

油气田环境保护 2019年6期

Vol.29 No.6 2019 Tot.No.133


Xiong Yunshi Guo Zhihong Liang Tao Gao Qichen


ABSTRACTIn order to cooperate with the national five ministries, the subject of joint survey on environmental sensitive areas in oil and gas exploration and development was carried out. According to the survey, it was found that there were numerous and various types in environmental sensitive areas and ecological protection red line, indicating that the defined area required scientific principles. In addition, forced exit policy on oil and gas production facility was short of strong legal and regulatory supports. Therefore, a series of countermeasures and suggestions were put forward about the division of the scope and function of the current environmental sensitive area and ecological protection red line, including requiring the further evaluation and discrimination, strengthening the pertinence of the prohibition policy, reducing the blindness of quitting oil and gas facilities in environmental sensitive areas, improving the seriousness of the approval of exploration and mining rights for oil and gas resources, implementing a hierarchical control, and establishing the strategic reserve exploration and classification development mechanism. Moreover, oil and gas field enterprises should enhance the understanding of environmental quality status, adhere to the “development in protection, protection in development”, further attach great importance to providing technical support for the evaluation strategy of national oil and gas exploration and development, speed up the communication with local government on ecological protection line, actively get into the positive list of local government management, accelerate and improve the establishment of oil and gas production and the basis of the database of facilities construction, establish ecological protection line management information system.

KEYWORDSoil and gas field; exploration and development; ecological protection red line; environmental sensitive areas; environmental impact


Zhou Longtao Wang Qunli Jia Yue Zhang Jun Ma Lan Liu Bo


ABSTRACTMicrobial combined remediation technology has become a hot topic due to its advantages such as low treatment cost, minor environmental impact and no secondary pollution, etc., and it is more efficient and less time-consuming than microbial remediation or phytoremediation. This article introduced four microbial combined remediation techniques: plant-microbial combined remediation, electro-microbial remediation, oxidation -microbial combined remediation and surfactant-enhanced microbial remediation. The mechanism, application range and process parameters of bioremediation were briefly described, which provided a reference for the selection of bioremediation technology. And the future research emphasis of bioremediation were prospected.

KEYWORDSoil-contaminated soil; plant-microbial remediation; electro-microbial remediation; oxidative-microbial remediation; surfactant enhancement


Zuo Jingjie Zhang Xin Yang Yong


ABSTRACTCurrent technologies regarding oily drilling cutting treatment, such as microbial treatment, thermal desorption, thermal cleaning, incineration and extraction, have met with problems including poor universality, waste of resources, immature technology or high investment. In this study, current technology and application status commonly used both at home and abroad were reviewed, along with the corresponding laws and regulations, so as to explore a more efficient and cost-effective oily drilling cuttings treatment technology. Based on the comparisons among various technologies, the developing trends including recycling of high value base oil, resource utilization of solid residues, high efficiency and low cost treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings, and the bipolar ideas of factory treatment or deal while drilling were discovered. A technology roadmap with the recycling of oily drilling fluids, base oils and water, following the resource utilization of solid phase were recommended.

KEYWORDSoily cuttings; environmental protection; oil-based drilling fluid; resource utilization; harmless treatment


Zhu Guo Qing Peng He Hai He Zhong


ABSTRACTAt present, the closed treatment process of “gas stripping+chemical desulfurization+coagulation sedimentation+filtration” is mainly used for wastewater desulfurization in Yuanba Gas Field with sulfide content as high as 1 800 mg/L. However, the high sulfide content after gas stripping and high cost of desulfurizer remained unsolved. Therefore, this paper proposes a negative pressure stripping desulfurization technology, and optimizes the operating conditions of the process. The results showed that: the choice of extraction gas merely affect the desulphurization rate, and the optimal condition was reached when pH was around 5, and a gas/fluid ration was around 6:1 to 8:1. Field tests showed that the desulfurization rate could steadily reached as high as 96%, which achieve the purpose of economical and efficient treatment of high-sulfur gas fields.

KEYWORDSYuanba; high sulfur content; gas field; negative pressure stripping; desulfurization


Xia Fujun He Weimin Meng Xiangchun


ABSTRACTThe solid particles contacting sulfide in the waste oil are prone to form stable and highly conductive oil-water black transition layer, and lead to the electric field collapse of the dehydrator. It has poses great challenge to the following treatment of produced water. In this paper, skid-type sulfide oily sludge treatment unit is improved and consummated. At the same time, a mechanical treatment device, combining with chemical agent method were selected to recover the waste oil from a joint station. This type of treatment could not only reduce the harm to oil production caused by the recovery and treatment of waste oil, but also realize the recovery and treatment of waste oil while improving discharged water quality from electric dehydrator. Furthermore, this type of treatment could reduce the resource waste and prevent environmental pollution caused by the discharge of waste oil, and ensure the stable operation of dehydration.

