Traditional puppet show


疯狂英语·新读写 2019年3期





2.the oldest puppetry troupe最古老的木偶剧团

Located in the south of Zhejiang Province's Wenzhou City,Pingyang County is the hometown ofthe amazingprovincialintangible cultural heritage: the Pingyang puppet show. The Pingyang Puppetry Troupe (表演团)isthe oldest puppetry troupein China.The puppets are delicate and vivid.Yet,behind all that are the skillful hands of thepuppeteers.

“Performing a puppet is like playing the piano,”says Lin Si,24.“Attachedto your ten fingers are more than 30 threads.Every single movement of the joints (关节),the eyes and the mouth,is for you to control.”

Lin is a new-generationpuppeteer of the Pingyang puppet show.Her father,a member of the troupe,used to take her to see the troupe's performance when she was younger.“I found the puppetry very interesting,yet never expected to be sent to study in Shanghai Theatre Academy.”

There were 8 students chosen from the Wenzhou area,7 of whom stayed in Shanghai after graduation.Only Lin went back to her hometown and joined the Pingyang Puppetry Troupe.

“The most difficult part of training was holding the puppets.You have to hold them still for more than half an hour,” says Lin.“I couldn't lift my arms for days after that.”Being shorter than other performers,she has to wear high heels in order to keep the puppets at the same level,which makes it more laborious(辛苦的)for her.Lin can perform and make the puppets.The troupe's puppets can't be mass produced,as each isunique.

Like many other traditionalarts,the Pingyang puppet show has a limited audience.All the other artists of the troupe are in their 40s or 50s.As the only young performer,Lin has to take part in importantannualshows to improve herself.

Lin is actually a fashionable girl off the stage.Flexible fingers make her formidable(难对付的)in some popular mobile games.“If I could make the puppets out of the game characters,perhaps our puppetry would attract more attention of the younger generation,”she says.She hopes that someday that would finally come true.

Reading Check

1.What's required for a good puppeteer?

A.The basic experience to play the piano.


C.The skills to hold puppets and control movement.

D.The flexible fingers to handle mobile games and make the character.

2.What's the hope of Lin Si according to the last paragraph?

A.Pursuing fashion off the stage.

B.Developing the puppets and attracting attention.

C.Making the puppets from the characters of the mobile games.

D.Participating in important annual shows to improve herself.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.attach v.使依附;贴上;使依恋

2.generation n.一代;产生

3.unique adj.独特的;唯一的

4.annual adj.年度的;每年的

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.

1.The troupe's puppets can't be mass produced,as each is_________.

2.As the only young performer,Lin has to take part in important_________shows to improve herself.

3.If I could make the puppets out of the game characters,perhaps our puppetry would attract more attention of the younger_________.

4.Located in the south of Zhejiang Province's Wenzhou City,Pingyang County is the hometown of the amazing provincial intangible cultural_________.

5._________to your ten fingers are more than 30 threads.



professional female职业女性

female leadership女性领导力

gender equality性别平等

gender discrimination性别歧视

women's career development女性职业发展

the protection of women's legal rights and inter


Wonderful Outstanding Women (WOW)Awards


International Women's Day国际劳动妇女节

Women's Federations妇女联合会

women change-makers女性变革者

women's empowerment女性赋权

female role models女性榜样

be presented with an award被授予奖项

in recognition of表彰

outstanding achievements杰出的成就

in a bid to better serve the public为了更好地为公众服务

influential women有影响力的女性


1.Citizens fromdifferent sections of societysentwarm greetingsthis month incelebration ofthe upcoming 12th National Women's Congress of China.本月,来自社会各界的市民向即将召开的第十二届全国妇女代表大会致以热烈的祝贺。

2.Shewas presented with an awardby ChinaWomen'sAssociation forScienceand Technology last yearin recognition ofher outstanding achievements.去年,她获得了中国妇女科学技术协会颁发的奖项,以表彰她的杰出成就。

3.A three-time winnerof Time Magazine's“Most Powerful Women in the World”,Wu Yi was one of the mostprominent Chinese politiciansof the last decade.吴仪曾三次荣获《时代》杂志“全球最具影响力女性”奖,是过去十年中国最杰出的政治家之一。

4.She isleading an international teamof membership managers by mentoring and supporting them inachieving their targets.她领导着一支国际性的会员管理团队,指导和支持他们实现目标。

5.When Swapna came back to India,sheengaged herself inon-ground socio-economic research,and her workgot recognized by organizations abroadwho would invite her to work with them.回到印度后,斯瓦普纳从事了实地社会经济研究,她的工作得到了国外组织的认可,这些组织会邀请她和他们一起工作。

6.These experiencesbroadened Swapna's scopeandher exploration of fieldslike women and poverty researchopened her eyes tothe World's problems.这些经历拓宽了斯瓦普纳的视野,她对妇女与贫困研究等领域的探索也开阔了她对世界问题的眼界。

7.Bhagya beganwith a dream and the burning desire tocreate equity for every childwith access toquality education,regardless ofeconomic and social challenges.巴格亚怀抱为每一个儿童创造接受高质量教育机会的梦想和强烈愿望而开始行动,不管因经济还是社会造成的障碍。

8.Nandita first began visiting government schools toexplore the possibility ofstudents using theatreas a forumforreflecting on self and society.南迪首先访问了一些公立学校,探讨学生利用戏剧作为反思自我和社会的论坛的可能性。

9.But persistence and hard workpaid off forWilmain the long run.但从长远来看,威尔玛的坚持和努力终于得到了回报。

10.Womenare now expected to play diversified rolesin the society.人们现在期望妇女在社会中扮演多样化的角色。

11.The majority of Marie McPhee's timeis spent working with staff—teaching andpromoting her student-centered vision.玛丽·麦克菲的大部分时间都花在与教职工一起工作和推广她以学生为中心的理念上。

12.In the past century,artists from around the world haveadapted it into hundreds ofversions and Yang Liping's is a brand new creation,as she uses her understanding of Chinese tradition,especiallythe relationship between human and naturein Tibetan culture to interpret the storyfrom a completely new angle.在过去的一个世纪,来自世界各地的艺术家已经将这个故事改编成数百个版本,而杨丽萍的版本是一个全新的创造,她用她自己对中国传统的理解,特别是西藏文化中人与自然之间的关系,从一个全新的角度来解读这个故事。








