特 稿
我国体育改革与全民健身:回顾、展望及应关照的社会事实 卢元镇,于永慧(1-1)
先进训练理念的认知与导行——兼论东京奥运会备战与参赛的首选策略 田麦久(2-1)
近20年中小学体育课程教学改革回顾与反思 毛振明(3-1)
国际奥委会改革理念阐释与中国体育的战略选择构想 易剑东(1-7)
新发展理念下北京冬奥会举办理念的贯彻与前瞻 王润斌,肖丽斌(1-17)
奥运会“New Norm”解析与北京冬奥会筹办策略 郇昌店,易剑东(1-24)
北京冬奥会场馆治理的现实问题、理论难题及解题之道 董红刚(1-31)
国际奥委会《遗产战略方针》框架下的奥运遗产愿景与治理 胡孝乾, 陈姝姝, Jamie Kenyon, 邓雪梅(1-36)
2016—2017雪季冬奥会“窗口期”气象资料分析与建议 朱志强,王 飞,王东海,刘 石,贾春佳,赵晨琼,吕克宁(1-43)
国际体育社会学兴奋剂问题研究的理论、方法与视点 田恩庆,仇 军(2-6)
美国职业体育兴奋剂纠纷仲裁及启示 王霁霞,陈 艳(2-18)
国际体育兴奋剂检测方法及相关领域研究进展 王 磊(2-25)
“健康中国”视域下《体育法》与《全民健身条例》的修改 田思源(3-7)
新时代中国体育法治路向论绎 姜 熙(3-13)
《立法法》视角下的《体育法》修改:目标与策略 陈 浩(3-20)
体育仲裁中强制性仲裁条款效力认定的法律冲突——兼谈对我国体育仲裁立法的启示 杨 磊(3-27)
精准治理:青少年体质健康促进治理范式的转换 李 冲,史曙生(4-1)
美国体育治理的思想渊源、特征与启示 彭国强,舒盛芳(4-7)
问题·镜鉴·转向:体育治理手段研究 张 琴,易剑东(4-16)
认同的政治:大众媒介视野中广场舞纠纷的软性治理——以武汉广场舞报道为例 张钢花,张德胜(4-22)
体育社会学中层理论建设的框架、内容与发展思路 戴金明,吕树庭(1-51)
我国备战东京奥运会的战略思路与体系构建——基于中外奥运备战经验 杨国庆,叶小瑜,彭国强,刘红建,王 凯,沈朝阳(1-57)
伦敦建设全球著名体育城市的指标维度分析与启示 丁 一,戴 健(1-65)
解构当代媒介体育赛事的权力迷思:基于约翰·费斯克的视角 魏 伟(1-72)
传统诗性文化对本土体育休闲意识与方式的影响 王洪兵,汤卫东,冉令华(1-80)
人工智能时代体育新闻的版权之困与纾解之道——以腾讯机器记者为考察对象 张惠彬(2-33)
群众体育政策工具选择倾向——基于31个省级《全民健身实施计划(2016—2020年)》的内容分析 韩永君(2-40)
中国开启体育对外援助的动因及启示 俞大伟(2-49)
近30年国内体育表彰和奖励研究述评——基于国家荣誉制度立法背景 陈高朋,缪 佳(2-55)
权力、身体与性别:中国近代女性学校体育实践 潘丽霞(2-63)
体育伦理:从基本概念到学科视域 唐代兴(3-33)
全球城市体育产业发展评价指标体系的构建与实证 陆 乐,李 刚,黄海燕(3-39)
体育运动与国家认同问题的理论展开和中国语境 王理万(3-46)
中国竞技体育国家队组建模式改革思考——以中国(浙江)国家游泳队为视点 赵吉峰,郑家鲲,邵桂华(3-54)
我国政府购买公共体育服务的潜在风险与防控 朱毅然(3-61)
建设运动休闲小镇的价值、问题与行动路径 赵承磊(3-68)
体育锻炼能提升社会资本吗?——基于2014 JSNET调查数据的实证分析 张晓丽,雷 鸣,黄 谦(3-76)
青少年校内身体活动行为促进的社会生态因素及路径 代 俊,陈 瀚(3-85)
中国古典身体观的转捩:基于中国体育变迁史的考察 李有强(3-92)
我国体育产业高质量发展的路径与关键问题 徐开娟,黄海燕,廉 涛,李 刚,任 波(4-29)
运动员竞技体育暴力刑事裁判中的事实建构 段 威(4-38)
上海市民体育参与特征与优化策略——基于上海市第2届市民运动会的数据分析 倪京帅,徐士韦(4-46)
社会力量投资运营体育场地的政策困境及消解路径 杨金娥,陈元欣,黄昌瑞(5-1)
日本体育场地发展与管理运营特点及启示 张 强,王家宏,王华燕(5-7)
校园足球发展的问题审视及优化路径 李卫东,刘艳明,李 溯,窦文强,黄爱峰(5-19)
游戏与体育:伽达默尔游戏论的体育哲学思考 俞鹏飞,王庆军(5-24)
夏奥会、冬奥会与经济互动之比较 孙葆丽,孙葆洁,徐子齐(6-1)
新发展理念视域下的中国体育发展方式转变 马德浩(6-6)
新时代群众体育发展:引导需求与改进供给 陈丛刊,陈 宁(6-16)
生态、渠道、内容:电视体育传播的迭代与创新 张 盛(6-23)
中国武术美学精神论略 王 岗,陈保学(2-103)
近代太极拳家的工匠精神 申国卿(2-111)
中央国术馆馆刊及其社会功能 吉灿忠,纪铭霞,郭 强(2-115)
我国体育院校表演(武术)本科专业之定位 王 三,赵光圣(2-122)
身体知识的象言化:传统武术“即象感身”的哲学论绎 张 震(4-52)
我国中小学武术教育改革新思想探析 柴广新,孙有平,杨建营(4-59)
武术套路竞赛存在的问题反思 刘文武,范燕美(4-67)
仪式的动力:对特纳“仪式结构理论”的检验——以傈僳族“爬刀杆”为例 郭 军,仇 军,高振云(5-84)
中医与武术的标准化发展再比较 李守培,郭玉成(5-91)
民族体育中算法的表象与应用 陈 青,陈玮钰(6-73)
中国武术翻译研究述评:趋势、成果与问题 李 晖(6-81)
从个体失调到行为越轨:社会武术发展的失序与回归 韩青松,朱 东(6-88)
传统体育养生功法技术活化的历史、现状与未来 范铜钢,虞定海(6-96)
“气本论”视角下太极拳本质:着熟·懂劲·神明 尹永佩,姜传银(6-104)
有氧运动和二甲双胍对2型糖尿病大鼠血管炎症的影响及机制 李 俊,王少兵,许桂清,姬丽丽,刘一平(2-69)
运动干预老年人跌倒研究的国际前沿热点与演化分析 朱建明(2-77)
舞蹈治疗对大学生人际交往能力与情绪的影响 马古兰丹姆,刘 坚,陈翟鹿子,赵 琦(2-86)
慢性腰痛患者的核心稳定性分析及康复干预的疗效观察 汪敏加,孙君志(2-91)
