“Spidermen” in Hubei University


Special Focus 2019年3期

Text by Ma Yalun & Tang Lin Photos by Su Zhuolin

Hubei University, an important provinciallevel university in Wuhan, the capital city of Central China's Hubei Province, is proud to boast a team of talented spider researchers and scientists in its School of Life Sciences.

Prof. Zhao Jingzhao, Prof. Chen Jian, Prof. Jiao Xiaoguo, and their graduate students, forming a long line of four generations, have pooled together and made great achievements in the research of spiders. Recently, a paper named “Prolonged milk provisioning in jumping spiders” was released in Science, a top SCI journal, marking the joint effort of Prof. Jiao Xiaoguo, Associate Prof. Zhang Shichang of Hubei University and Chen Zhanqi and Quan Ruichang of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This paper composed their great contribution to the field of biology for their initial discovery in breastfeeding in invertebrates. It is noteworthy that Chen Zhanqi, the first author of the paper, was also a graduate of Hubei University.

A World of Spiders

Entering one of the spider laboratories in Hubei University, we saw rows of shelves, as high as 2 meters each. The shelves are filled with various bottles and jars in which spiders of different varieties live. These spiders come from all over the world, including some remote corners of China. This small laboratory is a giant world of spiders, where all the famous spiders, such as Tarantulas and black widow spiders can be seen.

Prof. Jiao told us that his research team mainly focuses on the research dealing with pardosa pseudoannulatas, pardosa astrigeras, and bird-eating spiders.

We observed closely the birdeating spiders from Hainan Province in China and South America. They are likely to dig out caves in wet mud and hide there. These spiders, covered with brown straight hair, as if combed by the barber, remind us of the spider spirits in the Journey to the West. This kind of spider is nocturnal, and lives on insects. One bird-eating spider, hiding in its cave, stretches its legs, making good preparation to attack in a timely manner. The gray and black bulges on the front end of the legs are its claws. It is magical that the claw does not snag things when the spider isn't attacking, but when it starts to attack, the claws grip tightly on prey. Prof. Jiao further explained spiders' secrets concerning venom, limb coordination, and weaving skills. He put a bird-eating spider on the back of one hand, and touched it with the other while speakingto us, “Spiders are not as toxic or dangerous as most people think.”

After we left the laboratory, Prof. Jiao guided us to the specimen room, where seven researchers were studying spider specimens. A lady turned on the light, moved past the meters-high file cabinets, and explained to us the categories of specimens.

“Here is where more than 100,000 spider specimens are kept.”

The cabinets are full of glass bottles, one after another. Immersed in formalin liquid, spiders, big and small, still are bright in color and their thin hairs are intact. Prof. Jiao explained to us that these spiders were all collected or bred by the team. Chen Jian, the vice dean of the School of Life Sciences, takes the lead in the research of the diversity of species amongst spiders. He and his team travel hundreds of thousands miles every year to search for spiders of different species in mountains and caves around China. So far, they have left their footprints in Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou, and many other remote regions. Tombs, caves, high mountains, and virgin woodlands are the ideal places for them to seek new spiders.

Bright Future for the Application and Marketing of Spiders

In the 1970s, when Hubei University was called Wuhan Teachers College, Zhao Jingzhao, a teacher then, was designated to study the prevention and control of farmland crop creatures. He found that spiders are a natural remedy for pests in cotton fields, which ushered in the beginning of the application of spiders for biological control.

After 50 successive years of development, Hubei University leads in the research of spiders in China. The School of Life Sciences has nurtured hundreds of doctoral and master's graduates since then. Right now 40 students are pursuing their doctoral and master's degrees at the center. Hubei University is now on the path of internationalization in its research. For example, they invited Prof. Ingi Agnarsson from the University of Vermont from the US and Prof. Matjaz Kuntner from Slovenia to work here as visiting professors.

At present, many other universities in China also have spider research centers, which embrace many scholars, and have attained great achievements and expanded the field of research on spiders. With government sponsorship and funding, spider research now has a good academic climate, and more and more talents have blossomed at a faster speed.

Nowadays, the research of spiders mainly focus on the study of Arachnids and their application in pest control and prevention, as well as applications in Bionics and Material Science. With the application of spiders in biological control, pesticides will be used less, thus soil and water contamination will continue to decrease. Application in Bionics and Material Science also provides potential for development in many fields. The spider web, with characteristics of high intensity, fast elongation rates, and good tenacity, can be applied to the textile, medical, and military industries. What's more, progresses have been achieved in the treatment of rheumatism using the venom from the spiders. The study of spiders' limb coordination will definitely shed light on advanced construction equipment, rescue work, and other fields.


文/马亚伦 唐琳 摄影/苏卓琳











陈建教授(后排左三)、赵敬钊教授(后排左五)和他们的同事Professor Chen Jian, Professor Zhao Jingzhao and their colleagues





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