首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)2019 年总目次第40卷1~6期



Lovász延拓权值下的伪泊松混合分布的风险期望模型 陈奕延 李 晔 (1) (1)

二项式系数与Fibonacci数4m次幂的关系 杨 海 贾亦真 高晓梅 (1) (8)

概率方法讨论图的点可区别边色数的上界 崔俊峰 (1) (12)

量子点CuInS2 晶体的近红外光学性质研究 刘 慧 余 蓉 敬小丽 黄 巍 冯 波 (1) (15)

聚乙烯醇缩甲醛/ 甘油微栅膜的可控制备及其应用 张晓凯 鲁韶芬 邱 军 蔡红梅 胥 青 刘力嘉 (1) (20)

CT 系统参数标定及成像研究与设计 徐沈阳 马婧元 韩 刚 汪晓银 刘秀明 (1) (24)

石墨烯/ TiO2 复合材料的制备及其光催化性能的研究 毕耜静 郭春乾 康 乐 周欣妹 王晓宁 蓝惠霞 张 恒 (1) (30)

氢氧化镁阻燃剂的改性及其对聚丙烯热分解行为和机械力学性能的影响 邢 丹 刘立华 (1) (37)

玉米须多糖的提取纯化及结构研究 王恒禹 罗云凤 姜京华 丁 侃 董艳萍 (1) (44)

TRIZ 创新理论在制药分离工程课程教学中的体现和应用 张媛媛 (1) (50)

合肥城市公共休闲绿地的演变过程及发展机制研究 徐 梦 鲍 捷 陶 犁 (1) (55)

自助旅游者使用手机预订旅游产品的差异研究 李梦喆 文 谨 (1) (62)

基于多源遥感数据的古河道识别方法——以磴口地区古黄河河道为例 王 俊 李家存 张 迪 (1) (70)

偏导数易错题分析研究 景慧丽 王惠珍 (1) (78)

高中生物教学中学生兴趣的培养策略窗体底端 王晓玉 (1) (83)

气候变化背景下防灾减灾国际经验和我国积极应对策略分析 张亚妮 胡德勇 于 琛 张 旸 段 欣 (1) (89)

余维有限的内蕴理想表示形式的存在唯一性 时红廷 李慧敏 陈江涛 高 畅 (2) (1)

具有不对称非线性项平面系统周期解的存在性(上) 马田田 (2) (6)

从Lebesgue 测度看R2 中图形的面积 余玉峰 石冶郝 孙 颖 (2) (10)

基于GNS3 的EIGRP 路由设计与实现 孙光懿 (2) (16)

基于高倍物镜的相位显微成像方法 杨 颖 张 岩 (2) (24)

烷基次膦酸盐功能化改性的研究进展 杨 恒 杨鸿燕 张 恒 (2) (30)

氢氧化铝阻燃剂的表面改性及在软质聚氯乙烯中的应用研究 刘立华 栾 震 陈梦玉 张 静 安 雪 (2) (37)

手性药物分离方法的研究进展 石 磊 颜雪明 (2) (42)

玉渊潭公园种子植物资源区系研究 郑天雄 苗雪鹏 宋 侨 李学东 (2) (48)

山东省义务教育服务设施与城市竞争力协调关系探究 樊立惠 (2) (53)

南锣鼓巷四合院酒店文化的顾客感知研究 张 然 (2) (61)

中国邮轮旅游网络关注度的时空格局及影响因素研究 郝诗雨 赵 媛 (2) (69)

原国立中央大学英籍教授司徒德生及其对物理学的贡献 张梓佳 尹晓冬 (2) (79)

原子结构示意图的教学研究 吴晗清 张鸿智 (2) (85)

北京联合大学“环境考古” 主题研讨沙龙(第三期) 纪要 张俊娜 曹美丹 王长春 (2) (91)

基于双因素的三叉树模型在可转债的应用研究 周 清 辛宗宇 (3) (1)

具有不对称非线性项平面系统周期解的存在性(下) 马田田 (3) (6)

两个猜想不等式的证明与推广 石冶郝 林 玲 孙 颖 (3) (14)

依赖密度的Boussinesq 方程组的局部强解的存在唯一性 侯 伟 李兴利 赵成元 (3) (18)

两种310 GHz 无线通信系统设计与比较 熊子康 武晓磊 何敬锁 张 民 苏 波 张 渤 韩大海 张存林 (3) (21)

