Potential Development of Quantum Toxicology in Pharmacology and Toxicology


生态毒理学报 2019年6期

Jiang Yunshen, Mo Baoqing

Department of Toxicology, School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China

Abstract: Along with the development of quantum science and appearance of new materials and technologies, quantum toxicology has become a new branch in the field of toxicology. Quantum toxicology explores the mechanism of drug, chemical and quantum toxic action. Quantum toxicology has potential perspective in pharmacology and toxicology. This review introduces the quantum toxicology concept, research methods, and the future development prospects in pharmacology and toxicology research. The quantum aspects of chemical reactions that promote a toxicological effect may be central for predicting toxicity of quantum-compounds, nanocompounds and other toxic mechanisms. The quantum toxicology also investigates the interaction and structure-effect relationship between the xenobiotics and target molecule in the body, the toxic mechanism and preventive measures with the theories and methods of the quantum chemistry, quantum biology and quantum pharmacology.

Keywords: quantum; quantum toxicology; quantum pharmacology

In recent years, quantum science has made great progress in China. The world’s first quantum communication satellite was successfully launched by China. The quantum of electromagnetic radiation in the quantum communication media is the single photons. Light quantum is transmitting the electromagnetic interaction of standard particle, and it’s rest mass is zero, without charge. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum is at the speed of light. Einstein has proposed in 1905 that light itself is not continuous and there are particles, and he called it as the light quantum. Quantum communication is a new type of communication. Quantum radar, quantum computer, and quantum camera have also appeared. Quantum application becomes more and more widely.

In modern understanding, quantum means the smallest possible discrete unit of any physical property, such as energy or matter[1-2]. Quantum theory is one of the two foundation of modern physics. From the micro to the macro it provides a theoretical basis. Quantum mechanics is a subject that studies the motion law of microscopic particles. It mainly studies the atoms, molecules, condensed matter as well as the structure of atomic nuclei and elementary particles. Quantum medicine is a new branch of medical science on quantum mechanics. Quantum medicine has been applied to clinical diagnosis in the United States in the 1980s, while the application began in China in 1990s. Quantum medicine is the study on the poisoning and other changes caused by the disease in the micro state and their corresponding law. The essence of quantum medicine is determined by the vibration analysis of the electromagnetic field and its release rate in organisms (i.e. the weak magnetic field fluctuations)[3].

1 Quantum toxicology concept

In the 21st Century, scientists attempt to interpret the organism damage caused by the exogenous chemical, physical and biological factors at the molecular level. Quantum toxicology is the application of the theory and method of quantum science to study the toxic effects of exogenous factors on organism. At the same time, the theory and methods of toxicology science was also applied to study the effects of quantum on the organism.

Laughlin (USA), Störmer (USA), Cui Qi (American born Chinese) discovered the fractional quantum Holzer effect, and won the Nobel Prize in 1998. They discovered the method for the measurement and manipulation of individual quantum system, which is a breakthrough in the experimental method. As a result, the study of quantum toxicology has opened up a new way. Quantum toxicology is established on the basis of quantum technology and quantum philosophy.

2 Development prospects of quantum toxicology

Several special instruments have been created for research in quantum medicine. Among them, the quantum resonance spectrometer is designed to detect the weak magnetic field fluctuations in the energy state, namely resonance and non resonance condition, in order to determine the influence of exogenous factors on organism.

Quantum toxicology is developed on the basis of quantum medicine. Different cells, tissues, and organs are composed of different molecules, so they have different intrinsic fluctuations of energy information. The detection of fluctuating energy information can reflect the person’s body condition. The abnormal changes of the weak magnetic field can be captured under the condition of human sub-health. It is of great significance to the early detection and prevention of the disease (such as poisoning).

The rotary motion of the electron changes, the associated weak magnetic field becomes abnormal, followed by atoms to molecules, molecules to cells, cells to tissues, and organs. The weak magnetic chain of chaos creates disease. The investigation of the changes of the magnetic field can help understanding the pathogenesis.

The investigation in the functional changes of brain, and the diagnosis of human brain waves of various forms can help understand people’s mental state, such as common sense, memory, and force.

The overall treatment process focuses on detoxification. The treatment of quantum medicine advocates a holistic concept, not limited to the local or temporary symptoms. So the treatment can be stable, thorough, rapid and accurate. This would be a great help for quantum toxicology.

The theory and methods of toxicology are applied to study the effects and mechanism of various quantum materials on organisms, such as ultraviolet light quantum, and quantum dots[4]. This is necessary for the development and safe use of quantum dots for diagnosis and treatment.

The theory and methods of quantum mechanics should be applied to study the electronic behavior around the drug molecules and the stability of the various conformations of drug molecules so as to elucidate the mechanism of drug toxic action[5].