The Relationship of Job Satisfaction,Job burnout and Turnover Intention among Medical Staff


速读·下旬 2019年1期

杨薏蓓 郝跃云 何茹 董秀娟

Abstract:Present study collected 138 data of job satisfaction,job burnout and turnover intention selected by preliminary research on medical staffs from mainland China.There are some correlations among job satisfaction,job burnout and turnover intention.

Key word:job satisfaction;job burnout;turnover intention

Chapter 1:Introduction and literature review

Medical workers are always engaged in heavy works and under high pressure.Therefore,it is helpful for providing a basis for reduction to job burnout and turnover intention and taking relevant measures for intervention in the future to make relevant analyses and researches on medical workers,and find out relevant factors influencing job burnout,job satisfaction and turnover intention of medical workers.

Hypothesis: Each dimension of job satisfaction ,job burnout and turnover intention are related.

Chapter 2:Methodology


A total number of 138 participants are medical staff working in Hainan Medical College Hospital in mainland china.


We adopt MBI-HSS.The overall Cronbachs a coefficient is 0.853,which is more than 0.70.We adopt Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire.MSQ20 items of Cronbachs a coefficient 0.85.We adopt Turnover Intention Questionnaire.Cronbachs a coefficient of 0.6775.

As it shows,Turnover intention is associated with Job burnout,and Job satisfaction.Specifically,Turnover intention is positively related to the Job burnout(r=.461) and negatively related to the consistency between Job satisfaction (r=-.344).Hypothesis is supported.

Chapter 4:Discussion and Conclusion

According to the result of this research,job satisfaction is in negative correlation with job burnout.As a result,they also got the highest scores in job burnout.Correspondingly,medical workers are naturally unsatisfied with their work when they have inimical or tired emotions toward their daily work.Both internal job satisfaction closely correlated with the work and external job satisfaction free from direct correlation with the work are reduced by their job burnout.As a result,the best state of working will be reached,so the sense of personal accomplishment is very high.Under such circumstance,job satisfaction will be enhanced accordingly.The work is in a stable stage.They are relatively satisfied with their salary.They have richer and richer work experiences.In return,they will win the respect from their colleagues and family members of their patients.Their interpersonal relationship is comparatively harmonious.Moreover,they also have good opportunities for promotion.On the contrary,the degree of satisfaction with their work will decrease for medical workers when the sense of personal accomplishment is relatively low.Job satisfaction is in significant negative correlation with turnover intention.If medial workers are relatively satisfied with their salary,promotion opportunity,working stability,job content,interpersonal relationship and leader management,they will depend on their organizations.Due to employment pressure,they are unwilling to seek for a new opportunity.Therefore,their turnover intention is comparatively low.They may get an idea to change another job.To sum up,hypothesis is valid.


There are some correlations among job satisfaction,job burnout and turnover intention.Job burnout and job satisfaction predict turnover intention.


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