

中国园林 2019年2期







中国的棕地再生领域研究仍处在起步阶段,发展前景广阔。正如国际风景园林师联合会新上任的詹姆斯·海特(James Hayter)主席在他为本期特别供稿的文章最后所说:“与其将城市棕地视为遗留下来、被抛弃和不受欢迎的地方,不如说它们反而是风景园林领域中令我们的城市更加人性化和更具有绿化价值的瑰宝。”

In 2009, when I started my doctoral research in the field of brownfield regeneration,whether it was to communicate with experts in the landscape architecture profession, or to consult with relevant government officials and environmental engineering experts, the first feedback was often "what is brownfield?" In the past 10 years, not only has the concept of "brownfield" been gradually recognized and accepted in China, but the government,industry and related professions have been pushing forward research and practice rapidly in the field of brownfield remediation and reuse. This development is due to the urgency brought about by China's soil pollution problem, and on the other hand, it is also responding to the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the demand for a better living environment of the people as the economic level rises.

The theme of the "World Soil Day" China event in 2018 is "Soil Pollution Prevention and Control". The first National Soil Remediation Conference was held in Nanjing at the same time. I had the honor to be invited as the only speaker of the planning and design field to participate and give a speech in the forum on "Urban and Rural Spatial Planning,Green Finance and Rehabilitation Technology Innovation". The forum speakers came from various fields and industries, including government investment and construction units, science and technology park management committees, private environmental remediation enterprises, World Bank commissioners, senior state environmental remediation enterprises, and university big data laboratories. The complexity and long-term nature of brownfield regeneration requires an increasingly cross-disciplinary, cross-field and crossindustry collaboration. Ten years ago, when I wanted to ask senior soil remediation experts about how to promote interdisciplinary cooperation, I got the answer "we don't need cooperation." In last year's forum, in the final round-table discussion, an environmental remediation company's executive called for innovation in institutional mechanisms to enable professionals in the planning and design field to participate in the brownfield regeneration and decision-making process at an early stage. As a witness to the development of brownfield regeneration, I have mixed feelings of both excitement and concern when hearing the voice from the environmental engineering sector. With the efforts of the entire landscape society, the value and contribution of landscape architecture in the field of brownfield regeneration is gradually being recognized, but are we ready to take on this challenge?

Thirty years ago, the International Conference on Manufactured Sites organized by Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) introduced Duisburg-Nord Landscape Park in Germany to North America for the first time. For the first time, representatives of oil companies were invited to GSD for academic exchanges. For the first time, brownfield was the core issue of an academic conference on landscape architecture. Since then,brownfields have been the targets of many important landscape projects, including the Olympic Parks in Sydney and London. Due to its complexity and large scale, brownfield has become one of the hot topics of landscape urbanism that emerged in the late 1990s,despite the controversy of this theory in the academic circle. The transformation of the Fresh Kills Landfill in the United States is even listed as "the representative of mature landscape urbanism works". In terms of project types, foreign brownfield regeneration practices include not only common industrial vacant land, mining wasteland and landfills, but also military land, abandoned airports, and even cemeteries. Because the regulations and standards are relatively sound, and the responsibilities of various project members and requirements of professional conducts are specified, the role of landscape architects in the project is relatively clear. The project team is normally composed of multi-disciplinary professionals.The investigation and remediation of pollution are carried out by the dedicated environmental engineering team. Landscape architects need to synthesize all aspects of information to work for the final spatial design, and often play a leading role in the team.

The situation in China is quite different. On January 1, 2019, the Soil Pollution Prevention Law is finally in place, but the relevant technical standards and guidelines are still being revised or formulated. The composition of the brownfield regeneration project team may vary widely, and the role of the designer in it may be determined by many subjective and random factors. The design team that has the opportunity to participate in might also feel powerless because they have never been exposed to such projects.

In the field of brownfield regeneration, the challenges faced by Chinese landscape architects are more arduous and their responsibilities are even more important. We may be able to better cope with this challenge in two ways (the five thematic articles in this issue are also organized in this way): on the one hand, focusing on the professional core knowledge of landscape architecture, including the latest developments and trends in academic research, and the future research direction, and the practice of professional fields, such as the exploration of regeneration strategies for landfill site, abandoned industrial land and hospital renovation; on the other hand, it is necessary to pay more attention to possible extension areas, such as how the new soil pollution control legislation may affect the urban and rural green space system and what opportunities it may bring, and how to more effectively transform relatively independent sites from the regional level to produce synergies to contribute to a wider range of open spaces and ecosystems.

China's brownfield regeneration research is still in its infancy and has broad prospects for development. As the newly appointed IFLA President James Hayter said at the end of his special article for this issue, "rather than thinking of urban brownfields as left over,abandoned and unloved places, they are instead the jewels in our profession's role to humanise and green our cities."

