

中国园林 2019年1期


风景园林的科学研究与实践应用好比一棵大树,研究是地下的根系,应用是地上的主干枝叶,根深蒂固、根系发达是参天大树、枝繁叶茂的前提,应用的 “繁荣昌盛”离不开研究的 “深耕细作”。风景园林的科学研究,既需要科学家的严谨精密,也需要艺术家的激情畅想,还需要工程师随机应变的奇思妙想;选题上前瞻性的时间思维、研究上同时关注众多因素的体系化空间思维、过程中非闭合发散性的创造性思维,在遵循风景园林研究特殊性的同时,还要与普世的科研思维逻辑语言对接,风景园林学科才有可能立于世界科学之林。

目前风景园林的6个二级学科,其理论、方法、技术的问题均值得研究。其特征是 “慢工细活”“大器晚成”,解决任何风景园林问题,都需要漫长的过程,没有 “众里寻他千百度”的努力和痴迷,难得 “蓦然回首……”的惊喜。某一领域分支研究,从理论形成、方法确定、技术实现到应用普及,往往需要至少30年的积累。而要形成体系、流派,则需要百年以上的积累。例如,始于20世纪60年代的景观视觉分析(landscape visual analysis),至今虽已成体系,而有待破解的难题大约还需花上40年。相比之下,那些三年五载一蹴而就的风景园林 “新概念”“新主义”“新理论”,不过是当今物质浮躁时代操之过急的学术畸形儿,充其量不过是 “根据现有理论而做的一道应用题”,所谓创新只是 “重复”“拷贝”而已。


科研群体系统协同解决复杂问题已成大势所趋。未来风景园林科学研究更加需要群体的智慧,那种文人式的 “单打独斗”“一杯茶、几本书、几十篇参考文献”的研究方式已经落伍。面对未来的挑战,风景园林科学研究尤其需要群体、跨界、跨国合作,其中,我们每位个体不过是 “沧海一粟”。面对未来风景园林科学研究的长河,个体生命精力是有限的,而群体才有可能延续、无限。集个体之力,成群体之势,摆正两者名利关系,明确 “尊重前人”“承前启后”的定位,放大格局,才有可能在未来风景园林科研领域这片广阔的天地有所建树。


Since the elevation as the first-level discipline in 2011, the number of NSFC projects of landscape architecture has increased rapidly, and the number of key projects has broken through zero. After 60 years of slow accumulation, the third 30-year big development period(2010-2040) of landscape architecture research of the New China has already begun to emerge. The theme articles of this issue conveys this kind of New Year's spring time.

The scientific research and practical application of landscape architecture is like a big tree. The research is the root system in the underground while the application is the main branches and leaves on the ground. The deep roots are the premise of the towering trees and the flourishing foliage. The "prosperity" of application cannot do without the"deep cultivation" of research. The scientific research of landscape architecture requires the rigorous precision of scientists, the passionate imagination of artists, and the whimsy of engineers. The landscape architecture discipline will not be part of the world of sciences without the forward-looking thinking of time in topic selection, the systematic spatial thinking of many factors in research, the non-closed divergent creative thinking in process, while following the particularity of landscape architecture research and also docking the universal scientific thinking logic.

At present, the six secondary disciplines of landscape architecture all contain theories,methods, and technical issues worthy of study. It is characterized by "slow work yields fine products" and "great minds mature slowly". It is found that solving any landscape architecture problem requires a long process. Without the timeless and endless efforts and obsession of truth-seeking, it is rare to have surprise of success. The branch research in a certain field, from theoretical formation, method determination, technology realization,to application popularization, often requires at least 30 years of accumulation. To form a system and a genre, it takes more than a hundred years of accumulation. For example,landscape visual analysis, which began in the 1960s, has been systemized so far, and the problems to be solved are estimated to take another 40 years. In contrast, the "new concepts", "new ideas" and "new theories" of landscape architecture that have been completed within several years are just too hurried and academically deformed in today's material impetuous era. At best, they are "doing an application question based on existing theories", and the so-called innovation is just "repetition" and "copying".

Everyone who is interested in landscape architecture research needs a long-term plan of at least 30 years: in the first 10 years of starting, making clear the research field and main direction, including 2.5 years of Master study, 3-5 years of doctoral study, and 2-3 years of NSFC projects or independent research projects, and the expected result is to enter the frontier of the field; in the second 10-year development period, presiding and completing 2-3 national-level research projects, and formed a stable team of echelons, deep research in this field, and cultivating successors, and the expected result is an important breakthrough innovation; in the third 10 years of maturity, presiding and completing national key and major scientific research projects, taking the overall leading place or being unique in this field.Coupled with the impact such as the general background environment, group relations, and unforeseen factors, 30 years to realize the planning is fortunate, 40 years is normal, and the key is to persist and continue.

It is a general trend for scientific research groups to work together to solve complex problems. In the future, landscape architecture research needs the group wisdom. The literary style of "single fight", "a cup of tea, a few books, and dozens of references" has been outdated. Facing the challenges of the future, landscape architecture research especially needs group, transboundary and cross-border cooperation. Among them, our individual is just "a drop in the ocean". In the face of the future of landscape architecture research, the individual's life and energy is limited, while the group is likely to continue and be infinite. Collecting the power of individuals, forming the potential of the group, correcting the fame and fortune relationship of the two, clarifying the positioning of "respecting the predecessors" and "serving as the link between the past and the future", and eyeing the larger pattern, it is possible to make achievements in the vast field of landscape architecture research in the future.

At the beginning of the New Year of 2019, facing the great development trend of Chinese landscape architecture research, the heavy responsibility falls on everyone's shoulders, and especially on the younger generation. I wish more seniors to care for the growth of young people, and look forward to the blossoming and fruitful achievements of the Chinese landscape architecture research community.

