Who Really Wins in Life?


Special Focus 2018年12期

By Wang Caiqing

On a bus to the heaven,two souls from men who died at the same time happened to meet. They found each other familiar because they were childhood playmates, but they hadn't seen each other in decades, as they pursued different lifestyles after high school.

One of them was a celebrated academic at the international Academy of Sciences; the other was a lifelong fisherman back in their hometown.

As their bus ride continued,they both recalled many events from the past. “We were only 17 when you left the village where we grew up,” the old fisherman said,“But where did you go?”

“I went to a big city to find a part-time job while looking for some bigger opportunities. I was so lucky that I was accepted into the night class program at a university. A few years later, I was in an overseas study program funded by the government.”

The fisherman sighed while nodding his head, “Oh, I got married before I turned 20.”

“After I finished my education abroad, I couldn't afford to do anything but stay there, doing some painstaking research in order to pay off my tuition debts. You know—even locals themselves hated the job!”

The fisherman glanced at him, full of pity, “I took over my father's fishing boat and started my own fishing business.”

“It's really hard to work as a scholar. Even after more than ten years of efforts, with all my hair turning grey, my research was not valued at all.”

“As a fisherman, my life was so easy and free. When I didn't go out fishing at sea, I spent my leisure hours drinking tea,chatting, and playing chess with my fellow villagers.”

“It wasn't until several years before I died when all my work eventually paid off, as it turned out to be of great value. My patent brought me great fortunes to feed several generations,” the academic paused, letting out a long-drawn sigh as he gazed at his old friend, “Now, as I think back,I realize that you are smarter than me.”

“That's enough, pal! I am smarter? How so? You achieved stunning accomplishments with a lifetime of hard work,” the fisherman replied, with a loud laugh, “But a fisherman was only a fisherman, as I was all my life—a bag of lazybones.”

“Anyway, as you were, you just enjoyed your life,” the academic said in envy, “Even though my achievement was globally recognized, with generations of wealth earned, what's the point of all that? I can live a life only once.”(From Acting on God's Wishes, Behaving against Human Nature, Haitian Press.Translation: Wang Wen)

















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