力效视域下花样滑冰接续步的典型肢体动作研究——基于单人滑项目规则 赵小瑜,朱志强(2-97)
运动智能手环监测身体活动量的效度研究进展 蒿莹莹,张 琳,马晓凯,曹振波(4-73)
中老年2型糖尿病患者健康体适能、骨密度及血管硬度的关系 马海峰,喻世伟,王兴放(4-84)
骨骼肌挫伤修复过程中巨噬细胞的趋化机制 刘晓光,陈佩杰,赵淋淋,曾志刚,肖卫华(4-92)
儿童青少年超重与肥胖的成因及社会网络干预 王军利,项立敏,张松奎,翟 丰(5-30)
基于可穿戴设备的儿童青少年身体活动干预效果综述 张丹青,孙建刚,刘雪琦,刘 阳(5-41)
美国《视障青少年健康体适能测试》解析及启示 陈华卫,吴雪萍,窦 丽,张 鑫,贺茜娜(5-50)
家庭代际关系对城市老年人锻炼行为决策的影响 王富百慧(5-58)
抗阻训练对老年人骨密度影响的meta分析 王光旭,王 兴,陈新丽,盛 怡(5-67)
非预期条件下女足运动员侧切动作中膝关节运动生物力学特性 邹利民,毛丽娟,梁雷超,汤运启,李 震(5-77)
利器还是噱头:可穿戴设备在身体活动测量中的信效度 孙建刚,柯友枝,洪金涛,张丹青,刘雪琦,刘 阳(6-29)
公共教育支出与中小学生体质健康动态发展追踪——基于面板数据的分析 张 磊,隋晓梅,张 洁,张 岩(6-39)
受伤运动员康复遵医意图与行为的作用机制——基于计划行为理论的混合模型检验 苏荣海,徐茂洲,马运超,李 阔(6-48)
服装颜色对运动员判断攻击性、公平性和获胜概率的影响 王 珉,章建成(6-61)
游泳对SHR大鼠血压、心功能及心肌PRMT-1/ADMA-DDAH-2/Cit-eNOS/NO通路的影响 潘孝贵,金其贯,李 蕾(6-66)
2019年中国健身趋势——针对国内健身行业从业人员的网络问卷调查 黎涌明,王 然,刘 阳,韩 甲,王 茹,吴雪萍(1-86)
运动密度对青少年运动能耗与体质健康的影响 蔡瑞金,季 浏,尹 杰,杨晓玲,薛小安(1-93)
国外智力障碍者身体活动水平研究进展与启示 王丹丹,张 磊,吴雪萍(1-103)
聚焦“轮转冰”速滑队伍:历史机遇、现实困境与应对策略 刘江山,邰崇禧,薛 蓉,贺 鑫,赵胜国,张庆文(1-113)
稳定与非稳定状态下负重与肌肉活性关系模型的构建与实证 董德朋,袁 雷(1-119)
基于Ologit模型的校园足球比赛成绩影响因素分析 吴 键,袁圣敏,邢 玮(3-100)
欧洲与中国学校体育的对比及启示 佘晶晶,蔡玉军,李 凯,陈思同,刘 阳(3-106)
肌肉力量的神经生物力学基础及诊断 卢志泉,夏正亮,李玉章,史芙英,刘 宇(3-113)
基于人工神经网络的大学生体脂百分比预测方程的构建 罗晓洁,王 卉,张崇林(3-121)
(The Number is Issue & Page)
Sport Reform and National Fitness in China:Retrospect,Prospect and Social FactsLUYuanzhen,YUYonghui(1-1)
Cognition and Guidance of Advanced Training Concept
—Also on the First Selection Strategy in Preparation for and Participation in Tokyo OlympicsTIANMaijiu(2-1)
Reflections on Physical Education Curriculum Reform in the Primary and Secondary Schools in the Past 20 Years
Explanation on the Reform Concept of IOC and the Concept of Strategic Choice of China’s SportYIJiandong(1-7)
Implementation and Prospect on the Preparations for Beijing Winter Olympic Games
Under the Guidance of New Development PrinciplesWANGRunbin,XIAOLibin(1-17)
Influence of the "New Norm" on the Preparation of Beijing Winter Olympic GamesHUANChangdian,YIJiandong(1-24)
Problems of and Solutions to the Stadium Governance in Beijing Winter Olympic GamesDONGHonggang(1-31)
The Vision Construction and Governance of the Legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games against the
Background of the Legacy Strategic ApproachHUXiaoqian,CHENShushu,JamieKenyon,DENGXuemei(1-36)
Meteorological Analysis on Winter Olympic Games “Window Period” in the 2016-2017 Snow SeasonZHUZhiqiang,WANGFei,WANGDonghai,LIUShi,JIAChunjia,ZHAOChenqiong,LÜKening(1-43)
Theory,Research Method and Viewpoint of the Doping Issues in International Sociology of SportTIANEnqing,QIUJun(2-6)
American Arbitration of Doping Disputes in Professional SportsWANGJixia,CHENYan(2-18)