二十世纪初美国工业实验室雇佣科学家浅析——以通用电气公司研究实验室为例 林信惠 (3) (28)

三聚氰胺双氰胺甲醛三元缩聚物的合成及应用 李 平 鲁俊良 杨鸿燕 张 恒 (3) (33)

等温滴定量热技术检测蛋白质间相互作用方法的优化 贾继阳 徐 奭 申兰兰 张耀川 张海娇 白素兰 (3) (38)

Pb2 + 对果蝇生育力和寿命及抗氧化能力的影响 叶文斌 何玉鹏 文晓晓 尤旦娃 赵 丽 杨 滟 (3) (44)

首都师范大学校园植物补充调查 付鹏飞 郑天雄 宋 侨 李学东 (3) (50)

青藏高原热融湖塘水文变化及其工程指示意义 房建宏 徐安花 杨玉忠 张 泽 (3) (54)

河北省县域农民收入的空间关联分析 彭光莉 王鹏飞 (3) (61)

北京市流动人口的社区选择及居留意愿研究 刘媛媛 李庭竹 刘 冉 (3) (71)

北京市乡村旅游特色业态的空间分布特征研究 冯 喆 田至美 (3) (80)

新课程标准视域下小学科学实验教学的探讨 杨先通 韩 慧 王 娟 郭 明 王 强 (3) (90)

I-fuzzy 拓扑线性空间中的凸性 李 慧 王瑞英 (4) (1)

图的2 -强点可区别全色数的上界 贾泽乐 王鸿杰 李沐春 (4) (5)

幂半群上Green 关系的若干性质 潘丽静 余保民 (4) (9)

二次Riccati 方程不变量解法的进一步研究 赵临龙 (4) (12)

氢负离子的光剥离研究 唐田田 姚建刚 祝庆利 (4) (16)

基于机器视觉的人机交互系统的设计 涂 朴 沈 荣 黄 晨 (4) (24)

石墨烯/ TiO2 复合材料光催化降解模拟染料废水的研究 邓燕萍 杨 达 乔洪舰 蓝惠霞 张 恒 (4) (28)

物理化学实验数据处理过程中拟合函数问题的探讨 段雨爱 王 前 廖 奕 魏留芳 (4) (33)

层状钛硅酸盐的制备及表征 赵大洲 (4) (37)

海平面上升情景下沿海地区发展脆弱性评价 焦 嫚 张栋杨 (4) (41)

基于夜间灯光数据的京津冀地区碳排放的时空演化特征及影响因素 苏旭冉 蔺雪芹 (4) (48)

中国文化旅游产业的发展趋势探讨 侯 爽 刘爱利 黄 鸿 (4) (58)

新时代我国综合气象防灾减灾的综述与展望 孔 锋 薛 澜 乔枫雪 王 瑞 (4) (67)

核心素养导向的数学概念教学阶段探讨 俞 蓉 刘效丽 赵世恩 (4) (73)

中美高中教材中“化学平衡”的比较研究 吴晗清 金钰莹 穆 铭 赵芳祺 (4) (79)

以轻工学部为依托的包装工程专业教学体系的探讨 郭红革 秦莹莹 (4) (85)

在校大学生课外研学激励机制探究——以首都师范大学旅游管理专业为例 姚长宏 (4) (89)

一流学科低投稿率的研究及对策——以《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》数学学科为例 马田田 (4) (94)

基于模糊控制算法的智能小车避障系统设计 车雨红 (5) (1)

地方高校大学生创新创业的综合评价模型——基于对地方高校创新创业教育的实证分析 孙小军 惠姣姣 赵天绪 杨亚强 (5) (6)

基于决策树的存量客户流失预警模型 杨 荣 赵娟娟 贾郭军 (5) (14)

基于准实时流量数据报出与信息熵技术的网络流量异常监测研究 邓小清 王伦浪 (5) (19)

磁物质表面波的自旋 张娇娇 王 鑫 (5) (26)

一维光子晶体异质结的界面态研究 郭翊航 赵丽明 (5) (30)

铁皮石斛种子共生萌发形态学观察 张 盈 李媛媛 陈晓梅 郭顺星 (5) (35)

植物病害生物防治菌的筛选 曹 翠 宋瑞清 (5) (43)

可陶瓷化酚醛树脂基复合材料烧蚀隔热性能研究 谢永旺 李 峥 夏 雨 郝春功 郝自清 (5) (52)

