

农业工程学报 2019年24期




(1. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038;2. 河北农业大学城乡建设学院,保定 071001;3. 湖北省水利水电规划勘测设计院,武汉 430064)



0 引 言





1 数值模型及验证

1.1 基本方程及求解方法







液体自由表面采用VOF(volume of fluid)方法[25]进行处理,模型求解采用有限体积法,二阶迎风格式,压力-速度耦合采用压力校正法,离散方程的求解采用GMRES(generalized minimal residual)法,时间差分采用全隐格式。

1.2 研究区域及边界条件

研究区域包括某电站厂房尾水出口、尾水渠及下游部分河道,如图1所示。在电站1号机组尾水出口右侧,布置有1#鱼道进口;在2号与3号机组之间尾水出口隔墩上,布置2#鱼道进口;两个鱼道进口的出流速度均设定为1 m/s,出流方向均与坝轴线平行并指向左岸,两个鱼道进口的水深均大于1 m,以保证垂向水深满足过鱼要求。

图1 研究区域平面布置、鱼道进口布置及出流方向

利用数学模型研究各种运行条件下鱼道进口过鱼通道与诱鱼水流的变化规律。人工建筑物及河道天然地形采用嵌套加密的矩形网格,坐标与坝轴线平行,坐标与坝轴线垂直,坐标代表高程。鱼道出口附近网格尺寸为0.1 m,其余部位网格尺寸从0.3 m到1 m不等,网格总数约72万,研究区域三维数值模型如图2所示。

图2 研究区域三维数值模型

电站机组尾水出口为模型入流边界,依据计算工况不同,设定不同进流流量;自电站机组尾水出口向下游1.2 km处河道断面为模型出口,根据水位-流量关系及运行工况设定水位;周边固壁满足无滑移条件;液面为自由水面。

1.3 模型验证

在前期的研究中,针对某电站尾水渠(图3)流场进行了物理模型试验研究,几何比尺为1∶90,主要建筑物包括上游水库、泄水闸、消力池、防冲槽、下游河道、电站厂房等(图4)。其中电站采用河床式厂房,共6台机组,单机流量464 m3/s,机组尾水渠经反坡段与下游河道衔接。模型试验中采用电磁流量计控制流量;水位采用水位测针测量,测针最小刻度读数为0.1 mm;流速采用多普勒电磁流速仪(ADV)进行测量,试验中多次重复测量取平均值,测量精度为0.001 m/s。

注:X=100 m及X=160 m断面所在的坐标系原点位于坝轴线上。

图4 主要建筑物物理模型试验布置

运用本文数学模型,对电站3台机组同时运行的工况(1#+2#+3#)进行数值模拟。数学模型内尾水渠范围为=64~198 m,=68~213 m,针对尾水渠内=100 m和=160 m(图3)两个断面的表层(水面下1 m)流速与水面高程进行提取,并与试验结果[26]进行对比,如图5所示,计算值与试验值变化趋势一致。流速最大误差为0.03 m/s,水面线最大误差为5 mm。数学模型计算精度满足本文针对鱼道进口局部诱鱼流场开展细化研究的要求[27,28]。

图5 尾水渠典型断面实测与计算值比较

2 研究方案及判别条件

2.1 过鱼对象


2.2 过鱼通道及诱鱼水流优劣判断方法

过鱼通道内流速应大于目标鱼类的感应流速且小于鱼类临界流速[12,13]。本文中过鱼对象体长约200~500 mm,适宜过鱼对象洄游上溯的流速区间主要集中于0.4~1.2 m/s[32,33]。本研究中将下游河道内流速分为4个流速带,分别为0~0.4、0.4~0.8、0.8~1.2及>1.2 m/s。其中,0~0.4 m/s的流速分布区域,鱼类不易定位主流,为方向感较弱区,不宜作为过鱼通道;0.4~0.8 m/s 的流速分布区域,为鱼类喜好流速区域,可以较为轻松的上溯,为最优过鱼通道区域;0.8~1.2 m/s流速分布区,虽同样在过鱼对象喜好流速范围内,但鱼类上溯时需要耗费较多的能量,为辅助过鱼通道;大于1.2 m/s流速区,流速大于过鱼对象的临界流速,该区域不可作为过鱼通道,为流速屏障区[34]。