KEYWORDSoilfield waste oil; waste oil treating agent; recycling and treatment


Gao Wenyu Li Na Wang Meng


ABSTRACTIn this study, a numerical model was built to simulate the vertical transport of oilfield characteristic pollutant (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, TPH, etc.) in the aeration zone according to “theTechnicalGuidelinesforEnvironmentalImpactAssessment—SoilEnvironment” (HJ 964—2018). The results showed that, it would take 4 d for TPH to intrude 34 cm underground (N2),20 d to reach maximum concentration; it would take 38 d to intrude 450 cm underground (N6),and 140 d to reach maximum concentration. This study could provide technical support for daily environmental management and pollution control measures.

KEYWORDSaereation zone; solute transport; TPH


Zhou Hongtao1Zhang Yuliang1Luo Kai2Jiang Yixin2Liu Yuan1Ji Wenxiong1Lyu Fengzhang1

(1.SchoolofPetroleumEngineering,ChinaUniversityofPetroleum; 2.SouthwestGasProductionPlant,PetroChinaZhejiangOilFieldCompany)

ABSTRACTIn this paper, two types of fracturing flowback fluids (type A and B) from Zhaotong shale gas demonstration area were studied. The coagulant and coagulant accelerator suitable were optimized, based on the effect from temperature, sedimentation time, pH value and surfactant on the removal efficiency of suspended solid, to provide a better guidance for engineering applications. The results showed that: polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide 1 600 performed good flocculation effect on the two types of fracturing flowback fluid. For the type A fluid, the removal rate could reach 98% with a concentration of polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide 1 600 as 400 mg/L and 4 mg/L, temperature as 25 ℃, pH around 6-8, and sedimentation time as; for type B fracturing flowback fluid, the removal rate could reach 97% when polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide 1 600 was 480 mg/L and 12 mg/L, temperature of 25 ℃, pH around 6.5-8, and the sedimentation time of 30 min. The bacterial content had no significant effect on the removal rate of SS content in the fracturing flowback fluid. The ability of four types of surfactants to affect the flocculation effect: anion>nonionic>amphoteric≈cation.

KEYWORDSshale gas; fracturing flowback fluid; suspended solid; coagulant; coagulant accelerator; surfactant


Li Ruilin Ma Fengrong


ABSTRACTAn intelligent “three sludge” (bottom mud from oil separator, scum, and residual activated sludge) atomization system was introduced to a delayed coking unit, facing the requirements on the reduction of hazardous materials produced from petrochemical plants. The operating theory and process of the intelligent “three sludge” atomization system were introduced based on the generation status of sludge and the existing problems in the delayed coking unit. During the field application, this system has proved to ensure the quality of the produced petroleum coke, while enhancing the handling capacity, and the total discharge load of “three sludge”. With the decrease of vapor consumption, the cost for the treatment of the “three sludge” was significantly reduced. The intelligent “three sludge” system has proven to be an effective measure for “three sludge” reduction when co-processing with the delayed coking unit.

KEYWORDS“three sludge”; intelligent atomization; delayed coking; reduction; application


Shi Zhipeng1,2Xu Yu2,3Shao Zhiguo2,3Sun Jingwen2,3Liu Jia1,2Ke Yangchuan1

(1.ChinaUniversityofPetroleum; 2.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnology; 3.StateKeyLaboratoryofPetroleumPollutionControl)

ABSTRACTIn this paper, the source, composition, hazards and treatment methods of oil-based drill cuttings as well as the research progress and application of thermal desorption technology were introduced. The principle and technology of thermal desorption were summarized, and the effects of heating temperature, residence time and raw material properties on the treatment of oil-based drill cuttings were emphatically analyzed. The problems existing in the thermal desorption treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings were discussed such as high energy consumption, secondary pollution of flue gas, and the low recycling efficiency of waste heat. As a result, the developing trend for realizing efficient and energy-saving treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings was raised including adding modified additives, enhancing mass and heat transfer efficiency, and the research on the synergistic effect was summarized.

KEYWORDSshale gas; oil-based cuttings; thermal-desorption treatment; effects


Nie Fan1,2Sun Qiang3Wang Guotong3Zhang Yuxi4Wu Baichun1,2

(1.StateKeyLaboratoryofPetroleumPollutionControl; 2.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnologyCo.,Ltd.; 3.No. 1JointPlant,PetroChinaDalianPetrochemicalCompany; 4.DaqingOilfieldWaterServiceCompany)

ABSTRACTThe proportion of high sulfur content crude oil supply in the crude oil market is increasing by year. Processing such oils may pose a threat on the equipment, products and operating personnel, which called for further precautions. In this study, the sulfur content in the crude oil, the existence forms and the characterization method of sulfur were reviewed. The potential hazard of the sulfur content in refining process was discussed from the perspective of biological toxicity, equipment corrosion, pollutant emissions, and product quality reduction, etc. Furthermore, current treatment methods, and research progress were reviewed and discussed, and the future trend of technological development in coping sulfur was also proposed, as well.

