Students launch 3-D printed manicure business


疯狂英语·新读写 2019年3期


25岁的斯坦福大学生Grace Chiang在攻读MBA学位时与同学合作,创办了一家名叫Mani.me的公司。这家向女性出售3-D打印美甲的公司最近被斯坦利科技之星创业加速器接受,成为其孵化项目公司之一。原来美甲业还有这么广阔的发展前景,让我们一起来探寻一下她的创业之路吧。

Grace Chiang,25,had long been interested in manicure (美甲).But when working at McKinsey,she never had time to get her nails done the way she wanted.So while working towards her MBA at Stanford,shelauncheda company,,with two friends from school,to sell women 3-D printed manicures by subscription.It's a creative idea for 3-D printing,but technologically it's practical.

The company was recently accepted into the new Stanley+Techstars Accelerator(加速器)for 3-D printing,the only consumer company in the current class of 10.In an interview,Chiang spoke about why the time has come for 3-D printed manicures:

When I was young,my grandmother had always loved having me paint her nails,and I decided this is something I just have to do.I found a nail salon in town during the summer vacation after high school.They agreed to train me if I gave them manual(体力的)labor.I did that for five months and I got trained.

Later,I worked for McKinsey for two years.During that period,I realized how impossible it was to maintain(维持)my manicures because it takes so much time.

Now I am at Stanford,where I met my cofounder.We both wore special nail sets and we started talking.She had worked for BCG as well,so she understood my pain that as professional women,we could never get this done.She had worked in 3-D printing before,so we thought why not unite manicure with 3-D printing.We combined those two ideas together and started to run with it.It is a full start-up experience and it's definitely(肯定)tough.

We started selling on April 19.We did a presale and sold nearly$1,000 in two weeks.But we decided to take a step back to improve our offerings.

This summer we are really excited to join Techstars.Now we are developing a new app and improving our website.We are going to improve the product further for a full launch later this year.

Reading Check

1.Which of the following can describe the character of Grace Chiang?

A.Energetic and talkative.

B.Hardworking and creative.

C.Ambitious and warm-hearted.

D.Patient and business-minded.

2.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A.The presale ends up with a failure.

B.Chiang is excited to join Techstars.

C.Their products have been improved.

D.The business has a promising future.

Language Study

I.Important vocabulary in the text

1.launch v.开始从事;创办;发射

2.combine v.使结合;联合

3.tough adj.困难的;坚强的;严酷的;粗暴的

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.

1.Li Ning decided to____________________a new brand of sportswear.

2.Whoever wins the election is going to have a____________________job getting the economy back to normal.

3.If he can____________________his ability with hard work,he should be very successful.

Ⅲ.Complete the following sentences based on the text.

So while____________________towards her MBA at Stanford,she launched a company,,with two friends from school,____________________women 3-D printed manicures by subscription.


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