3 计算结果及分析

3.1 尾水渠与河流之间的过鱼通道


表1 不同运行工况下的流量与尾水渠水位

单台机组运行时,尾水出流占据尾水渠的部分面积,主流流速较高(>1.2 m/s),形成流速屏障;两侧流速适中(0.4~1.2 m/s),可形成过鱼通道,并自尾水渠一直连通至下游河道。河道中的鱼类往往被发电尾水吸引向尾水渠方向聚集,并可沿主流两侧的过鱼通道上溯至尾水渠内,直到机组尾水出口附近。如,1#机组运行时,主流靠近尾水渠右岸,左侧过鱼通道自尾水渠一直连通至下游河道(图6a、6b),6#机组运行时,在主流右侧形成过鱼通道(图6c、6d)。河流内的洄游鱼类沿尾水主流某一侧的过鱼通道上溯至尾水出口附近的概率较大。

多台机组运行时,虽然尾水出流占据了尾水渠内较大面积,但是在主流的两侧仍然可以形成过鱼通道,并与下游河道相连。如,1#+2#+3#机组运行时,主流靠近尾水渠右半部分,主流流速较高(>1.2 m/s),主流左侧形成过鱼通道(图6e、6f)。4#+5#+6#机组运行时,在主流右侧形成过鱼通道(图6g、6h)。由此可知,当过鱼通道贯穿整个尾水渠并与下游河道相连通时,洄游鱼类可沿过鱼通道上溯至机组尾水出口附近。



3.2 尾水渠内流场及过鱼通道



3.3 鱼道进口影响因素分析及布置建议


图7 单机运行典型过鱼通道

图8 两台机组运行典型过鱼通道





表2 不同机组运行方式对诱鱼水流的影响

4 结 论





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Arrangement of fishway entrance in power station tailrace channel

Li Guangning1, Sun Shuangke1, Qie Zhihong2, Guo Ziqi1,2, Liu Haitao1, Zheng Tiegang1, Sun Juanjuan3

(1.,,100038,; 2.,,071001,; 3.,430064,)

In large and middle rivers, the scale of the fish way entrance is relatively small, and the design discharge is really low, which often leads to insufficient momentum of the attraction flow, and induce poor attraction effect. In practice, tailrace channel of power station is an ideal gathering place for the migration fish. Therefore, how to reasonable arrange the fishway entrance in tailrace channel is one of the key problems in fishway construction in nowadays. Although, there are some basic principles for the fishway entrance layout, but they are not enough to apply because of the complexity of flow field structure in the tailrace channel. The present research results are still not effectively to guide the specific layout of the fishway entrance in the tailrace channel. In this paper, numerical simulations are used to study the flow field for the arrangement of fishway entrance in the tailrace channel, and to evaluate the connectivity of the migration corridor to downstream river. First of all, a physical model experiment is carried out to verify the numerical model, the maximum error of the flow velocity is 0.03 m/s and the maximum error of the water surface line is less than 5 mm. Then, the numerical simulation is used to analyze the fishway entrance arrangement in the tailrace of a power station, based on the typical three-dimensional flow structure and the swimming ability of the fish. The results showed that the water flow produced by the power station unit has great momentum, and a passage which is suitable for fish migration is formed between the tail water channel and the river. The inducing fish flow is greatly influenced by the operation mode of the unit, the location of the fish inlet and the outlet direction. The operation mode of the power station not only determines the location of the main stream in the tailrace, but also forms several recirculation zones on both sides of the main stream. The flow rotation direction and position in recirculation zones have great influence on the inducing fish flow. The transition region between the mainstream and the recirculation zones is the key area for the layout of the fishway entrance. The selection of the specific location should consider the swimming ability of fish, and the connectivity with the migratory passage downstream. Because the momentum of attraction flow is less than flow of the recirculation zones, the former is enhanced and the coverage range is increased when the attraction flow has the same flow direction with the recirculation zones. When the attraction flow is opposite to the flow direction of the recirculation zones, it is restrained and the cover range will be reduced. The layout design of fish entrance should be designed through the operation mode of the power unit reasonable position and outflow direction. In practice the momentum of attraction flow is usually relatively small, the direction of the attraction flow should be in accordance with the direction of the flow in recirculation zones, and the fish entrances can be arranged in multiple locations according to the operation mode of the unit. The research results will provide important reference for the layout optimization of the fishway entrance design in the large and medium-sized river.

fishways; flow field; numerical simulation; tailrace channel; attraction flow; outflow direction; operation mode of unit

李广宁,孙双科,郄志红,郭子琪,柳海涛,郑铁刚,孙娟娟. 电站尾水渠内鱼道进口位置布局[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(24):81-89.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.010

Li Guangning, Sun Shuangke, Qie Zhihong, Guo Ziqi, Liu Haitao, Zheng Tiegang, Sun Juanjuan. Arrangement of fishway entrance in power station tailrace channel[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(24): 81-89. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.010