Research Progress on Detection Method Related Area of International Sports Doping IssuesWANGLei(2-25)
Revisions of Sports Law and Regulation on National Fitness from the Perspective of “Healthy China”TIANSiyuan(3-7)
China’s Sports Legal System in the New EraJIANGXi(3-13)
Objectives and Strategies of the Modification of Sports Law from the Perspective of Legislative LawCHENHao(3-20)
The Legal Conflicts in Assessing the Validity of Mandatory Arbitration Clause in Sports:
Implication for the Legislation of Sports Arbitration in ChinaYANGLei(3-27)
Precise Governance:Conversion of Governance Model of Adolescent Physical Health PromotionLIChong,SHIShusheng(4-1)
Thought Origin,Characteristics and Enlightenment of American Sports GovernancePENGGuoqiang,SHUShengfang(4-7)
On Sports Governance Measures:Problems,Enlightenment and TurnZHANGQin,YIJiandong(4-16)
Identity Politics:Soft Governance of Square Dance Disputes in the Vision of Mass Media
—Taking Wuhan Square Dance Report as an ExampleZHANGGanghua,ZHANGDesheng(4-22)
Framework,Content and Development Path for Middle Range Theory in Sports SociologyDAIJinming,LÜShuting(1-51)
Path and System Construction of China’s Preparation for the Tokyo Olympic Games
—Based on Chinese and Foreign Olympic Preparing ExperienceYANGGuoqing,YEXiaoyu,PENGGuoqiang,LIUHongjian,WANGKai,SHENChaoyang(1-57)
Analysis of Indicator Dimensions of London’s Constructing the World Renowned Sports City and EnlightenmentDINGYi,DAIJian(1-65)
Deconstruting Power Mythologies of Contemporary Media Sport Events:From a John Fiske’s PerspectiveWEIWei(1-72)
The Influence of Traditional Poetic Culture on Local Sports Leisure’Awareness and ModesWANGHongbing,TANGWeidong,RANLinghua(1-80)
Copyright Dilemma and Solution of Sports News in Artificial Intelligence Era
—Taking Tencent’s Robot Reporter as an ObjectZHANGHuibin(2-33)
Selection Tendency of Mass Sports Policy Tools—Based on the Content Analysis of 31 Copies of Provincial
“National Fitness Implementation Plan (2016—2020)”HANYongjun(2-40)
The Motivation and Inspiration of Sports Foreign Aid in ChinaYUDawei(2-49)
A Review of the Research on Sports Recognition and Reward in China in the Past 30 Years
—Based on the Legislative Background of National HonorCHENGaopeng,MIAOJia(2-55)
Power,Body and Gender:A Study on the Activities of Chinese Modern Women’s School Physical EducationPANLixia(2-63)
Sports Ethics:From Fundamental Concepts to Discipline SightsTANGDaixing(3-33)
Establishment and Empirical Study of the Evaluation Index System for the Development of Sports Industry in Global CitiesLULe,LIGang,HUANGHaiyan(3-39)
