Rok Oman和Spela Videcnik(OFIS事务所)也属于此类新兴建筑师,他们明显地掌握了各自国家建筑界的话语权,同时在欧洲建筑界获得了自己的一席之地。确实,一系列有利条件为他们创设了良好的经济、政治和文化环境,促进了理念的更新。主要事件:1991年斯洛文尼亚独立。斯洛文尼亚在历史上第一次完全真正成为一个独立的主权国家。
Rok Oman和Spela Videcnik便生活在这样的环境中。他们的职业生涯与斯洛文尼亚在1991年独立后的社会动态完美融合。正是在这一年,他们开始在卢布尔雅那的建筑学院学习。从第二年开始,他们便形影不离,在所有高级研究和学习项目中密切配合。获得学位前,他们参加过比赛。1997年成为一项住房设计竞赛的获胜者,接下来的一年,又在一个当代重要赛事中获奖,获奖作品是:卢布尔雅那城市博物馆的改造和扩建。博物馆馆长力排评审团建筑师们的意见,支持他们的方案。
Rok Oman和Spela Videcnik认识到他们很幸运,作为毕业生可以参加大型公共设施项目的竞争。这是一个非常好的跳板、一次难得的机会,可以检测原始的空间解决方案,展现他们在应对斯洛文尼亚社会的革新需求方面实现的重大收获。这一元素让OFIS从所有同一时代的年轻工作室中脱颖而出:集体住房运营,主要是社会住房,在该事务所的工作中发挥着重要作用。不仅仅是项目的承接数量受人瞩目,OFIS在不同项目中达到高质量水平的方式也非常受人关注。
在之前,我们发现了这些作品的一些共同特征:曲线、流动空间、连续空间连接处的相互作用。众多项目中的优选项目有:格拉茨市房屋项目,具有令人惊喜的细分设计(2000年欧洲赛,一等奖)、布拉格国家图书馆(2003年)、卢布尔雅那市政办公室(2009年)、幼儿园(2009年)。接下来的两项成果再次确认了这一方向:白俄罗斯鲍里索夫市的未来足球场(2010年施工)及其令人惊奇的点状外壳,和具有高度复杂性的卢布尔雅那市中心公寓和商店(Shopping Pillow Terraces,2011,未定项目)都具有成套的曲线式和弧线式重叠露台,营造出大型绿地空间放大的效果。他们在住宅领域的成就给人留下了深刻的印象。
为满足他们设置的经济预算,用新的方式去思考是非常有挑战性的。雷诺·罗根再次为客户提供了一款之前无法接触到的汽车(每年销售量超过1百万辆)。OFIS在住房上采取了“Mutatis mutandis”(细节上作必要的修改)同样的策略吗?雷诺的工程师们将建议者设置的限制因素(所需预算、面积)放在一边,发明了新的建筑房屋。工程师们利用自己的武器,将不同来源的智能组件和设备组装起来。毫不犹豫地利用,比如,现有模型中组件和设备组成的“现存”系统(经济性、可靠性)。建筑师们利用自己的空间科学和合理化平面设计,最大化地释放了有用面积(在某些情况中,为开发商提供了更多可销售面积),通过外部扩展扩大了内部空间,利用重复性降低了成本。
Lina Bo Bardi直截了当地说过建筑与“艺术”无关,而是源自“责任”和“科学实践”联盟中的目标。甚至,在我们的社会中越来越需要满足对最大数量的经济适用房需求,这自然也是建筑师们的一项“责任”。或许,最优秀的建筑师会将“科学实践”融入自己的工作中。Lina Bo Bardi还说到:“这是一条充满困难的路径,也是建筑师的目标路径”。这就是Rok Oman和Spela Videcnik采取的路径。
A French politician recently remarked that «it is when we redistribute the cards the dreams and ambitions become possible.»
But in Slovenia, in the early 90s this redistribution was rapid, totally radical. And its devastating consequences in terms of architecture: the appearance of a new generation of young offices renewed the ideas and architectural expression.
Again Slovenia was back in the European architecture.
