

疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年8期



Step 2 实践·文本解读


I.1.Roy and Daniel.


3.Daniel felt shy and lonely.Because he moved to a new school and lost all his old friends.

4.Roy's father was knocked over by a car.He died a few days later.

5.Daniel found Roy might be stealing in the cloakroom.

6.The money raised for the charity was stolen.

7.Roy might steal the money because Daniel found$500 paper notes in Roy's jacket.

Ⅱ.1.①kind and helpful ②uninterested③contrast(对比)

2.①outgoing;humorous;talkative;clever;hardworking②silent;moody;uninterested in study③contrast

3.People would end up being friends with him and some of his friends chose to leave him.However,Daniel still stayed with Roy.

4.Daniel didn't talk to Roy when he first suspected Roy of the theft.For one thing,he was not sure about the theft. For another, he didn't want to believe that Roy did it.Daniel decided to talk to Roy when he suspected Roy of the theft again because he wanted to prevent Roy from stealing more money and having worse consequences.(The change of Daniel's decisions is another example of contrast.)

5.Daniel's mouth fell open and just looked at Roy and Roy went bright red.

6.Daniel felt surprised and shocked. Roy felt embarrassed and ashamed.

7.No,“mouth fell open”and“went bright red”are more descriptive adn vivid,which can show the characters'facial expressions.

Step 3 运用·读写整合


Upon seeing the paper notes in my hands,Roy's face turned pale.He lowered his head and avoided eye contact with me.At that moment,I knew Roy did it!

I went ahead and hugged Roy firmly, “Roy,I am so sorry to leave you facing all the difficulties alone.Friends should get through the difficulties in life together.In truth,the$500 was raised for you.”


Emotionally,I will keep him or her company and communicate with him or her.Besides,I will involve him or her in various activities so as to encourage him or her to develop new interests.

Financially,I will raise money for him or her and encourage him or her to do part-time jobs as well as apply for scholarship and student loan.

Step 4 提升·素养建构

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Helping others is helping yourself.

One good turn deserves another.

When faced with difficulty,one should face it bravely.

God helps those who help themselves.

When in trouble, learn to seek help from others,such as friends,teachers and some social organizations.


Reading Check

1.August 11,1973. 2.Keith Wiggins.3.In the late 1970s. 4.Kurtis Blow.5.The New York City Blackout of 1977.Language Study

1.traced 2.regarded 3.way 4.along 5.access


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.

Language Study

1.referred 2.heart 3.on/upon

6.associated 7.for


Reading Check

1.B 2.D 3.D

Language Study

1.of 2.expand 3.sign 4.for 5.keep


Reading Check

1.A 2.C

Language Study 2.for 3.of 5.voice


Reading Check

1.Japan. 2.1994. 3.Commerce and fashion.4.Any answer is possible.

Language Study

It remains to be seen whether




Recently,a heated discussio n about “What attitude should we take towards hip hop?”was held in our class.Opinions are divided into two groups.

One group think it's a good idea to introduce hip hop to our life and study.Firstly,not only do some hip-hop works offer us joy and excitement,but also encourage us to face the challenge bravely. Secondly, hip hop can give us the courage to defeat our shyness and timidity,opening ourselves up more. Finally, hip hop contributes to cultivating our sense of beauty and awakening our artistic feeling.

Others think differently.They think what hip hop reflects tend to be negative and some rappers perform in a bad manner.Worse still,the performance is likely to promote a culture of violence.In their eyes, hip hop should be banned on campus.

Every coin has two sides.In my opinion,we students should inherit excellent culture and abandon inferior culture.It's wise that we learn to love and appreciate excellent hip-hop works which nourish us instead of hurting us.


Reading Check

1.hikers 2.water 3.manly 4.overestimate

Language Study

It's misleading that


Reading Check

1.numbers 2.puzzle 3.friends

Language Study

It is not surprising that



I.1.A 2.B 3.C

Ⅱ.1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.

Language Study

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B


Reading Check

1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B

Language Study

1.accustomed 3.on/upon 5.likely 6.account 7.regardless 8.relevant


Reading Check

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.D

Language Study

1.count 2.through 3.of 4.from 5.lost 6.killed


Reading Check

1.To deliver food on demand across campus.

2.By using a delivery code.

3.Because the machines were flooded by too many dinner orders.

4.They provide campus officials with valuable data which could lead to changes.