Sports and National Identity:Theoretical Discussion and Chinese PerspectiveWANGLiwan(3-46)
Reflections on the Reform of Formation Model of Chinese National Teams of Competitive Sports in the New Era
—From the Perspective of National Swimming TeamsZHAOJifeng,ZHENGJiakun,SHAOGuihua(3-54)
Risk Prevention and Control of Government’s Purchase of Public Sports Service in ChinaZHUYiran(3-61)
Value,Problem and Action Path of Constructing Sports Leisure TownZHAOChenglei(3-68)
Can Physical Exercise Improve Social Capital?—An Empirical Analysis Based on JSNET 2014 Survey DataZHANGXiaoli,LEIMing,HUANGQian(3-76)
An Social Ecological Perspective of Analyzing Factors Influencing Chinese Adolescents’
In-school Physical Activity LevelsDAIJun,CHENHan(3-85)
The Transition of Chinese Classical Concept of Body:Based on the Evolution of Pre-modern Chinese SportLIYouqiang(3-92)
Path and key Issues of High-quality Development of Sports Industry in ChinaXUKaijuan,HUANGHaiyan,LIANTao,LIGang,RENBo(4-29)
Fact Construction in Criminal Judgment of Athletes’ Sports ViolenceDUANWei(4-38)
Sport Participation Characteristics and Optimization Strategy of Shanghai Residents
—Based on the Data Analysis of Shanghai Second Citizen GameNIJingshuai,XUShiwei(4-46)
Difficulties and Solutions of Policies of Nongovernmental Sectors Running Sports VenuesYANGJin’e,CHENYuanxin,HUANGChangrui(5-1)
Operation Characteristics and Enlightenment of the Development and Management of Sports Field in JapanZHANGQiang,WANGJiahong,WANGHuayan(5-7)
Current Issues of Campus Football and Its Development Path in ChinaLIWeidong,LIUYanming,LISu,DOUWenqiang,HUANGAifeng(5-19)
Play and Sport:Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics on SportYUPengfei,WANGQingjun(5-24)
A Comparative Study on the Interactions among Summer, Autumn Olympic Games and EconomicsSUNBaoli,SUNBaojie,XUZiqi(6-1)
Transformation of Sport Development Mode in China under New Concept of DevelopmentMADehao(6-6)
The Development of Mass Sports in the New Era:Guiding Demands and Improving SuppliesCHENCongkan,CHENNing(6-16)
Ecology,Channels,Content:The Evolution and Innovation in the Communication of TV SportsZHANGSheng(6-23)
On the Aesthetic Spirit of Chinese WushuWANGGang,CHENBaoxue(2-103)
The Craftsman Spirit of Modern Taijiquan MastersSHENGuoqing(2-111)
The Central Guoshu Institute Periodicals and Their Social FunctionsJICanzhong,JIMingxia,GUOQiang(2-115)
The Positioning of Performance (Wushu) Major in Chinese Sport Colleges and UniversitiesWANGSan,ZHAOGuangsheng(2-122)
