Have you ever experienced a time when everything else in your life seem far away, while you are dedicated to get one thing, only one thing done?
As a freshman in high school, I decided to try something new. Thus, I joined the school marching band. This summer, all 130 members of our marching band program went on a sleepaway camp for 5 solid days, solely to rehearse without distractions from the outside world.
The camp campus is in the woods. In the center was a giant lawn about the size of an American football field. There was nothing else besides some cabins and the dining hall. Right after we got off the buses, rehearsal was held. That was basically telling us: You are here for rehearsal, not for vacation.
For 11 hours per day, we rehearsed both in sectionals and as a group. In 5 short days, we color guard learned drills on the field, dancing steps; as well as spinning, tossing, and catching flags and rifles. Frankly, I was not a dancer. I had never imagined dancing in front of a hundred people while spinning a flag (or rifle), until that week. It still sounds incredible to me.
5 days of band rehearsal, away from the internet; away from your family; away from luxury; away from school works; away from anything and everything that distract you in your everyday life. All you need to worry about is marching band practices. Suddenly, life becomes simple and primitive.