping wishes to accomplish is to produce a feature film on General Weis voyage. The film has been filed with the national filmmaking authorities and has been approved. A number of filmmakers have confirmed their participation in the project. The script and selection of actors have been underway. He aims to raise 150 million yuan for the film project. He has raised some, but there are a lot to do. “I believe this can be done,” says the professor.
their eyes that she was the master of such a young age. She remembers how the fans sold out in no time in Hong Kong and regrets that none of them is in her possession as a memento. She has only a set of photos of her prize-winning paper fan drawings. In 1999, she brought her paper fans to the China Cultural Week in Paris, France. It was her first international exhibition. All the fans she brought to Paris went into private collections in France.
A turning point in her life occurred in 2010 when she demonstrated her fan-painting art at World Expo in Shanghai. She asked her daughter You Xiaoting to help her out at the expo. The daughter hadnt wanted to carry on her moms career. The girl liked to draw and was a good designer of paper fans, but she didnt want to commit herself to such a career, thinking her mothers total dedication was spiritually exhausting and unbearable. She chose to study environmental art at college. But attending the Expo in Shanghai changed her mind about paper fans. After seeing her mothers fans attracted so many people, the daughter found the work meaningful. She decided to focus on painting paper fans. Even now, the mother and the daughter feel amazed how a month at the expo in 2010 changed the life of the mother and the daughter forever. “I wouldnt want to force her to engage herself in this field. In this line of work, only a real passion can last a lifetime. Such a total dedication must come from within. It would be futile trying to impose it from without,” says the mother.
Now You Xiaoting works with her mother at the two-story studio in downtown Hefang Street. Her fan products are a little different from those by her mother. Zhao Pingjias paintings are more traditional in both subjects and skills whereas Yous works incorporate some modern elements. She will continue to do what her mother has been doing: design and create special paintings on black-paper fans. Works in this category are time-consuming and expensive. Traditional fans appeal only to a small group of people. She wants to develop paper-fans that appeal to more popular tastes of ordinary people. A series of fans that integrates paper-cutting and silk, jointly developed by the mother-daughter team, has won a gold medal in three consecutive years from the tourism authorities of Hangzhou.
The daughter is full of ideas she wants to try out in the future. While the young woman talks, Zhao Pingjia listens attentively and lovingly, knowing the fan painting art is now in the safe and youthful hands.