我今早6:30醒过来,然后就没法接着睡了,这实在让人苦恼。自从新年第一天开始就这样。I woke up at 6:30 this morning and couldt get back to sleep, which was pretty frustrating. But thats been happening to me ever since the beginning of the year.
除夕夜里,老媽想让曼尼体验一下守夜的感觉,但又不想让他真的熬夜,于是她把闹钟往前调了三个小时。On New Years Eve, Mom wanted Manny to feel what its like to be up at midnight without actually letting him stay up that late. So she set the clocks in the house ahead by three hours.
她也没跟我说。所以当老爸跟老妈还有曼尼一起倒数的时候,我以为真的到了午夜。She didns tell me, though. So when Mom and Dad did the countdown with Manny, I thought it was midnight for real.
结果我那晚10:30就上床睡觉了,以为是凌晨1:30呢。所以我这一年的生物钟就有了3个小时的时差。I ended up going to bed at 10:30 that night thinking it was 1:30 in the moring. So my whole schedule has been off by three hours this year.
我周末从来睡不醒,直到老爸亲自动手把我拖下床。在冬天尤其如此,因为外面天寒地冻,被子里却暖和舒服极了。I dont usually wake up on weekends until Dad literally drags me out of bed, especially during the winter, when its cold outside and its nice and warm under the covers.
我记得去年冬天有一次老爸在星期六上午8:00把我叫醒,让我到外面的车道铲雪。I remember a time last winter when Dad woke me at 8:00 on a Saturday morning and told me to go outside and shovel snow off the walkway.
我当时睡梦正酣,但竟然也能下床去铲雪,然后回来继续做梦,而且这梦还续得上,什么都没落下。Id been in the middle of a really good dream, but I was able to get out of bed, shovel the walkway, and get right back into my dream without missing a beat.