

农业工程学报 2019年2期

王 巍,唐 滔,卢盛鹏,焦建雄,张庆典,王晓放


王 巍,唐 滔,卢盛鹏,焦建雄,张庆典,王晓放

(大连理工大学海洋能源利用与节能教育部重点实验室,大连 116024)

空化引起不同程度振动、冲击和噪声,加剧物体表面空蚀,使结构提早发生疲劳。为有效抑制和延缓空化发生和空泡脱落,该文提出了在水翼吸力面布置凹槽的方法,旨在通过水翼表面结构的改变来实现空化流动的调节。在数值模拟研究中,采用Realizable湍流模型和Schnerr-Sauer空化模型,围绕8°攻角下NACA66 (MOD)水翼,开展不同空化数、凹槽尺度和凹槽位置对二维水翼空化流场的动力学特性研究,并进一步分析了水翼表面特殊结构抑制空化的机理。结果表明:当片空化发生时,凹槽布置在距水翼前缘0.32弦长位置时,能降低空泡振荡频率,提高水翼水动力性能;当云空化发生时,适当的凹槽表面构型能够使水翼吸力面边界层变薄,边界层分离点滞后,水翼尾缘回流区减薄,吸力面低压区减小,证明了凹槽表面构型对空化抑制的适用性。然而,在水翼吸力面布置凹槽,虽然可以降低水翼表面边界层的厚度,增强抗逆压能力,但却触发了凹槽附近区域回射流的加速。因此,只有当抗逆压梯度能力大于回射流冲击时,才可以实现对空化流动的抑制。该研究成果扩大了空化流动的被动控制方法研究范围,为水力机械空化抑制技术提供了参考。


0 引 言



按照有无外界能量的输入,把控制空化流动的方法分为主动控制与被动控制[12-14]。对于主动控制技术, Mikhail等[15]通过试验研究壁面切向喷射对空化的影响,发现低速喷射可以有效减轻空化效应,而高速喷射可以减少能量损失,提高流动的水动力学品质,其试验研究还证明实施流量控制在某些条件下能够很好的调节空化流场。Wang等[16-17]研究发现在水翼表面射流可以有效阻挡回射流从水翼尾部向水翼头部的运动,使得空泡发展和脱落现象明显减弱,有效抑制了片空化发展、片空化向云空化的转变以及云空化的发展。对于被动控制技术,其通过无外部能量注入的装置来改变流体的压力和速度分布以控制流动。Zhang等[18]研究了平板水翼布置障碍物对于云空化的影响。Kadivar等[19]提出在水翼表面布置汽泡发生器,能够显著减小吸力面低压区面,有效抑制空化的发展。邬伟等[20]通过在水翼吸力面上设置微小方形凸起,并提出设置拱弧的新方案来抑制空化。


1 物理模型与数值计算方法

1.1 计算参数与网格划分

针对弦长=70 mm的二维NACA66 (MOD)水翼开展水翼表面开槽对空化流动的研究。来流速度为7.832 m/s,入流角为8°,流场温度为300 K,饱和蒸汽压3 540 Pa,动力黏度=8.53×10-4kg/(m·s),计算空化数为1.23和0.81的工况。


凹槽形状 凹槽深度 - 凹槽中心距前缘距离

例:TR1 - 0.20中TR代表凹槽为三角形,1代表凹槽深度为水翼弦长的1%,0.20代表凹槽中心距水翼前缘为0.20。除此之外,OR代表矩形凹槽,RO代表圆形凹槽。

计算区域划分如图1a,进口距水翼前缘为5,出口距水翼尾缘为10,上下边界距水翼前缘点为6。水翼表面进行加密处理,近壁网格如图1b所示,最终网格数约为73 000。


1.2 控制方程




1.3 数值方法

使用Fluent16.0数值求解,计算区域入口为速度入口边界条件,出口为压力出口边界条件,上下壁面和水翼壁面为无滑移边界条件[22]。使用基于压力的求解器搭配SIMPLEC算法进行求解,湍流模型[23-25]为Realizable模型,空化模型为Schnerr-Sauer 空化模型[26]。动量对流项采用二阶迎风格式,其他对流项采用一阶迎风格式,压力项采用PRESTO格式[27]。瞬态求解格式为一阶隐式,据CFL稳定条件取时间步长为0.000 5 s。

基于所建立的物理和数学模型,分析了NACA66 (MOD)原始水翼在空化数为0.81时,水翼吸力面的空泡形态及流动特性,图2a给出了绕水翼空化流动过程中汽相体积分数的分布。为了验证数值模型的准确性,针对相同的NACA66 (MOD)原始水翼,在如图3所示的空化水洞中开展了全流场的流动测试[28-29],水翼吸力面空泡形态如图2b所示。对比水翼空化流动的数值分析和试验结果,发现在空泡形态上预测结果与试验吻合较好,说明所选用的模型能够较好的预测此工况下的空化流动。