Xiang-lized speaking of the Body Knowledge:Philosophy Illustration of Traditional Wushu’s
“Guiding Body Knowing in the Guise of Xiang”ZHANGZhen(4-52)
The Reform Ideas of Wushu Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in ChinaCHAIGuangxin,SUNYouping,YANGJianying(4-59)
Reflection on the Current Existing Problems in Wushu Routine CompetitionLIUWenwu,FANYanmei(4-67)
The Dynamic of Ritual:A Test of Turner ’s Ritual Structure Theory—Case Study on Lisu “Sword-Climbing”GUOJun,QIUJun,GAOZhenyun(5-84)
Re-comparative Study on the Standardization Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and WushuLIShoupei,GUOYucheng(5-91)
The Appearance and Application of Algorithms in National SportsCHENQing,CHENWeiyu(6-73)
A Review of Studies on Chinese Wushu Translation:Trend,Achievement and ProblemLIHui(6-81)
From Individual Disorder to Behavior Deviance:Development Disorder and Correction of Social WushuHANQingsong,ZHUDong(6-88)
History,Present and Future of the Activation of Traditional Sports Health-cultivation TechniquesFANTonggang,YUDinghai(6-96)
Essence of Taijiquan from the Theory of Qi:Mastering Movement,Understanding Force,Illuminating MindYINYongpei,JIANGChuanyin(6-104)
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Metformin on Vascular Inflammation in Type 2 Diabetic Rats and Its MechanismLIJun,WANGShaobing,XUGuiqing,JILili,LIUYiping(2-69)
Hot Spots and Evolution about Exercise Intervention of Fall in the Elderly AbroadZHUJianming(2-77)
Impact of Dance Therapy on College Students’ Interpersonal Skills and EmotionsMAGulandanmu,LIUJian,CHENZhailuzi,ZHAOQi(2-86)
Core Stability and Rehabilitation Effect on Chronic Low Back PainWANGMinjia,SUNJunzhi(2-91)
Typical Limb Motion of Step Sequences Effort on Figure Skating
—Based on the Rules of Single EventZHAOXiaoyu,ZHUZhiqiang(2-97)
The Validation Study on Wrist-wearable Activity Monitors for Monitoring Physical ActivityHAOYingying,ZHANGLin,MAXiaokai,CAOZhenbo(4-73)
Relationship among Health-Related Physical Fitness,Bone Mineral Density,and Vascular Stiffness in
Middle-aged and Elderly Patients with Type 2 DiabetesMAHaifeng,YUShiwei,WANGXingfang(4-84)
The Mechanism of Macrophage Chemotaxis during the Repair Process Following Contusion of Skeletal MuscleLIUXiaoguang,CHENPeijie,ZHAOLinlin,ZENGZhigang,XIAOWeihua(4-92)
Factors and Social Network Interventions of Overweight and Obesity in Children and AdolescentsWANGJunli,XIANGLimin,ZHANGSongkui,ZHAIFeng(5-30)
Effectiveness of Wearable Devices on Physical Activity Interventions among Children and AdolescentsZHANGDanqing,SUNJiangang,LIUXueqi,LIUYang(5-41)