西藏自治区草地生态系统服务功能损益核算研究 吕晓洁 潘 韬 张玉虎 刘玉洁 王在校 (5) (57)

京津冀地区PM2. 5时空变异性规律研究 程 蕊 许甜甜 朱 琳 郑丽萍 李蕙君 (5) (64)

长江经济带社会、经济、资源、环境协调机理及其时空格局 王 维 于 洁 (5) (73)

碳纳米管/聚合物纳米复合材料研究进展 许孔力 许学伟 李丽英 夏 雨 谢永旺 (5) (84)

透视我国城乡基层社区防灾减灾救灾能力建设与区域协作 孔 锋 (5) (89)

序 方复全 (6) (1)

“双一流”建设对首都师范大学数学学科发展的机遇与挑战 李海梁 刘海涛 (6) (2)

“双一流”建设对首都师范大学物理系发展的机遇与挑战 纪安春 王 群 王培杰 尹 沛 (6) (9)

“双一流”建设对首都师范大学生物学科发展的机遇与挑战 马力耕 张晓芳 (6) (15)

“双一流”建设对首都师范大学化学系发展的机遇与挑战 马占芳 常 华 郭长彬 曹胜利 郭 帅 (6) (21)

聚焦核心竞争力,提升学科贡献力携手共建特色一流地理学——“双一流”建设对首都师范大学地理学发展的机遇与挑战 潘 云 付文红 朱 琳 蔺雪芹 尹 刚 彭 年 (6) (27)

基于CT 技术的投影重建模型研究 张 霞 陈佳音 高英乔 董家旋 刘 明 (6) (32)

共轭解析函数的一个求法的注记 黄 炜 (6) (38)

关于多角形数的余数的研究 王明军 (6) (41)

基于OSPF 动态路由协议的优化研究 孙光懿 贾英霞 薛 颖 (6) (44)

固体样品不同压片制备条件下的太赫兹光谱差异性研究 李 帅 赵国忠 (6) (52)

Yb2O3 / g-C3N4 复合光催化剂的制备及光催化性能研究 王彦卫 朱正如 姜俊超 (6) (59)

天津浅层地下水海水入侵的水化学特征及氧同位素示踪研究 赵 卫 梁 昊 宫少军 乔吉果 彭 鑫 李 稳 (6) (66)

浅析高校乙烯裂解实验装置的维护 龙 威 连 结 敖永昶 张玉山 (6) (70)

基于QAA 算法的辽河口悬浮物浓度遥感反演 邓智天 孙永华 邱 琦 孙 薇 倪 萍 邢 瑞 (6) (75)

中国历史文化名镇空间分布与影响因素研究 赵 瑞 申玉铭 (6) (83)

京津冀地区上市公司总部空间分布特征及影响因素 赵静平 卢明华 (6) (90)

明代数学著作中珠算知识的特点与传播 牛 腾 王洪鹏 白 欣 (6) (99)


(Natural Science Edition)

Index of Summary Contents(2019)

Vol. 40 No. 1~6

Risk Expectation Model in Pseudo-Poisson Mixture Distribution with Lovász Extension Weight CHEN Yiyan LI Ye (1) (1)

A Relation Between Binomial Coefficients and 4m Powers of Fibonacci Numbers YANG Hai JIA Yizhen GAO Xiaomei (1) (8)

Discussing the Upper Bounds on Vertex-Distinguishing Edge Coloring of a Graph by Probability Method CUI Junfeng (1) (12)

Study on Near-infrared Optical Properties of Quantum Dots CuInS2 Crystal LIU Hui YU Rong JING Xiaoli HUANG Wei FENG Bo (1) (15)

The Controlled Preparation and Application of Polyvinyl Formaldehyde/ Glycerol Microgrid Membrane ZHANG Xiaokai LU Shaofen QIU Jun CAI Hongmei XU Qing LIU Lijia (1) (20)

Research and Design of CT System Parameter Calibration and Imaging XU Shenyang MA Jingyuan HAN Gang WANG Xiaoyin LIU Xiuming (1) (24)

Preparation of the Photocatalytic Material of Graphene/ TiO2 and Their Photocatalytic Performance BI Sijing GUO Chunqian KANG Le ZHOU Xinmei WANG Xiaoning LAN Huixia ZHANG Heng (1) (30)

Research on Modification of Magnesium Hydroxide as Flame Retardant and Its Effect on Thermal Decomposition Behavior and Mechanical Performance of Polypropylene XING Dan LIU Lihua (1) (37)