Language Study

With a growing number of students using


Reading Check

On the one hand, many stray cats were adopted and taken care of by people in the village of Houtong. Therefore, they were saved by the residents.On the other hand,stray cats brought prosperity to Houtong,which was once a sleepy village.So the village was saved by cats.

Language Study

1.trouble 3.fall 5.into 6.provide 7.plead


Reading Check

I.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A

Ⅱ.1.A company called Oceanix.

2.To reclaim shrunken coastlines.

3.Because the floating hexagons can be massproduced in factories and pulled to destination bays.

4.Its integrated vision.

5.In calm bays.

Language Study

1.called 2.To reclaim 3.made 4.(should)be built


Reading Check

1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D

Language Study


Dear Martin,

With the cashless payment surging in our country,it also generates a backlash among us.Opinions are divided into two groups.

The first group are open to cashless payment.They hold that cashless payment follows the lead of the majority of customers who are abandoning cash payments, which caters to customers with heightened expectations for fast and convenient service. Besides, cashless payment helps to reduce the cost of handling cash and prevent stores from being robbed.Also, it makes transactions more convenient and efficient.

The other group,however,are distant toward cashless payment. In their opinion, cashless payment discriminates against people who either lack bank accounts or rely on cash for many transactions,which may add to the trouble for senior citizens or low-income classes. Consequently,the volume of cash transactions may fall.

Measures should be taken to better include low-income people in the banking system.As for the government,regulations should be made to compel banks to offer no-fee starter accounts.As for senior citizens or low-income classes,they should adapt to the new form of transaction.And as for the bank,they should open branches in underserved areas.Only when joint efforts are made, can cashless payment better serve us instead of troubling us.


Li Hua


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.


Reading Check

1.A 2.D 3.C



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.



Task 1

文章介绍了Pierre Deom创办的提高人们生态意识的杂志La Hulotte。

1.A 词义推断题。此处指该杂志在许多国家拥有超过15万的用户。句中的subscribers指订阅者,即杂志的读者,与readers同义。

2.D 细节题。根据第2段中的“It upset me how the forests and swamps were beginning to be ruined.The word‘ecology'didn't really exist yet.Some friends and I wanted to call attention to the issue.”可知,森林和沼泽被破坏了,生态学并没有真正存在。一些朋友和“我”想引起大家对生态学的重视,这是创办这个杂志的目的。

3.A 推断题。根据第3段中的“Deom does all the research and writing and the illustrations of the magazine by hand. He combines science and humor in his writing and drawing to describe the daily life and sufferings of his creatures.”和最后一段中的 “What's amazing is its approach.The magazine has realistic drawings and also a little cast of cartoon creatures who comment on things and give a different view.”可知,这本杂志科学、幽默、有趣,能够吸引读者。

4.C 推断题。根据最后一段中的“So scientists,regular people and children all get something out of it.”和“‘It's extraordinary,'says Fournier,who works at the Museum of Natural History in Paris,where he says La Hulotte has a crazy following.”可知,科学家们对这本杂志评价很高,是这本杂志的疯狂追随者。

Task 2


1.D 由上一句“When I was just 10 years old,my mother left this world.”可知,妈妈离世时,作者还很小;此句讲的是“妈妈去世”对作者的影响:那时他太小,还不懂得亲情的含义,不明白失去(losing)挚爱之人会对他造成什么影响。

2.A 大部分人都爱自己的妈妈,作者也像大多数人一样爱(love)自己的妈妈。

3.C 由Just a few days before that car accident可知,此处讲的是妈妈出车祸前的事情;由上文可知,作者妈妈去世时他才十岁,所以说他那时是很年幼的(young)。

4.B 第10空后的playing in the playground提示了答案。

5.B 由第6空后的“I am coming”可知,妈妈在呼唤(called)作者回家。

6.A 由said “I am coming”like any other kid及to play with friends可知,作者没有回家,忽略了(ignored)妈妈的话。

7.C 作者没有理会妈妈,继续(continued)在操场上玩。continue to do sth意为“继续做某事”。

8.D 作者没想到妈妈会在几天后离开他,要不然就回家陪伴妈妈去了。此句话描述了作者当时对妈妈去世的惊愕。 couldn't think in my dream意为“万万没想到”。