图2 水翼吸力侧空化形态数值计算与试验结果的对比

图3 空化水洞示意图

2 计算结果与分析


2.1 水动力性能分析




表1 凹槽对水翼动力特性及空化特性的影响

图4 凹槽周围流体汽相分布与速度矢量图(空化数σ=1.23)




图5 片空化时的空泡形态(空化数σ=1.23)




表2 不同雷诺数下凹槽对空化特性的影响(空化数σ=0.81)



2.2 空化抑制机理研究


图7 表面不同构型水翼的水动力性能分析(空化数σ=0.81)



图9 水翼尾缘压力分布与回射流速度分布(空化数σ=0.81)



表3 水翼吸力侧边界层时均分离点(空化数σ=0.81)


3 结 论

本文对水翼吸力面进行凹槽设计以求达到抑制空化的目的,采用Realizable模型和 Schnerr-Sauer空化模型,开展了特殊构型对水翼空化流场的抑制和水动力学特性的研究,结果显示:



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Investigation of cavitation suppression by arranging pits on hydrofoil suction side

Wang Wei, Tang Tao, Lu Shengpeng, Jiao Jianxiong, Zhang Qingdian, Wang Xiaofang


The existence of cavitation will lead to different intensity of vibration, shocks as well as acoustic noise and worsen the cavitation erosions which results in structural fatigue failure. In order to suppress the evolution and detachment of bubbles efficiently,based on the existing experimental phenomena, a new idea is proposed to achieve cavitation flow control by setting pits on the suction side of the hydrofoil. To study the impact of this new structure on cavitation flow field, in this paper, the unsteady cavitation flow around the NACA66 (MOD) hydrofoil at 8° angle of attack was simulated by Realizableturbulence model combined with Schnerr-Sauer cavitation model for different cavitation numbers, pits size and pits location. The results indicate that the simulated cavity shapes around foil were well fitted with the experimental high speed images, and showed that the selected models can better predict the cavitation flow. The results also showed that for the study of the non-cavitation flow, the suction side pits led to the decrease of the hydrofoil lift-to-drag ratio and impair the hydrodynamic performance. However, this was very different from that in cavitation condition. In addition, the analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the 2D hydrofoil cavitation flow field and the effect of hydrofoil surface structure factors on cavitation suppression showed that the tail position of cavitation closure region was very close to that of the pits which located at 0.32 chord (0.32) distance from leading edge for the sheet cavitation (Cavitation number=1.23). The presence of the pits changed the direction of the re-entrant jet and caused the severe dissipation of the kinetic energy of the re-entrant jet. As a result, the re-entrant jet was blocked to enter the cavity body, and therefore, the cavitation shedding and vibration frequency decreased. However, the evolution of cavity had not been suppressed along with the increased cavity length because local low pressure region formed at the position of pits (0.32) celebrated the development of cavitation flow. But when the pits were placed at 0.2distance from leading edge, the maximum cavity length was shortened 3% compared with that for normal hydrofoil without any changes of lift-to-drag ratio. The structure of pits played a positive role in controlling cavitation flow when the sheet cavitation occurred. Moreover, for cloud cavitation (Cavitation number=0.81), when the pits were placed at 0.2, the lift-to-drag ratio increased and shedding frequency decreased which showed a good hydrodynamic performance. The effect analysis of pits structure size and position on cavitation flow revealed the pits had an obvious effect of suppressing cavitation after the cavity length reach maximum. The size of the detached vapor cloud and the low pressure distribution zone of the trailing edge were significantly smaller than that of the normal hydrofoil, therefore the vortex at the trailing edge were suppressed. Through the spectrum analysis of the lift coefficients of different hydrofoils, it is found that the presence of the pits weakened the hydrofoil vibration caused by the detachment of cloud cavity. That meant that with the proper design of pits, the hydrodynamic efficiency was increased and the unsteady behavior of the cavitation could be suppressed. Finally, the study of the boundary layer velocity and pressure distribution of the hydrofoil suction side revealed that arranging the pits on the suction side of the hydrofoil could reduce the thickness of the boundary layer of the hydrofoil surface and enhance the anti-reverse pressure capability, but it accelerated the re-entrant jet near the pits. Therefore, cavitation could be suppressed only when the anti-reverse pressure gradient capability was greater than the impact of the re-entrant jet. The conclusions obtained in the numerical calculations showed that the proper suction side pits can suppress cavitation, broaden the scope of passive control technology research, and also stimulate the subsequent research of cavitation suppression methods.

cavitation; computer simulation; models; hydrofoil; suction-side pit; cavitation suppression; hydrodynamic performance








王 巍,副教授,主要从事先进动力装置及流体机械设计和优化研究。

王 巍,唐 滔,卢盛鹏,焦建雄,张庆典,王晓放. 水翼吸力面布置凹槽抑制空化研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(2):40-47. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.006

Wang Wei, Tang Tao, Lu Shengpeng, Jiao Jianxiong, Zhang Qingdian, Wang Xiaofang. Investigation of cavitation suppression by arranging pits on hydrofoil suction side[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(2): 40-47. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.006