Extraction, Purification and Structural Characterization Analysis of Stigma Maydis Polysaccharide WANG Hengyu LUO Yunfeng JIANG Jinghua DING Kan DONG Yanping (1) (44)

The Reflection and Application of TRIZ Theory in Teaching of Pharmaceutical Separation Engineering ZHANG Yuanyuan (1) (50)

Evolution Process and Development Mechanism of Urban Public Leisure Greenbelt in Hefei XU Meng BAO Jie TAO Li (1) (55)

Differences Research on Mobile Phone Booking of Different Self-help Tourists LI Mengzhe WEN Jin (1) (62)

Identification of Ancient River Channels Based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Data WANG Jun LI Jiacun ZHANG Di (1) (70)

Analysis on Easily Wrong Topic of Solving Partial Derivate Problems JING Huili WANG Huizhen (1) (78)

The Training Strategy of High School Students′ Interest in Biology Teaching WANG Xiaoyu (1) (83)

International Experiences of Disaster Prevention and Reduction under the Background of Climate Change and our Country′s Positive Countermeasures ZHANG Yani HU Deyong YU Chen ZHANG Yang DUAN Xin (1) (89)

Existence and Uniqueness of the Representation of Intrinsic Ideal of Finite Codimension SHI Hongting LI Huimin CHEN Jiangtao GAO Chang (2) (1)

Periodic Solutions of Planar Systems with Asymmetric Nonlinearites MA Tiantian (2) (6)

Viewing the Area of Graphs in R2 in Terms of Lebesgue Measure YU Yufeng SHI Yehao SUN Ying (2) (10)

Design and Implementation of EIGRP Routing Based on GNS3 SUN Guangyi (2) (16)

Phase Microscopy Using High Magnification Objective Lens YANG Ying ZHANG Yan (2) (24)

Progress in Research of Alkyl - Phosphinate Functionalization YANG Heng YANG Hongyan ZHANG Heng (2) (30)

Surface Modification of Aluminum Hydroxide as Flame Retardant and Its Application in Soft PVC LIU Lihua LUAN Zhen CHEN Mengyu ZHANG Jing AN Xue (2) (37)

Progress in Separation Methods of Chiral Drugs SHI Lei YAN Xueming (2) (42)

Floristic Study of Spermatophyte in Yuyuantan Park ZHENG Tianxiong MIAO Xuepeng SONG Qiao LI Xuedong (2) (48)

Research on the Coordination Relationship of Compulsory Education Facilities and Urban Competitiveness in Shandong FAN Lihui (2) (53)

A Study on Customer Perception of Courtyard Hotels′ Culture in Nanluoguxiang Historic District ZHANG Ran (2) (61)

Analysis on Temporal and Spatial Characteristic of Network Attention on Cruise Tourism in China and Its Influencing Factors HAO Shiyu ZHAO Yuan (2) (69)

British Professor Edward Alfred Stewardson of Former National Central University and His Contribution to Physics ZHANG Zijia YIN Xiaodong (2) (79)

Teaching Research on Schematic Diagram of Atomic Structures WU Hanqing ZHANG Hongzhi (2) (85)

Research on the Application of Two-Factor Trinomial Tree Model in Convertible Bonds ZHOU Qing XIN Zongyu (3) (1)

Periodic Solutions of Planar Systems with Asymmetric Nonlinearities MA Tiantian (3) (6)

Proofs and Extensions for Two Inequality Conjectures SHI Yehao LIN Ling SUN Ying (3) (14)

Existence and Uniqueness of Local Strong Solutions for Boussinesq Systems of Density Dependent Equations HOU Wei LI Xingli ZHAO Chengyuan (3) (18)

Design and Comparison of Two 310 GHz Wireless Communication Systems XIONG Zikang WU Xiaolei HE Jingsuo ZHANG Min SU Bo ZHANG Bo HAN Dahai ZHANG Cunlin (3) (21)

The Elementary Analysis of American Industrial Laboratory Employing Scientists in the Early 20th Century LIN Xinhui (3) (28)

Synthesis and Application of Melamine-Dicyandiamide-Formaldehyde Ternary Polycondensate LI Ping LU Junliang YANG Hongyan ZHANG Heng (3) (33)

Optimization of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry for Protein Interaction Detection JIA Jiyang XU Shi SHEN Lanlan ZHANG Yaochuan ZHANG Haijiao BAI Sulan (3) (38)

