
动漫星空(兴趣英语) 2019年12期

(剧 本)

第一幕场景:城镇广场 角色:磨坊主、国王、旁白者

旁白:The Miller was in the town square boasting of his daughter’s ability.磨坊主大声喊:Come on! Come all! My beautiful daughter can spin straw into gold!

旁白:All the town folk gathered and were amazed at his words, including the King.

国王:You say your daughter can spin straw into gold, eh?

磨坊主:Erm, yes, she sure can.

国王:Perfect, I’ll take her. If she fails to do so then she’ll be locked away forever.

旁白:The King walked away while the miller gripped his head in his hands.

磨坊主懊悔道:What have I done?

第二幕场景:房间内 角色:女儿、伦佩斯提金、旁白者

旁白:The daughter was crying in a corner.

女儿:Oh! Whatever shall I do? I can’t turn this straw into gold!

旁白:It was at this point that a little man walked in.

伦佩斯提金:Hello there!

女儿:Oh! You scared me! Who are you?

伦佩斯提金:I’m a friend! And I see you’re in trouble. Can I help?

女儿:Not unless you can turn straw into gold.

伦佩斯提金:Well, as it happens I can do just that.


伦佩斯提金:Yes! But not for free. Nothing comes for free in this world.

女儿:I will happily pay! Here, take my necklace.

旁白:With that the little man began spinning.

第三幕场景:房间内 角色:女儿、伦佩斯提金、旁白者

旁白:The King was overjoyed when he saw the gold. But he wanted more. The daughter was locked up again! But Rumple-Stilt-Skin came back to help her.

女儿:Oh! Thank you so much, kind little man!

伦佩斯提金:You’re welcome! What can you give me this time?

女儿:Here take my ring!

旁白:The daughter gave more gold to the King, but the King sent her back to make more. Rumple-Stilt-Skin came again.

伦佩斯提金:Do you need my help?

女儿:Yes, but I have nothing to pay you with!

伦佩斯提金:I have an idea! Why don’t you promise to give me your first child?女儿无奈地说:I don’t have any choice.

旁白:So Rumple-Stilt-Skin made the gold, and the daughter gave it to the King.This time the King was so happy that he married the daughter. Then she gave birth to a child.

第四幕场景:房间内 角色:女儿、伦佩斯提金、旁白者

旁白:Rumple-Stilt-Skin came, she begged him not to take her child.

女儿哀求道:Please don’t, I can give you anything.

伦佩斯提金:No, unless you could guess my name within three days.

旁白:She sent out messengers to ask everyone and on the third day, she knew his name. Then he came.

伦佩斯提金:I’m here to claim my child!

女儿:I already know your name.

伦佩斯提金:Oh yes? Tell me.

女儿:You’re called Rumple-Stilt-Skin!


旁白:He left unhappily for he could get nothing more from her. The King drove the Miller’s daughter and her child out of the palace, for she could no longer spin gold. She came back home with her child and lived happily with her father.