Rok Oman and Spela Videcnik (Ofis agency) are among those newly qualified architects who unabashedly took power in their country and at the same time have established themselves on the European scene. It is true that they have received a series of exceptional circumstances that created an economic, political and cultural environment in the renewal of ideas. Major event: the accession of Slovenia’s independence in 1991. For the first time in its history, Slovenia became a country totally and truly independent.
We can easily imagine the euphoria generated by stimulating and conducting such a change long awaited and often disappointed. There is added, without transition, the change from a socialist economy, rigid, ossified in a liberal market economy, open. More: these changes have occurred in a calm manner, at least without the long conflicts that destabilized Slovenia neighboring countries after the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Other factor but not least: the political impulse. The new leadership has made the integration of Slovenia into the European Union (2004), they had proclaimed European standards retained in all areas: social, economic, and also cultural.In the field of architecture that impulse would result in the launch of numerous competitions, a new mindset of owners, an opening to new architectural expressions. We can say that a favorable wind blowing in favor of the new generation of architects: no need for references to enter contests, no prejudice against youth candidates, and an evaluation without a-priori proposals...
The old offices, equipped to adapt to the rapid response imposed by the market economy and unfamiliar with the new directions taken by the architecture, that were soon shaken up by fresh architect graduates who did not hesitate to seize their chance. Magazines, exhibitions or «readings» of foreign architects lectures,had enabled them to complete their education quite traditional in the Ljubljana School of Architecture.
In the 80s, «Piran Days of Architecture» organized meetings every year in November in Piran, a small resort on the banks of the Adriatic, where guests were many of the great European architects who contributed to this openness of the world.
With the freedom of this movement that offered independence, the most motivated did not hesitate to complete their training to go directly to the sources of new ideas and take the path of Institutions such as the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam, the AA School in London, Harvard in the United States or in Mendrisio Switzerland.
Also in the 90’s Slovenia had witnessed a stunning architectural excitement. A student could finish his degree, participate in competitions and almost at the same time follow a master in Rotterdam or London.
A situation that was the one in which Rok Oman and Spela Videcnik lived in. Their careers almost merged perfectly with the dynamics of the years that followed independence of Slovenia in 1991. It is precisely this year they began their studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. From their second year on they became inseparable leading all throughout high research and study projects.Before completing their degree they engaged in competitions. Winners in 1997 of a housing competition, they won the following year a major competition of the era:the transformation and expansion of the City Museum of Ljubljana. The museum director supported their proposal against the advice of architects on the jury.
Then, in 1998, they founded their agency Ofis, before moving to London to pursue a master in the AA school. For two years they juggled between the English capital and Ljubljana, multiplying schemes to show that they were present in the AA while on site in Slovenia. Two years during which, the cosmopolitan excitement prevailing the AA would be added stimulation of the cultural and artistic life of a big city,discovering the current contemporary art. Back in Ljubljana they found themselves caught up in the dynamics that characterizes the Slovenian architectural scene until recent years. Ofis was selected, with five other young architectural offices to be part of a traveling exhibition funded by public authorities. The new «6ixPack generation»was born; it became the symbol of the revival of Slovene architecture.
Rok Oman and Spela Videcnik recognize they have been lucky to have had access as only graduates to compete for large public facilities. This will be a wonderful springboard, a rather unique opportunity to test the original spatial solutions and demonstrate significant achievements they were able to respond to this aspiration for renewal which was before the Slovenian society.This element distinguished OFIS apart from other young practices that emerged at the same time: collective housing operations, primarily social, play an important role in the production of the agency. It is not the number of projects which had been undertaken that deserves attention, but rather how OFIS meet a sophisticated level of quality in various different types of programs.
Their approach seems so different from one type to another that one could almost sense a split personality of the agency. Is it the renovation of a museum or extension of a house, the young team is confident in its means of work, playing with the difficulties of the program, experimenting with daring spacial organizations,taking pleasure in manipulating shapes. In the case of their participation in housing,projects seem to be handled by professionals experienced in calculating the ratios,the measurement of economic performance, and the control costs.
It is indicative of the pragmatism with which OFIS approach each situation. To simplify, we can say that they adapt their strategy according to the project and their analysis of what we might call the ratio of forces in a project. Not only the classic relationship between the architect and the client, but also the relationship underlying the more fundamental data between the project and the degree of freedom allowed for the architect. This ability to appreciate, although one could say «weigh» the terms of this dual relationship is remarkable and rare to be emphasized among young architects. It allowed OFIS to find comfort in both public and private orders,where they were able to deploy a whole range of methods, for example in social housing where they are looking for all means to make some room for creativity and expression using data binding.