9.D 作者年幼贪玩,在他心中,朋友和羽毛球比回去陪伴妈妈更重要(important)。

10.A 前后句为转折关系。

11.A 那件事是作者最内疚的事情,无论什么时候想起(think of)它,他都会感到内疚。

12.C 那件事令作者内疚的应是他没有多花些时间(time)陪陪妈妈。

13.B 该空前的when she needed me及第15空前的who needs you提示了答案。

14.C 由下一句中的I got a big lesson可知,经过这场变故作者改变了(changed)对生活的看法。

15.D 经过那场变故,作者对亲情将更加珍视,此处用especially表明作者对亲人的重视。

16.D 作者小时候对亲情的含义不理解,那件事之后作者明白(understand)了亲情的价值。

17.B 由句意“……因为我知道当我失去心中重要之人的时候心里有多痛”可知,much最符合语境。

18.B 由此空后的并列成分friends及those around you可知,此处指的是你极为亲近的人,且指和并列成分同属于一个范畴的人群,B项最符合语境。

19.A 作者由他妈妈的突然离世体会到了生命的无常,所以他才提醒大家要爱自己的亲人、朋友和周围的人,因为谁都无法预料下一刻会发生(happen)什么事。

Task 3


1.G 本句为过渡句。选项中的this dream与前句中的dream 构成同义复现关系; 选项中的strategies 与下句中的strategy 构成同义复现关系。

2.B 本句为过渡句。根据语境可知,该空前指出你不是唯一一个想成为嘻哈明星的人,该空后则指出这意味着你必须寻找在人群中脱颖而出的方法,必须寻找自己的优势来提高竞争力。因此,此处讲的应该是一种激烈的竞争关系或环境。

3.F 本句为主题句。文章首段指出:若想实现目标,就需要有三种东西——talent and skill,a working knowledge of music production and some experience in a recording studio,and marketing yourself。文章的第2段讲的是talent and skill,第4段讲的是marketing yourself,因此本段谈的自然应该是working knowledge。

4.D 本句为细节句。该空前出现了mentor,该空后使用了He对mentor进行照应。因此,此处答案为D。

5.C 本句为细节句。前句指出,推销你自己意味着提升你自己和你的音乐,换言之,要想提升你自己和你的音乐就要推销你自己;后句则指出,同样你也可以把你的音乐上传到网上,用你的社交网络来建立(大众的)兴趣。选项中的go viral与前句中的promoting yourself构成近义复现关系;选项中的Internet与后句中的online和social networks构成近义复现关系。

Task 4

第一节 语法填空


1.the 语境:20世纪70年代,维克多·高在中国农村长大,那时,小汽车和卡车都非常罕见,他会和其他孩子一起在土路上追逐汽车,并为这种奇怪的景象感到欣喜若狂。表示年代应用定冠词,故填the。

2.thrilled 语境参见第1题解析,thrill与主语he之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作状语,故填thrilled。

3.with 语境:如今,中国是世界上最大的汽车生产国,产量是美国的两倍多。分析句子结构可知,此处用with短语作伴随状语,故填with。

4.expected 语境:我从没想过一个普通的中国家庭会拥有一辆汽车,也没想过中国会成为一个主要的汽车生产国。此处应用一般过去时表示过去的动作,故填expected。

5.completely 语境:中国的汽车产量超过美国,这完全是我没想到的。 修饰介词短语beyond my wildest dreams用副词,故填completely。

6.decades 语境:2018年12月18日是中国开始从一个贫穷国家转变为超级经济大国的第40周年。 前有数词four修饰,故用复数形式,故填decades。

7.which 语境:参见第6题解析。关系代词指代先行词process,在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故填which。 known 语境:这个大变革的时代被广泛称为改革开放。be known as意为“被称为”。主语是第三人称单数,且为客观事实,故填is known。

9.leaving 语境:仅在过去的20年里,每个成年公民的财富翻了两番,只有不到1%的人仍处于极度贫困中。此处用现在分词短语作结果状语,表示一种自然而然的结果,故填leaving。

10.higher 语境:中国现在有600位亿万富翁,比世界上任何地方都多。根据下文中的than判断此处应用比较级形式,故填higher。

第二节 书面表达


Dear Peter,

I'm writing to tell you something about my new school life.Now,I'm in Class 16,Grade one.There're 52 students in our class,most of whom are friendly and hard-working. Mr Hu is our English teacher.He's very strict with us but his classes are so interesting that we are impressed with them.

Every afternoon we have various wonderful after-class activities.And I'm on our school football team.Next week we are going to have a match with some students from another school.I'm so eager for it!

What do you think of your new school?Are you satisfied with your new school life?I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.


范文引路 习得方法
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