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《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》(The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas)是爱尔兰作家约翰·伯恩(John Boyne)的第四部作品,作品出版后很快成为《纽约时报》评选出来的畅销书、英国十大畅销书,并且荣登欧洲许多畅销书排行榜。本书除了诺贝尔文学奖,几乎囊括欧美所有文学奖。
故事发生在20世纪40年代的柏林。八岁小男孩布鲁诺(Bruno)的父亲是纳粹军官,因升职调遣,带着全家搬到了柏林外的一个偏远郊区。布鲁诺也因此不得不离开心爱的伙伴。寂寞无聊的布鲁诺发现新家隔壁是一个很奇怪的农场,人们都穿着条纹睡衣(the Striped Pyjamas)在干活。正当他想试着多去了解一些的时候,又被警告不许接近那里。实际上,布鲁诺的父亲对家人隐瞒了真相——隔壁是杀人工厂奥斯维辛集中营。然而铁丝网无法阻拦布鲁诺的好奇心,在一次“探险”的过程中,他遇见了铁丝网那边的一个小男孩——穿着条纹衣服的希姆尔(Shmuel)。于是在接下来的一年里,他们每天隔着铁丝网见面,成了最好的朋友。为了帮助好友寻找失踪多日的父亲,布鲁诺决定穿上条纹衣服,越过铁丝网,和希姆尔进行一次终极“探险”——一次改变了所有人命运的探险。
The Final Adventure
(excerpted from The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas)
Bruno frowned.He looked up at the sky,and as he did so there was another loud sound,this time the sound of thunder overhead,and just as quickly the sky seemed to grow even darker,almost black,and rain poured down even more heavily than it had in the morning.Bruno closed his eyes for a moment and felt it wash over him.When he opened them again he wasn’t so much marching as being swept along by the group of people,and all he could feel was the mud that was caked all over his body and his pyjamas clinging to his skin with all the rain and he longed to be back in his house,watching all this from a distance and not wrapped up in the centre of it.
“That’s it,”he said to Shmuel.“I’m going to catch a cold out here.I have to go home.”
But just as he said this,his feet brought him up a set of steps,and as he marched on he found there was no more rain coming down any more because they were all piling into a long room that was surprisingly warm and must have been very securely built because no rain was getting in anywhere.In fact it felt completely airtight.
“Well,that’s something,”he said,glad to be out of the storm for a few minutes at least.“I expect we’ll have to wait here till it eases of and then I’ll get to go home.”
Shmuel gathered himself very close to Bruno and looked up at him in fright.
“I’m sorry we didn’t find your papa,”said Bruno.“It’s all right,said Shmuel.
“And I’m sorry we didn’t really get to play,but when you come t Berlin,that’s what we’ll do.And I’ll introduce you to… Oh,what wer their names again?”he asked himself,frustrated because they wer supposed to be his three best friends for life but they had all vanishe from his memory now.He couldn’t remember any of their names an he couldn’t picture any of their faces.
“Actually,”he said,looking down at Shmuel,“it doesn’t matte whether I do or don’t.They’re not my best friends any more anyway.He looked down and did something quite out of character for him:h took hold of Shmuel’s tiny hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
“You’re my best friend,Shmuel,”he said.“My best friend fo life.”
Shmuel may well have opened his mouth to say something back but Bruno never heard it because at that moment there was a loud gas from all the marchers who had filled the room,as the door at the fron was suddenly closed and a loud metallic sound rang through from th outside.
Bruno raised an eyebrow,unable to understand the sense of al this,but he assumed that it had something to do with keeping the rai out and stopping people from catching colds.
And then the room went very dark and somehow,despite the chao that followed,Bruno found that he was still holding Shmuel’s hand i his own and nothing in the world would have persuaded him to let it go
故事的最后,两个男孩在温暖的友谊中离开了这个世界。小说以令人痛心的方式批判了纳粹对犹太人残酷的杀戮。正如小说中那句话传达的Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells an sights,before the dark hour of reason grows(在黑暗的理性到来之前用于丈量寂寞童年的是听觉、嗅觉以及视觉)。孩子的纯洁的心灵还无法了解成人世界的丑恶,而正是孩子紧握的双手带给了人类和解的希望。这个扣人心弦的故事不仅情节感人、寓意深刻,语言也十分适合高中生阅读。
窥一斑而知全豹,节选的段落完全能让我们体会到小说语言的丰富和生动,例如,“裹挟在人群”中的表达有be swept along,b wrapped up;学生熟悉的单词cake用在the mud that was caked al over his body中作动词表示“包裹了……”。其中对场景、人物动作和心理的描写更是续写教学的优秀素材。例如,文中的几个动作描写,短小精悍,学生容易掌握和运用:1.Bruno frowned;2.Shmue gathered himself very close to Bruno and looked up at him in fright 3.He took hold of Shmuel’s tiny hand in his and squeezed it tightly;4.Bruno raised an eyebrow,unable to understand the sense of all this。