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What can we encounter in Qingdao?
Tsingtao Beer. This is the most common answer.
However, when you walk and read in this city, beer is not the only thing you can encounter in Qingdao. A "planned" walking and reading of Qingdao was revealed in a rainy day. Many of other surprises that exceed the common answers emerge one after another.
Qingdao Auto Industrial New City, FAW Jiefang Manufacturing Workshop, Liulin Village of Longquan Town in Jimo, Ledu Music Valley, Jimo Ancient City, Mashan National Nature Reserve, Museum of World War I, Tsingtao Beer Museum, Haier Home Appliances Museum, Zhanqiao Pier, sea line etc. All things about Qingdao, including those we are familiar to and those we are not, has run into us while we are walking and reading in Qingdao.
Mount Lao and Eight Great Passes come to your mind firstly, then Tsingtao Beer. However, before you come to Qingdao, you can never imagine that there not only auto and auto-related industries but amazing Auto Park in Qingdao Auto Industrial New City, bringing both fun and auto culture experience.
Industry has become the tourism element of Qingdao. Qingdao Auto Industrial New Park is one part of it, and there are some more parts that we are pretty familiar to, such as Qingdao International Sailing Center, which is dispensable when we walk and read in Qingdao.
Mount Lao, Zhanqiao Pier, Qingdao Station... There are a lot of check-in places in Qingdao. If you have enough time to look round, you may find something new any time.
However, we usually end our walking and reading of Qingdao in beer. The Tsingtao Beer Street in Dengzhou Rd may be the most worldly place in Qingdao.
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