Health-related Physical Fitness Test of VI Youngsters in US and Its RevelationCHENHuawei,WUXueping,DOULi,ZHANGXin,HEXinuo(5-50)
The Influence of Family Inter-generational Relationship on Urban Elderly's Exercise Behavior Decision-makingWANGFubaihui(5-58)
Meta-analysis of the Effect of Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density in the ElderlyWANGGuangxu,WANGXing,CHENXinli,SHENGYi(5-67)
Sports Biomechanics Characteristic of Knee Joint During Sidestep-cutting Maneuver among Female Football
Players on Unanticipated ConditionZOULimin,MAOLijuan,LIANGLeichao,TANGYunqi,LIZhen(5-77)
Sharp Weapon or Trick:Reliability and Validity of Wearable Devices in Physical Activity MeasurementSUNJiangang,KEYouzhi,HONGJingtao,ZHANGDanqing,LIUXueqi,LIUYang(6-29)
Dynamic Development of Public Education Expenditure and Primary and Secondary School Students’ Physical Fitness:
Based on Panel Data AnalysisZHANGLei,SUIXiaomei,ZHANGJie,ZHANGYan(6-39)
Treatment Intention and Compliance of Injured Athletes:A Mixed Model Testing Based on the TPB TheorySURonghai,XUMaozhou,MAYunchao,LIKuo(6-48)
The Effect of Uniform Color on the Athletes’ Judgement Towards Aggressiveness,Fairness,and Chance of WinningWANGMin,ZHANGJiancheng(6-61)
Effect of Swimming on Blood Pressure and Cardiac Function and PRMT-1/ ADMA-DDAH-2/ Cit-eNOS/NO
Pathway in SHR RatsPANXiaogui,JINQiguan,LILei(6-66)
2019 China Fitness Trends—An Online Survey for Fitness Professionals in ChinaLIYongming,WANGRan,LIUYang,HANJia,WANGRu,WUXueping(1-86)
Influence of Exercise Time to Adolescents’ Energy Consumption & Physical FitnessCAIRuijin,JILiu,YINJie,YANGXiaoling,XUEXiaoan(1-93)
Progress and Inspiration of Foreign Researches on Physical Activity Levels of People with Intellectual DisabilityWANGDandan,ZHANGLei,WUXueping(1-103)
Development of “Speed Roller Skating Turning to Speed Ice Skating” Speed Skating Team:Plight,Opportunities and StrategiesLIUJiangshan,TAIChongxi,XUERong,HEXin,ZHAOShengguo,ZHANGQingwen(1-113)
Construction and Empirical Research on Relationship Model between Load and Muscle Activity
under Stable and Unstable StatesDONGDepeng,YUANLei(1-119)
Ologit-based Analysis of Factors Affecting Campus Football PerformanceWUJian,YUANShengmin,XINGWei(3-100)
Comparisons and Implications of School Physical Education between Europe and ChinaSHEJingjing,CAIYujun,LIKai,CHENSitong,LIUYang(3-106)
Neuromechanical Basis of Muscular Strength and Its DiagnosisLUZhiquan,XIAZhengliang,LIYuzhang,SHIFuying,LIUYu(3-113)
Predictive Equation for Body Fat Percentage in College Students Based on Artificial Neural NetworkLUOXiaojie,WANGHui,ZHANGChonglin(3-121)