(河北省张家口市蔚县暖泉镇中心学校,河北 张家口 075700)
结合刚学习的一般过去时,我请学生对我的周末生活自由发问,顺势复习了五个“W”(即what,where,how,when,who等引导的过去时问句),学生除了会用特殊疑问来提问,还用了“Did you…? Were you…?”等,大脑中迅速激活了过去时的图式及疑问词的用法。学生一边发问,我一边贴出相关的特殊疑问词,要求学生概括出主要内容,初步形成语篇。
T: I didn’t teach you English last Friday.I had a busy and tired weekend.Do you want to know something? You can ask me,please.
S1:Where did you go last weekend?
T: I went to Foshan.
S2: What’s Foshan like? What did you do there?
T: Great! I studied English there.And Foshan is nice and clean.It is a city like Dongguan.But there are many motorcycles on the roads there.
S3: How did you go there?
S4: How long did you stay there?
T: May Day holiday is coming.Where am I going? Do you have any ideas?
S1: You can go to Hong Kong.Because it’s near.There is a train station here.You can go by train.
S2: Are you going to Beijing? Because you can eat good food in Beijing.Peking duck is very tasty!
S3: I think you are going to Hangzhou.You are going to row a boat.
T: May Day holiday is short.I can’t go out for a long time.I think I am going to Hong Kong.I am going to visit the Ocean Park there.
接下来引入新课:I have a friend,Mike.Where is he going on his holiday? Is he going to Hong Kong,too?播放录音,感知整个语篇,进一步激活一般将来时的图式。在回答的过程中,不少学生说漏了be动词或是漏了to。我利用图片及语言解释stone forest和folk dances让学生扫清阅读障碍。
T:Look at the picture.Is there a forest in it? No,there are many stones there.That’s why we call it “Stone Forest”.Look at the people,they wear folk clothes.They are dancing.We call it “folk dances”.
我板书where,what,who,when,how让学生回答课文五个问题。这一环节可以充分利用四人小组的合作,重点训练如何去问。一个同学问,另外几个同学回答。问题大概如下:Where is Mike going on his holiday?What is he going to do there? Who is he going with? When is he going?How is he going? 学生进一步熟悉文本,填写Mike’s Trip Plan.接下来跟录音细读,模仿磁带中的声音,有利于学生形成良好的语音语调。然后结对朗读,角色扮演,培养合作能力,利用同伴压力激发学习热情,充分理解,捕捉文本的关键信息。
接下来,我乘胜追击,请学生在组内展示事先收集好的地方图片或明信片,激发同伴之间交流的欲望。交流结束,学生简单规划自己的旅游计划。学生以表格内容为提纲完成书面表达“My May Day Plan”.通过原有话题简述基础上的分析、拓展、总结,学生在动手写作之前已有足够的信息源,90%的学生都能顺利写出质量较高的短文。一些基础薄弱的学生原本放弃书面表达,现在借助表格,也能用只言片语表述自己的想法了。