Effects of Pb2 + on Fertility and Life Span and Antioxidant Capacity of Fruit Flies YE Wenbin HE Yupeng WEN Xiaoxiao YOU Danwa ZHAO Li YANG Yan (3) (44)

Supplementary Investigation of Campus Plant of Capital Normal University FU Pengfei ZHENG Tianxiong SONG Qiao LI Xuedong (3) (50)

Hydrological Changes of Thermokarst Lake on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and Implications for the Engineering Constructions FANG Jianhong XU Anhua YANG Yuzhong ZHANG Ze (3) (54)

Analysis of Spatial Correlation on Farmers′ Income in Counties of Hebei Province PENG Guangli WANG Pengfei (3) (61)

A Study on the Community Choice and Settlement Intention of Beijing′s Migrants LIU Yuanyuan LI Tingzhu LIU Ran (3) (71)

The Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of the Rural Tourism Feature Types in Beijing FENG Zhe TIAN Zhimei (3) (80)

Probe into Scientific Experimental Teaching in Primary School in the View of New Curriculum Standard YANG Xiantong HAN Hui WANG Juan GUO Ming WANG Qiang (3) (90)

Convexity in I-fuzzy Topological Linear Spaces LI Hui WANG Ruiying (4) (1)

An Upper Bound on the 2-Strongly Vertex-distinguishing Total Chromatic Number of Graphs JIA Zele WANG Hongjie LI Muchun (4) (5)

Some Properties of Green′s Relation on Power Semigroups PAN Lijing YU Baomin (4) (9)

Further Study on the Invariant Solution of Quadratic Riccati Equation ZHAO Linlong (4) (12)

Study on Phototedachment of Hydrogen Anion TANG Tiantian YAO Jiangang ZHU Qingli (4) (16)

Design of Human-computer Interaction System Based on Machine Vision TU Pu SHEN Rong HUANG Chen (4) (24)

The Study of Photocatalytic Degradation of Simulated Wastewater by Graphene/ TiO2 Composites DENG Yanping YANG Da QIAO Hongjian LAN Huixia ZHANG Heng (4) (28)

Exploration on Fitting Function in Data Processing of Physical Chemistry Experiments DUAN Yu′ai WANG Qian LIAO Yi WEI Liufang (4) (33)

Preparation and Stability of Layered Titanosilicate ZHAO Dazhou (4) (37)

The Vulnerability Assessment on the Development of the Coastal Area in the Context of Sea Level Rise JIAO Man ZHANG Dongyang (4) (41)

Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Carbon Emission in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei Based on Night Light Data SU Xuran LIN Xueqin (4) (48)

Discussion on the Development Tendency of Chinese Cultural Tourism Industry HOU Shuang LIU Aili HUANG Hong (4) (58)

Summary and Prospect of Comprehensive Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Reduction in China in the New Era KONG Feng XUE Lan QIAO Fengxue WANG Rui (4) (67)

Discussions on the Stages of Key Competencies-oriented Mathematics Concept Teaching YU Rong LIU Xiaoli ZHAO Shien (4) (73)

A Comparative Study of "Chemical Equilibrium" in Chinese and American Textbooks WU Hanqing JIN Yuying MU Ming ZHAO Fangqi (4) (79)

Discussion on Teaching System of Packaging Engineering Specialty Based on Faculty of Light Industry GUO Hongge QIN Yingying (4) (85)

Research on Incentive Mechanism to Extra-curricular Studies of College Students YAO Changhong (4) (89)

Analysis and Counter Measures on the Low Contribution Rate of the First Class Discipline MA Tiantian (4) (94)

The Design of Intelligent Car Obstacle Avoidance System Based on Fuzzy Control Algorithm CHE Yuhong (5) (1)

A Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Local College Students SUN Xiaojun HUI Jiaojiao ZHAO Tianxu YANG Yaqiang (5) (6)

Early Warning Model of Stock Customer Churn Based on Random Forest YANG Rong ZHAO Juanjuan JIA Guojun (5) (14)

Research on Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Quasi Real Time Traffic Data Reporting and Information Entropy Technology DENG Xiaoqing WANG Lunlang (5) (19)

The Spin of Magnetic Material Surface Waves ZHANG Jiaojiao WANG Xin (5) (26)

Interface State in One Dimensional Photonic Crystal Heterostructures GUO Yihang ZHAO Liming (5) (30)

