

医学信息 2019年24期


摘要:目的  分析南通市某传染病医院艾滋病流行病学特征,为制订预防措施提供科学依据。方法  回顾性分析2018年1月~12月南通市某三级甲等传染病医院出院的793例艾滋病患者临床资料,分析艾滋病患者性别、年龄、职业、地区来源、并发症、住院天数、住院费用分布。结果  共793例艾滋病患者,男性多于女性,男性患者主要分布于21~60岁年龄段,女性患者主要分布于51~70岁年龄段。职业分布中以职员比例最高,占28.25%(224/793),其次是工人、农民、其他人员、退离休人员、无业人员、专业人员、自由职业者、学生及个体。根据本市的行政区域划分,来源最多的是县级市患者占45.90%(364/793),其次是市区、县区、外省及外市,其中市区的职员比例最多占14.00%(111/793)。艾滋病并发症的前十顺位中,肺炎占比最高33.92%(269/793),其次为EB病毒感染、口腔念珠菌感染、梅毒、乙型病毒性肝炎、过敏性皮炎、肺结核、巨细胞病毒感染、淋巴瘤、带状疱疹,其中巨细胞病毒感染住院时间最长为(18.76±11.37)d,淋巴瘤住院费用最高为(24600.78±18100.40)元。结论  南通市某传染病医院艾滋病主要以男性为主,集中分布于21~60岁年龄段,而女性以51~70岁年龄段为主;职业以职员为主,地区以市区为主;并发症中以肺炎为主。應针对不同人群开展有效的干预措施,加强宣传和教育。


中图分类号:R512.91                                文献标识码:A                                 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2019.24.046


Epidemiological Characteristics of AIDS in an Infectious Disease Hospital in Nantong


(Department of General Statistics,the Third People's Hospital of Nantong,Nantong 226000, Jiangsu,China)

Abstract:Objective  To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of AIDS in an infectious disease hospital in Nantong and to provide scientific basis for formulating preventive measures. Methods  The clinical data of 793 AIDS patients discharged from a third-level infectious disease hospital in Nantong from January to December 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. The gender, age, occupation, regional origin, complications, length of stay, and hospitalization costs of AIDS patients were analyzed distribution. Results  A total of 793 AIDS patients, more men than women, were mainly distributed in the age group of 21 to 60 years, and female patients were mainly distributed in the age group of 51 to 70 years. The proportion of employees in the occupation distribution is the highest, accounting for 28.25% (224/793), followed by workers, farmers, other personnel, retirees, unemployed persons, professionals, freelancers, students, and individuals. According to the division of the city's administrative regions, the largest number of patients are county-level cities, accounting for 45.90% (364/793), followed by urban areas, counties, foreign provinces, and foreign cities, with the urban area staffing ratio up to 14.00% (111/793). Among the top ten AIDS complications, pneumonia accounted for the highest 33.92% (269/793), followed by EB virus infection, oral Candida infection, syphilis, hepatitis B virus, allergic dermatitis, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus Infections, lymphomas, and shingles. Among them, the longest hospital stay for cytomegalovirus infection is (18.76±11.37) d, and the maximum hospitalization cost for lymphoma is (24600.78±18100.40) yuan. Conclusion  An infectious disease hospital in Nantong is mainly male, concentrated in the age group of 21~60, while women are mainly in the age group of 51~70; occupations are mainly staff, and areas are mainly urban; complications Pneumonia is predominant in China. Effective interventions should be carried out for different groups of people to strengthen publicity and education.


《 世界艾滋病日》
输血感染艾滋病 医院该担责吗?