Situational intelligence, brilliance and elegant spatial solutions, and control of complex projects are circumstances in the public facilities projects that allow OFIS not to hesitate to show a very controlled virtuosity. In their renovation of the Museum of the City of Ljubljana we admire their ability to fit into a complex structure, a spiral route. In one continuous motion it connects all the exhibition spaces and reveals the various phases of the history of the place.
In the extension of a Maribor football stadium, ample curves not only provide perfect visibility for spectators, but reduce the physical and visual impact of the structure to establish a spatial relationship between the fluid phase and its environment. One can not help but mention the extension of a 19th century villa on the shore of a lake in a remarkable landscape.
To comply with all the restrictions that were submitted as the villa site, the extension,whose surface was considerable, was slipped under the villa. New spaces form a sort of cushion around the old house and open onto the landscape by a long continuous glass wall. A new spiral, namely a magnificent central staircase, provides the connection between the villa and the new space. In its movement it offers views of the distant landscape and the landscape inside the room.
In the passing period of time we note some features common to these achievements: the interplay of curves, flowing spaces, continuous spatial joints.Preferences found in many projects: the surprising subdivision houses in Graz(2000 Europan competition, first prize), the National Library in Prague (2003), and offices for the municipality of Ljubljana (2009), a kindergarten (2009). The next two achievements reaffirm this direction: the future football stadium Borisov in Belarus (2010 construction) and its surprising dot envelope and the complexity of apartments and shops in the center of Ljubljana (Shopping Pillow Terraces, 2011,pending project) that characterizes the set of curvesd and con-curved superimposed terraces, a effect that amplifies large green spaces. The list of achievements in the field of housing leaves a big impression.
Even though they were not yet graduates they were winners of a contest for a 30-unit operation in Ljubljana (1997-2000). But it is the realization of 60 economic houses (2003-2005) for young families in Izola on the Adriatic coast that triggered a series of projects. The expressiveness of facades, alternating small colored blocks that respond to specific climatic and spatial intentions, has earned this achievement significant international media coverage upon completion. Economic performance -excellent ratio salable area / total area, reduced construction cost - would attract the attention of a Slovenian developer. They realised several projects: 650 apartments in Ljubljana (2004-2006), a city block of 50 apartments and a shopping center in a mountain village (2005-2007), a group of 56 rural houses (2005-2007) and 70 new housing in Ljubljana (2005-2007). Also to be added to the list, an operation of 70 apartments in Nova Gorica (2005-2007), and 192 student apartments in Paris that they just delivered (2008-2012). All these operations have one thing in common:baseline restrictive, whether surface, cost and time.
Competence in the field of housing; the participation of architects is not a public institution sensible to promote neither architectural quality, nor a rich particular that the originality of his villa is a social status. Here the customer is a promoter.
Nowhere else in Slovenia the pure architectural concerns and the acceptance or want of a renewal in the external expression of the building (in tune with the times)are a priority, even if it can interest marketing. Its primary requirements are the economy and speed.
Building low-cost and fast, are the conditions which had to be adopted by OFIS.Slovenian legislation in social housing (type, surface) leaves little freedom. In most projects the construction cost objective covered around 700 per m2. Even in terms of Slovenia construction costs are still fairly low and it is a remarkable performance.Added to this was the time of project development and construction which was amazingly short: only 2 to 3 years for projects often of great magnitude such +as the construction of 650 housing units in Ljubljana. Adding design time and building,architects have calculated that it had to produce at least one unit per day.
Accommodations are limited areas, imposed by regulation of social housing in Slovenia. While many are mono-oriented, only those at the corners have a double orientation. But by their general appearance and scale, their level of benefits -loggia and balcony give each apartment a relationship with the outside world - or the quality of materials and execution, operations that are removed from the image of social housing. It is true that the architects have cleverly managed to use the complex rhythms of their colorful facades to pass-by laws that restrict modularity and repeatability manage each of these housing projects.