KEYWORDSsulfur-bearing crude oil; high-sulfur crude oil; crude oil refinery; sulfur corrosion; pollution control


Cao Qiangqiang1Wang Hongmei2Wen Lixian2Wang Ying3Li Wenghong4,5

(1.YanchangPetroleumCo.Ltd.; 2.No.1NaturalGasProductionPlant,PetroChinaChangqingOilfieldCompany; 3.InstituteofOrdnanceIndustryHealth; 4.SchoolofChemicalEngineering,NorthwestUniversity; 5.ShaanxiResearchCenterofChemicalEngineeringTechnologyforResourceUtilization)

ABSTRACTIn order to study the emission characteristics of VOCs in oil field enterprises, a research on the emission characteristics of VOCs was carried out in an oil production plant in the Ordos Basin. VOCs in the oil field were qualitatively and quantitatively tested and analyzed from organized and fugitive emission sources, as well as the factory boundary. The emission characteristic and the inventory of VOCs were obtained from different regions. The results showed that: a total of 59 substances were detected from the heating area, storage area, loading and unloading area, production area and factory boundary, including alkanes, alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. The featured pollutants were ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, ethylene, propylene, butene, pentene and benzene. Different control measures should be addressed for various VOCs emission areas according to the actual situation. For example, end control should be taken for heat area, while source or process control for storage tanks, dynamic/static sealing points, and loading/unloading areas.

KEYWORDSoilfield; VOCs; emission characteristics; control measures


Wang Haisheng Meng Xiangtao Xiang Mingdong


ABSTRACTGiving the situations such as mismatch between the production scale and the ground technology, and the high energy consumption low efficiency of the facilities during the middle-late period of oilfield developments, technology is utilized to lead the management innovation. In this paper, a series of new energy conservation and emission reduction technologies, such as permanent magnet compound driven pumping unit, speed-adjustable permanent magnet, opposed plunger pump, vacuum phase-change heating furnace in the metering station, were applied in the core equipment of ground supporting process system covering exploitation, water injection, gathering and transportation processes. As a result, the energy efficiency was significantly promoted, and the greenhouse gas emission was also reduced.

KEYWORDSoilfield; energy conservation and emission reduction;permanent magnet drive; opposed plunger pump; heating furnace


Luan Hui1,2Wang Ruoyao2Tang Zhihe2Zou Chengcheng2Ju Feng3

(1.CollegeofResourceandEnvironmentalEngineering,EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology; 2.CNPCResearchInstituteofSafetyandEnvironmentalTechnology; 3.CollegeofChemicalEngineering,EastChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnology)

ABSTRACTAmmonia desulphurization is the main technical means to control sulfur dioxide emissions, but ammonia escape could not be ignored after desulfurization. In this study, two coal-fired boiler and the related desulphurization facilities in a self-generation power plant of a petrochemical company were selected to evaluate the ammonia escape after desulphurization. The results showed that: the concentration of ammonia in the flue gas could occasionally reached about ten times of that from the standard “TechnicalSpecificationforAmmoniaFlueGasDesulfurizationProjectsofThermalPowerPlant” (HJ 2001—2010). Ammonium sulfate was the main component of the exhausted particulate matter, and contributed to the ammonia escape.

KEYWORDSammonia desulphurization; ammonia escape; monitoring; evaluation


Xi Junlan


ABSTRACTRape greens, rice and sweet potatoes were selected to carry out acute injury experiment of sulfide dioxide using an open-top fumigation device. The experiment was to investigate the influence on the major physiological and biochemical indexes of the selected crops from diverse sulfide dioxide levels. The results showed that: fumigation could cause acute injury on the crops, and lead to a dramatic change of the physiological and biochemical indexes. The exposure dose of SO2was positively correlated with sulfur content in plants, membrane permeability, but was strongly negatively correlated with the content of soluble protein. However, there is no linear relationship between the activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase and the SO2exposure dose. Among the physiological and biochemical indexes, sulfur content in plants, membrane permeability and soluble protein could be selected as effective indexes to estimate the acute injury of crops caused by SO2.

KEYWORDSsulfur dioxide; crop; monitoring; leaf sulfur content; membrane permeability; soluble protein


Zhao Haiyan


ABSTRACTHSE management system is widely used in oilfield companies, and the safety awareness of the employees was significantly enhanced with the full implementation of the system in the grassroots units. However, a series of compliance issues were found due to the insufficient understanding of the system, the large difference between system design and the actual situation, severe empiricism, accept consciousness over subject consciousness of the employees. In the grassroots units of Liaohe Oilfield, a security persistent effect mechanism based on years of practical experiences was built. The HSE system was optimized to form a specified philosophy by practicing felt leadership, specifying security responsibilities, carrying out analysis of insecure behaviors, security culture construction, graded risk management, and improving audit and evaluation mechanism.

KEYWORDSHSE management system; grassroots unit operation; security responsibility; system audit