Morphologic Techniques for Observing Seed Symbiotic Germination of Dendrobium Officinale ZHANG Ying LI Yuanyuan CHEN Xiaomei GUO Shunxing (5) (35)

Screening of Strains of Biological Control for Plant Disease CAO Cui SONG Ruiqing (5) (43)

Study on Ablation and Thermal Insulation Performance of Ceramizable Phenolic Matrix Composites XIE Yongwang LI Zheng XIA Yu HAO Chungong HAO Ziqing (5) (52)

The Study on Profit and Loss About Ecosystem Service Value of Glassland Ecosystem in Tibetan Autonomous Region LYV Xiaojie PAN Tao ZHANG Yuhu LIU Yujie WANG Zaixiao (5) (57)

Spatial-temporal Characteristics of the PM2. 5 in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region CHENG Rui XU Tiantian ZHU Lin ZHENG Liping LI Huijun (5) (64)

Resources and Its Spatial-Temporal Pattern in Yangtze River Economic Zone WANG Wei YU Jie (5) (73)

Research Progress of Carbon Nanotubes(Cnts) / Polymer Nanocomposites XU Kongli XU Xuewei LI Liying XIA Yu XIE Yongwang (5) (84)

Perspective on Capacity Building and Regional Cooperation in Disaster Prevention and Relief of Urban and Rural Grassroots Communities KONG Feng (5) (89)

Long Term Developments of Mathematical Science of Capital Normal University: Chances and Challenges under the "Double First-Class" Initiative LI Hailiang LIU Haitao (6) (2)

Opportunities and Challenges Facing Physics Department of Capital Normal University under the " Double First-Class" Initiative JI Anchun WANG Qun WANG Peijie YIN Pei (6) (9)

Opportunities and Challenges Facing Biology of Capital Normal University under the "Double First-Class" Initiative MA Ligeng ZHANG Xiaofang (6) (15)

Long Term Developments of Chemical Science of Capital Normal University: Opportunities and Challenges under the "Double First-Class" Initiative MA Zhanfang CHANG Hua GUO Changbin CAO Shengli GUO Shuai (6) (21)

Cooperative Development on the Distinctive and First-class Geography with Focus on Core Competitive Strength and Promotion on Discipline Contributions——Opportunities and Challenges to the Geographical Development of Capital Normal University under the "Double First-Class" Initiative PAN Yun FU Wenhong ZHU Lin LIN Xueqin YIN Gang PENG Nian (6) (27)

The Research on CT Technology Projection Reconstruction Model ZHANG Xia CHEN Jiayin GAO Yingqiao DONG Jiaxuan LIU Ming (6) (32)

A Note on One Method of Conjugate Analytic Function HUANG Wei (6) (38)

Research on the Polygonal Number′s Residue WANG Mingjun (6) (41)

Optimization Research of Routing Protocol Based on OSPF SUN Guangyi JIA Yingxia XUE Ying (6) (44)

Study on Terahertz Spectral Difference of Solid Samples under Different Compression and Preparation Conditions LI Shuai ZHAO Guozhong (6) (52)

Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of Yb2O3 / g-C3N4 Composite Photocatalysts WANG Yanwei ZHU Zhengru JIANG Junchao (6) (59)

Hydrochemical Characteristics and Oxygen Isotope Tracing Study of Shallow Groundwater Seawater-Intrusion in Tianjin ZHAO Wei LIANG Hao GONG Shaojun QIAO Jiguo PENG Xin LI Wen (6) (66)

Analysis on the Maintenance of Ethylene Cracking Experimental Equipment in Universities LONG Wei LIAN Jie AO Yongchang ZHANG Yushan (6) (70)

Monitoring the Suspended Sediment Concentration of Liaohe River Delta Using Tiangong-2 Image Based on Quasianalytical Algorithm DENG Zhitian SUN Yonghua QIU Qi SUN Wei NI Ping XING Rui (6) (75)

Research on Spatial Distribution and Influence Factors of Chinese Historic and Cultural Towns ZHAO Rui SHEN Yuming (6) (83)

Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Spatial Distribution of the Listed Firms′Headquarters in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region ZHAO Jingping LU Minghua (6) (90)

The Characteristics and Spread of Knowledge about the Abacus Arithmetic in Mathematical Books in the Ming Dynasty NIU Teng WANG Hongpeng BAI Xin (6) (99)


A Foregrounding Analysis of E. E. Cumming’s “Buffalo Bill’s”