Their intelligence has been not to fight against the conditions imposed on them, for example, the approach to redefine the typology and strive to remain in the financial blueprint is often usual. This is another strategic project OFIS adopted. Not consider the initial data as obstacles to architecture but generate creativity from the margins and somehow bring out the architectural constraints. A strategy underpinned by the idea that architecture is not a starting point, but a point of arrival.
Somehow they have adopted a social housing strategy of low cost very similar to that used by some manufacturers. Reconciliation with the experience of car manufacturer Renault and its low-cost Logan, is interesting because it allows for situating the scope of the project strategy initiated by the architects. Somewhere there is a return to fundamental architecture of housing: meeting the needs for the greatest number. This was also the objective with the Renault Logan.
A few years ago when management set its engineers to design a passenger car that meets the requirements of reliability and livability, but the cost is 50% lower than the cheapest model produced by the manufacturer, the goal was to produce a real car, but at a price customers can reclaim was removed from the market because prices were higher. Engineers in charge of the project did not seek the solution in the modification of existing models to reduce the cost. They initially set a budget cost which was not to be exceeded and revised according to the design and production methods.
It was challenging to think in new ways in order to keep the economic blueprint they set. Renault Logan has again brought a car to the customer that there was no access to (he sells more than 1 million cars+ per year).Is «Mutatis mutandis» the same strategy adopted by OFIS for housing? Renault engineers left the constraints set by the proponent (budget, surfaces required) to invent a new architecture housing. Engineers have used their weapons assembly intelligent components and equipment of different origin. Not hesitating to use for example the system of «carry over» of employing components and equipment already in use on existing models(economics, reliability). Architects use their space science and rationalization plans to release the maximum useful surface (and in some cases provide the developer more marketable surfaces), expand the interior by external extensions, and lower costs through repetition.
Plans, sections and elevations immediately reveal the construction strategy with clear distinction between structure, rigid, repetitive and more autonomous envelope,drawing more free. But still the rule of repetition of identical elements is needed as a basis for project economics. The virtuosity of the architects found in the design of these envelopes in 3D at the same time provide housing extensions outside(balconies, loggias or terraces) and give a real identity to the building.
The random distribution of voids and solids, glass elements and compressed wood panels makes little noticeable repetition of identical elements. As Logan is not the car of the poor - in the street it does not differ from others - In Ljubljana four long buildings which are divided into 650 apartments are not four «bars» rejecting the periphery of the city but form a coherent strong residential identity.
To achieve this it took the method of breaking apart from a dominant culture today in the field of architecture housing. The parallel with the automotive industry is once again relevant and enlightening. Logan exists only because its designers have managed to extract from the culture of technical performance, sophistication, which permeates the automotive industry and leads into a spiral of up market with its consequence: the elimination from the market of some customers.
One may ask if the property does not suffer from what might be called a culture of performance architecture. Yesterday the abandoned promotion; collective housing is once again a topic of architecture. We can not complain but we must make the observation that this interest is most often translated into a sophisticated housing originality and variety of typologies, earthworks complex services strengthened deployment of creativity on the walls. A sort of upmarket housing. Although it responds to new expectations, the search for identity and singularity of a wealthier clientele. At the same time the issue of housing for the greatest number is once again a topical issue. Few architects have actually addressed this issue, at least by taking the right end: the economy. On the contrary, it is often striking in the projects of young architects, which it rather concerns, not to mention the architectural ambitions that are highlighted. Sometimes with the support of sponsors or policy makers in search of modern image. The magazines are full of these projects that demonstrate a real architectural expertise but would be impossible to keep within the limits imposed by OFIS. Their achievements as architects are demonstrating precisely opposite: it may seem paradoxical, but it is willing to lie within these limits,not seeking to circumvent them, they manage to give an identity to the original architecture of cost housing.
Lina Bo Bardi stated bluntly that the architecture has nothing to do with «art» it is a goal out of alliance between «duty» and «scientific practice». Reply to demand decent housing for the greatest number is even in our society developed, certainly a «duty» to the architect. And perhaps expected from the best of them they put their«scientific practice» in his service. «It is a hard path to follow it is the intended path of the architecture» added Lina Bo Bardi.
This is the path followed by Rok Oman and Spela Videcnik.